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Chapter 15 Test
Name _______________________________________________
_____1. The distribution of fossils is known as__
a. Biogeography
b. Stratumography
c. Uniformitarianism
d. Evolution
_____2. Lamarck’s explanation for the modification of species depended on
a. Inheritance of acquired characteristics
b. Convergent evolution
c. The law of superposition
d. Natural selection
_____3. The idea that processes occurring now on Earth are much the same as those that occurred long
ago is called
a. Uniformitarianism
b. Relativism
c. Evolutionism
d. Convergent evolution
_____4. The observation that organisms arise in locations where similar, extinct organisms lived is
referred to as
a. Superposition
b. Biogeography
c. Uniformitarianism
d. Evolution
_____5. The similarities in the Galapagos finches implied
a. Coevolution
b. Convergent evolution
c. Adaptive radiation
d. Descent from different remote ancestors
_____6. Difference in reproductive success is
a. An acquired trait
b. Adaptive radiation
c. Natural selection
d. Coevolution
_____7. Great similarity between species implies
a. Recent common ancestry
b. Remote common ancestry
c. Successful reproduction
d. Extinction
_____8. Features that were useful in ancestors but are no longer useful are called.
a. Analogous features
b. Vestigial features
c. Homologous features
d. Favorable traits
_____9. Similar features in different species that originated in a shared ancestor are called
a. Vestigial features
b. Analogous features
c. Homologous features
d. Unexpressed genes
_____10. A hummingbird and a humming moth have a number of superficial features in common with
each other. This is an example of
a. Divergent evolution
b. Coevolution
c. Convergent evolution
d. Superposition
_____11. What event in history came after birds arise from reptiles?
a. Mammals diversified
b. Marine invertebrates arise
c. Amphibians arise
d. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes arise
_____12. An imprint in rocks in the shape of an organism is called a
a. Cast
b. Sediment
c. Mold
d. Print
_____13. Galapagos Finches is an example of what type of evolution.
Convergent evolution
b. Adaptive radiation
c. Artificial selection
d. Coevolution
_____14. A bat evolving its beak to grow fur and be more slender to reach nectar in flowers and flowers
evolving to be more colorful and scented like fruit is an example of…
b. Convergent evolution
c. Divergent evolution
d. Artificial selection
_____15. People select desirable traits in domestic dogs and breed those traits; this is an example of.
Convergent evolution
b. Adaptive radiation
c. Artificial selection
d. Coevolution
_____16. Two species share the same common ancestor; over time they evolved to have less similar
characteristics because of the different environments they live in. This is an example of
Adaptive radiation
b. Artificial selection
c. Convergent evolution
d. Divergent evolution
_____17. A shark and a dolphin do not share the same common ancestor. They live in the same
environment and overtime they evolved to have more similar characteristics. This is an example of
Divergent evolution
b. Convergent evolution
c. Adaptive radiation
d. Coevolution
_____18. Many volcanoes created a higher carbon dioxide content in the air causing many organisms to
die. This is called.
Absolute age
b. Biogeography
c. Cast
d. Mass extinction
_____19. Different layers in the earth allow us to infer how old a fossil is. What are these layers called?
b. Sediment
c. Stratum
d. Mold
_____20. An organism that has a trait that helps them better survive is known as a(n)
Acquired trait
b. Fitness
c. Adaptive advantage
d. Natural selection
_____21. Features that two organisms have that serve the same purpose and are similar; but they have
different embryological development is known as a(n)_________trait.
b. Vestigial
c. Similar
d. Adaptive
_____22. Features that do not serve a purpose but organisms still have them are known as___traits.
b. Vestigial
c. Embryologistic
d. Conserved
_____23. Which is true about similarities of macromolecules?
DNA is not useful to look at when comparing organisms and their evolving process.
b. The more similar amino acid sequences are the less likely these organisms evolved from the
same common ancestor.
c. The amino acid sequences in human hemoglobin and gorilla hemoglobin differ by one amino
d. Darwin hypothesized that less-similar forms of organisms have a more recent common
_____24. Similar features of two organisms, like the leg of a penguin and the leg of an alligator, that
originated in a shared ancestor are described as___
b. Analogous
c. Homologous
d. Conserved
_____25. The environment will pick what organism will better survive there, this is called___
b. Natural selection
c. Environmental selection
d. Acquired trait
_____26. The example that earthquakes in Chile occurred years before Darwin and they just occurred
last week is an example of ___
Natural selection
b. Environmental selection
c. Coincidence
d. Uniformitarianism