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Aerobic Respiration
& Energy
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie11
• Mitochondria are football-shaped organelles
that are roughly the size of a bacterial cell.
• They are bound by an outer mitochondrial
membrane and an inner mitochondrial
• The space between these membranes is the
intermembrane space and the space inside the
inner membrane is the matrix space.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
• The mitochondria has it’s own genetic
information and is able to make some of its
own proteins.
• Mitochondria grow and multiply in a way that
is very similar to simple bacteria.
• Mitochondria are most likely the descendants
of bacteria that were captured by eukaryotic
cells millions of years ago. Approximately 1.5 X
109 years ago.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Outer Mitochondrial Membrane
• The outer mitochondrial membrane has small
pores through which small molecules can pass.
• The molecules that are oxidized for the
production of ATP are small enough to easily
enter the mitochondrial membrane.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Inner Mitochondrial
• The inner membrane is highly folded to create
a large surface area.
• The folded membranes are known as cristae.
• The inner membrane is almost completely
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Inner Mitochondrial
• Transport proteins bring specific food
molecules into the matrix space.
• The protein electron carriers of the electron
transport system are embedded within the
inner membrane.
• ATP synthase is embedded in the membrane.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Origin Of Mitochondria
• Mitochondria are roughly the size of bacteria.
• Mitochondria have their own genetic information
• They make their own ribosomes that are very
similar to those of bacteria.
• The DNA and ribosomes allow the mitochondria to
synthesize their own proteins.
• Mitochondria are self-replicating. They grow in
size and divide to produce new mitochondria.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Glucose Utilization
• Under anaerobic conditions, glucose is broken
down into two pyruvate molecules.
• Very little of the stored potential energy in
glucose is released from this limited
degradation of glucose.
• Under aerobic conditions the cells can use
oxygen and completely oxidize glucose to CO2
in a metabolic pathway called the citric acid
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Citric Acid Cycle
• Often referred to as the Krebs cycle in honor
of Sir Hans Krebs who elucidated the steps of
this cyclic pathway.
• Also called the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle
because several of the early intermediates in
the pathway have three carboxyl groups.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Pyruvate Conversion To
Acetyle CoA
• When pyruvate enters the mitochondria, it must
be converted to a two-carbon acetyl group.
• The acetyl group must be activated to enter into
Krebs cycle.
• It is activated when it is bonded to coenzyme A.
• Acetyle CoA is the “activated” form of the acetyl
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Pyruvate Conversion To
Acetyle CoA
• Four coenzymes from four different vitamins
are necessary for this reaction to occur.
• Thiamine pyrophosphate from thiamine
(Vitamin B1)
• FAD derived from riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
• NAD+ derived from niacin
• Coenzyme A derived from pantothenic acid
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Aerobic Respiration
• Aerobic respiration is the oxygen-requiring
breakdown of food molecules and production
of ATP.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Compartments of
• Different steps of aerobic respiration occur in
different compartments of the mitochondria.
• The enzymes for the citric acid cycle are found
in the mitochondrial matrix.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Compartments of
• Electrons from NADH and FADH2 are passed
through the electron transport system located
in the inner mitochondrial membrane.
• This transfer of electrons causes protons to be
pumped out of the mitochondrial matrix into
the intermembrane compartment (resulting in
a high energy H+ reservoir.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Compartments of
• The high energy H+ reservoir is used to make
ATP. The enzyme ATP synthase facilitates this
• The protons flow back into the mitochondrial
matrix through a pore in the ATP synthase
complex and ATP is generated.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
The Citric Acid Cycle
• The citric acid cycle is the final stage of the
breakdown of carbohydrates, fats, and amino
• The following steps will follow the acetyl
group of an acetyle CoA as it passes through
the citric acid cycle.
• Pyruvate was converted to acetyl CoA when it
entered the mitochodria, thus preparing it for
entry into Krebs cycle.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Krebs Cycle
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Reaction 1
• 4-Carbon Oxaloacetate combines with Acetyle
CoA to yield 5-carbon Citrate and Coenzyme A.
• Citrate Synthase catalyzes this reaction.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Reaction 2
• Citrate is isomerized to Isocitrate.
• Aconitase catalyzes this reaction in two steps.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Reaction 3
• Isocitrate is oxidated to α-ketoglutarate.
• CO2 is released.
• NAD+ is reduced to NADH.
• Isocitrate dehydrogenase catalyzes this
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Reaction 4
• 5-carbon α-ketoglutarate is converted to 4carbon Succinyl CoA.
• A carboxylate group is lost in the form of CO2.
• NAD+ is reduced to NADH.
• The enzyme α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
catalyzes this reaction.
• Coenzyme A assists.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Reaction 5
• Succinyl CoA is converted to Succinate.
• An inorganic phosphate is added to GDP to create
• The enzyme Succinyl CoA synthase catalyzes this
• Coenzyme A is restored.
• Dinucleotide diphosphokinase transfers a
phosphoryl group from GTP to ADP to make ATP.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Reaction 6
• Succinate is converted into Fumarate.
• FAD is reduced to FADH2.
• Succinate dehydrogenase catalyzes this
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Reaction 7
• Fumarate is converted into Malate.
• The enzyme Fumarase catalyzes this reaction.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Reaction 8
• Malate is converted back into Oxaloacetate.
• The citric acid cycle began with this product so
we have come full circle.
• NAD+ is reduced to NADH.
• Malate dehydrogenase catalyzes this reaction.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Point to Remember
• Recall that for every glucose molecule that
was degraded in glycolysis, two molecules of
pyruvate were created.
• Therefore, two turns of the TCA cycle happen
for every molecule of glucose.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Important Products From The
TCA Cycle
• Per turn of the TCA cycle
• 1 ATP
• 3 NADH
• 1 FADH2
• Per glucose molecule
• 2 ATP
• 6 NADH
• 2 FADH2
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Important Products From
The TCA Cycle
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Krebs Cycle Products
Acetyl CoA
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Succinyl CoA
Krebs Mnemonic
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Oxidative Phosphorylation
• Electrons carried by NADH can be used to
produce three ATP molecules.
• Electrons carried by FADH2 can be used to
produce two ATP molecules.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Oxidative Phosphorylation
• Electron transport systems are embedded
within the mitochondrial inner membrane.
• These electron carriers pass electrons from
one carrier in the membrane to the next.
• Protons (H+) can be pumped from the
mitochondrial matrix to the intermembrane
space at three sites in the electron transport
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
Oxidative Phosphorylation
• At each site, enough H+ are pumped into the
H+ reservoir to produce one ATP molecule.
• A multiprotein complex called ATP synthase
catalyzes the phosphorylation of ADP to
produce ATP.
• There is a channel in the ATP synthase through
which H+ pass. The energy of the flow of H+ is
harvested to make ATP.
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
ATP Yield From Aerobic
• 2 ATP / glucose from glycolysis
• 34 ATP / glucose from aerobic respiration
• 26 ATP / glucose
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie
ATP Yield From Aerobic
• Glycolysis
• Substrate level phosphorylation – 2 ATP
• 2 NADH X 2 ATP / cytoplasmic NADH – 4 ATP
• Conversion of 2 pyruvate molecules to 2 acetyl CoA
• 2 NADH X 3 ATP / NADH – 6 ATP
• Citric Acid Cycle (2 Turns)
• 2 GTP X 1 ATP / GTP – 2 ATP
• 6 NADH X 3 ATP / NADH – 18 ATP
• 2 FADH2 X 2 ATP / FADH2 – 4 ATP
• 36 ATP Total
Dr. Michael P. Gillespie