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Topic: Roman Republic
Session: 68
How did Rome’s vast network of roads
enabled the city to prosper and the
Empire to grow? How did the roads benefit
the Roman Empire?
Roman Roads: The Romans built thousands of miles of wonderful roads, to connect every
part of the empire back to Rome. The extensive road system improved travel and
increased trade. The Romans were able to send their armies out to control and expand
the empire.
Up until about a hundred years ago, people were still using these roads, as roads! In
recent years, instead of building new roads, modern engineers simply covered many of
the old Roman roads with a coat of asphalt. The Romans did a wonderful job building
In our study of ancient Rome, SWBAT evaluate how its
government changed over-time, how it impacted our
government today and how key leaders impacted the
society by completing a biography web, constructing a
time-line and by
NCSCOS: 6H, 6E, 6C&G
Vocab (Define and analyze)
Republic: a government where citizens elect representatives for
Why would this be more efficient than a direct democracy where all citizens vote and
discuss the issues?
Senate: a law making body
How is this like our government today?
Who'd you rather be? Explain your reasoning.
In what ways did the government of Ancient Rome change over time?
Julius Caeser
Working with your partner,
complete your biographical
web on Julius Caesar using
reading passage.
Drawing conclusions:
How and why did Rome’s political system change?
Include the following terms in your response;
monarchy,empire, Caesar, republic, Senate.
Homework: Read and do quiz for 10.2 and work
on study guide (4-7,11-12, 15&17).
Topic: Ancient Roman Accomplishment
B day: 10/24
A day: 10/25
Session: 67
Explain how Rome’s government changed under the rule of Julius Caesar.
Was his assassination warranted? Explain your reasoning.
Pax Romana: Roman Peace
During the Pax Romana Christianity grew, roads systems
became more advanced, and there were no major wars like
the Second Punic War. Latin, the Roman language, became
the basis of French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and
Romanians during the Pax Romana. Rome became ruled by
an empire, and improvement greatly showed in the
government provinces. While one set of laws ruled Rome, the
laws were interpreted by lawyers.
Augustan Age
Roman Empire grew through colonization
Public buildings and lighthouse were built
Trade increased
Contributions in literature, art, architecture
Roman Achievements Roman Republic: Representatives were
and Contributions
elected by the people.
Aqueducts:(How did they work? How did
they help the people of Rome? Sketch a
diagram to show how they worked.)
Roman Numerals
Latin Roots
What did the Romans do for
Roman Contribution Topic Stops
Topic: Fall of Rome
Session: 73
Explain how each of the following leaders impacted Ancient Rome.
Caesar, Augustus & Constantine
Which leader had the biggest (positive or negative) impact on Ancient Rome? Justify
your reasoning.
WB: The Roman Empire was HUGE! How might this have led to
Empire is Divide: By AD117 the Roman Empire was too large to manage. This problem was solved when the empire was
divided into the Western Empire and Eastern Empire. Each half was ruled by its own emperor.
The FALL of Rome
The Romans - Fall of the Empire (Western)
The Fall of the Empire was a gradual process. The Romans did not wake up one day to find their Empire gone!
By AD369 the Empire was beginning to crumble for the following reasons:
The Government was running out of money.
The people had to pay very high taxes - up to a third of their money.
The rich were given grants of money and land which made them richer while the poor got poorer.
There was not enough money to pay for the army.
Barbarians from Germany called vandals were conquering parts of the Empire and there were not enough soldiers to
fight back.
Although the outer edges of the Empire were well defended, there was no defence with in the Empire. This meant that
once barbarians had broken through there was nothing to stop them marching to Rome.
The Roman network of roads allowed invaders an easy route to Rome.
No one had decided on a good way to choose an Emperor,. This meant that any general could march into Rome, kill
the Emperor and make himself the next Emperor. In 73 years there were 23 Emperors and 20 of them were murdered.
Copy the web below in your notes and as you view the dvd segment, fill each circle with details pertaining to
the civilization’s achievements and daily life.
Ancient Rome
Reason for the Fall of Rome: Christianity
Christianity was a reason for the fall of
Rome because money was spent on churches as the empire converted to Christianity.
The people were not as war like as they strived to follow the ten commandments.
Christianity also challenged the hierarchy as they no longer worshipped the emperors
as gods.
You will be given a reasons for the collapse.
You confer with those who have same reason
You will create a poster modeled after the notes/format for
Label their reason on top of their poster.
Explain why it was a reason in a paragraph and then illustrate your
reason. Your paragraph MUST HAVE correct capitalization and
Topic: Fall of Rome & Review Session:
Explain how the Roman Empire was impacted by internal and
external factors which led to its demise.
Reasons for the Fall
of Rome
Identify and explain
4 reasons
Explain which reason you feel contributed (caused) the most to the Fall of Rome:
________________ contributed to the fall of Rome the most because
Ancient Rome Study Guide
1. What is a dictator? Give an example of a dictator from Ancient Rome and a modern day dictator. How are they similar?
A person who rules with absolute power. Gaddafi was a dictator in Libya and Julius Caesar was a dictator in Ancient Rome. Both men had total cont
gained power by military force.
2. Why is the United States both a democracy and a republic?
The US is a democracy because the "people" rule. The US is also a republic because we elect representatives to govern.
3. Why did the poor support Caesar? Why were his reforms politically beneficial and detrimental?
The poor supported Caesar because he improved their living conditions and made reforms to help them. This was politically beneficial because the p
then supported his efforts to become a dictator. His reforms were detrimental because the Senate feared his control and power and had him killed.
4. Why was managing the Roman Empire difficult by AD117? How was this challenge solved?
Managing the Roman Empire was difficult because it was so huge and include so many different cultures. This challenge was solved when the empir
divided in half.
5. How did Rome’s extensive road network both helped and hurt the empire?
The roads helped increase travel, mobilize the military and increased trade. They hurt the empire when the Germanic barbarians used them to invad
6. Explain the purpose and function of a Roman aqueduct and draw a diagram illustrating how it worked.
A Roman aqueduct was designed and built to bring fresh water into cities. The Romans changed their environment and used the water to sustain
themselves. (Human-Environmental Interaction)
7. What were the main differences between the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire?
Under the Roman Republic, the people had the power to elect representatives but under the Roman Empire the emperor had total control/power.
8. Differentiate between a plebian and a patrician. Which would you had rather been? Explain your reasoning.
A plebian was a working class citizen who had voting rights but could not hold office. A patrician was of the upper class and could hold office.
9. How did the Roman’s treatment of the people they conquered impact the republic?
Under the Republic, when people of other lands were conquered the Romans made them citizens and gave them voting rights. This strengthened th
10. How did Constantine’s action impact the Roman Empire?
Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. The transformed the culture from being polytheistic to monotheistic.
11. Compare/contrast our government today to the Roman Republic. Include structure and rights
Our government today is like the Roman Republic because both elect representatives, have a Senate that makes/made laws and has a system of ch
and balances.
12. Which three of the Roman accomplishments do you feel have impacted our world today the most? Justify your reasoning.
Roads, Republic, Latin Roots, Roman Numerals, Libraries, Written Laws
13. Create a flow chart or time-line that shows how Ancient Rome’s government changed from its beginning to 300 AD.
Monarchy - Republic - Dictator - Empire
14. List and explain the three most important reasons why Ancient Rome fell apart.
Public Health Issues, Invaders, Urban Decay, Political Corruption, Christianity, Unemployment, Military Spending, Inferior Technology
15. Which leader had the greatest impact on the society of Ancient Rome? Justify your reasoning.
Augustus? Constantine?
ancient rome the beginning.asf
Roman Republic powerpoint.ppt
ancient greece august.asf
fall of rome.ppt