Download Worksheet-version 2 for Exam I on Evolution

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These questions correspond pretty closely to your power point outline.
Therefore there is no key.
1. List some reasons for studying evolution.
2. What was Anaximanderʼs contribution to evolutionary ideas?
3. What are some of the contributions of Aristotle to evolutionary ideas?
4. What does the phrase “organic diversity” mean?
5. What was the working idea of how organic diversity came about before
Darwinʼs theory was proposed?
6. What contributions did Carolus von Linneaus make to science?
7. What contributions did Georges Cuvier make to science?
8. What contributions did Charles Lyell make to science?
9. What is uniformitarianism?
10. What contributions did Jean Baptiste Lamarck make to science?
11. Briefly describe the Law of Use and Disuse.
12. What does Inheritance of Acquired Characters mean?
13. What are some problems with Lamarckʼs ideas?
14. What is the difference between science and scientific creationism?
15. What is Intelligent Design?
16. What is the premise of Intelligent Design?
17. What is the problem shared by both Intelligent Design and Scientific
18. Describe Darwinʼs early years in science.
19. What was the purpose of the Voyage of the Beagle? What was
Darwinʼs specific job?
20. List and describe 6 key influences that changed Darwinʼs thinking
during his travels on the Beagle.
21. What were some specific influences Darwin acquired in the Galapagos
22. How did the Reverend Thomas Malthus influence Darwin?
23. How did Adam Smith influence Darwin?
24. How did artificial breeding of pigeons (and other animals) influence
25. Give a 5 step summary of natural selection theory (in the correct
26. For each step in question 25, give a summary and, if possible, a
source of influence.
27. Define adaptation.
28. Define fitness.
29. Why is using the phrase “survival of the fittest” inappropriate in
discussing evolutionary theory?
30. What is the difference between blending and particulate inheritances?
Which idea do we accept today?
31. Who first proposed “particulate inheritance”?
32. What were two major problems with Darwinʼs theory at the time of
33. What did Alfred Russell Wallace contribute to evolutionary theory?
34. What are some problems with the fossil record?
35. Name some examples of intermediate forms.
36. Give some examples of transitional fossil series.
37. What is the key way the fossil record supports evolutionary ideas?
38. How is the observation in question 37 important in subjecting “Natural
selection” theory to the scientific method?
39. What is the preCambrium explosion? How is this used as evidence for
Scientific Creationism? What is the scientific explanation for what
40. Define homologous structures. Give an example.
41. What is divergent evolution?
42. Define analogous structures. Give an example.
43. What is convergent evolution?
44. What is biogeography?
45. How was continental drift important to understanding plant and animal
46. What are the 4 phases in the development of evolutionary theory?
47. How is the molecular approach used to test evolution?
48. What are 3 sources of genetic variation?
49. What is the importance of EVO-DEVO? Give a brief summary.
50. Define polymorphism.
51. Give some examples of polymorphism.
52. In the modern genetic formulation of natural selection there are 3
observations. Describe each observation.
53. In the modern genetic formulation of natural selection there are 3
deductions. Describe each deduction.
54. What is Neodarwinism?
55. What is population genetics (PG)?
56. What law is the cornerstone of PG? State this law.
57. Give 4 reasons why the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium (HWE) is
58. What are 5 reasons that gene frequencies do not change from one
generation to the next?
59. Review the symbolism used in Mendelʼs genetics.
60. Give the following symbols used in PG for:
a. frequency of the dominant gene
b. frequency of the recessive gene
c. frequency of homozygous dominants
d. frequency of heterozygotes
e. frequency of homozygous recessives
f. a trait
g. a gamete
h. an allele
61. Define gene pool.
62. Write the 2 key equations for the HWE.
63. How are these two equations related mathematically?
64. Practice doing the problems given in the other worksheets.
65. In a genetic context, what is a carrier? How would a carrier be
symbolized in PG?
66. Give the definition of a (point) mutation.
67. Summarize the antievolution argument regarding mutations.
68. Summarize the counterargument to the antievolution use of mutations.
69. Do mutations cause adaptive change?
70. How are mutations one of the key components to macroevolution?
71. Define gene flow.
72. If gene flow is high between populations, the populations will be:
73. If gene flow is low between populations, the populations will be:
74. What is the problem with the outside force “chance”?
75. Define genetic drift.
76. Define sampling error. Give an example of sampling error with coins
and Mendelʼs genetics.
77. In lab, you did an exercise drawing beads out of a beaker, two at a
time, from a mother population of 400 beads. What was the point of this
lab exercise?
78. Describe how the founder effect might operate. Be sure to include
sampling error, gene flow, and genetic drift.
79. Define founder effect. Define bottleneck effect. How are they similar?
How are they different?
80. How is the bottleneck effect related to habitat destruction and species
declines caused by man?
81. What does nonrandom mating mean?
82. What is inbreeding? Why is inbreeding a problem? Under what
conditions does NS favor inbreeding?
83. What is outbreeding? What does outbreeding do to homozygosity and
84. Define sexual selection.
85. Define selection. Define fitness.
86. How are monogenic and polygenic traits differ? Give examples of each.
87. Why is environmental perfection of an organism impossible?
88. What are the units of selection?
89. When a trait comes under strong selection (either negative or positive)
what initially happens? What happens in later generations of selection?
How are mutations critical for macroevolution?
90. Examine your line graph where frequency of q is plotted against
generation under the influence of 100% negative selection. Describe this
graph. What is the interpretation of this graph?
91. Examine your line graph where frequency of q2, pq, and p2 are plotted
against generation under the influence of 100% negative selection.
Describe each line on this graph. Interpret this graph?
92. For a grasshopper what are some selection agents to consider? Why
is this important to how organisms are adapted? NS favors the best
____________________________ to deal with all selecting agents.
93. Define each of the 3 kinds of selection: Directional, Stabilizing,
Disruptive. Draw graphs representing each of the 3 types. Which of the 3
is the most common form?
94. Distinguish between kin and group selections.
95. Distinguish between micro and macroevolution.
96. How are bacteria and insects examples of evolution in action?
97. Define crypsis, aposematic (warning) coloration, and mimicry?
98. Define Batesian mimicry, give an example, and explain how the
Batesian mimicry hypothesis was tested.
99. How does Mullerian mimicry differ from Batesian mimicry? Which of
these is more adaptive to the model? Give some examples of Mullerian
100. How would an evolutionary biologist explain the evolution of the eye?
101. Natural selection takes _______________ variation produced by
mutations, genetic recombination, and sexual reproduction and makes it
102. What is an exaptation? Give an example.
103. What is coevolution. Give an example.
104. How do the energy investments in gametes differ between males and
females? What is a generic female strategy for acquiring mate(s)? What is
a generic male strategy for acquiring mate(s)? What is the handicap
105. Why donʼt peacockʼs acquire 10 ft long tails in order to impress
106. Under what conditions should a male help rear offspring?
107. Are females ever the more brightly colored sex? What would favor
108. Define kin selection. What would be an example of kin selection in
109. Define group selection, selfish behavior, and altruistic behavior. Why
is group selection so rare in nature? What is reciprocal altruism? Give an
example of animals (besides humans) that may do this.
110. Generally, an individual will attempt to ____________________ their
own _______________________________, but if they cannot mate, the
next best thing is to __________ the _________________ of competitors.
111. Be able to propose (or choose) the best explanation for the natural
selection scenarios provided in your power points.
112. Give the definition of the biological species. What are the key phrases
in this definition. What are the limitations of this definition?
113. List several reasons it is difficult to recognize a species.
114. Define and give examples of the following: Sexual dimorphism,
ecotypes, subspecies, allopatry, sympatry, and isolating mechanism.
115. Describe the allopatric model of speciation. See the outline and key
points provided in your power points.
116. What a couple key differences between the peripheral isolates model
and the allopatric model? What two views of the evolutionary process
result from these models? Briefly describe each of these two views and
how they affect interpretation of the fossil record.
117. Distinguish between prezygotic and postzygotic isolating mechanisms.
118. How is it decided by biologists if two allopatric populations What is are
different species?
119. What is ecological isolation? Give some examples.
120. What is temporal isolation? Give some examples.
121. What is behavioral isolation? Give some examples.
122. What is mechanical isolation? Give some examples.
123. What is biochemical isolation? Give some examples.
124. Describe some examples of postzygotic isolating mechanisms.
124. What is hybrid vigor? How can this be a mechanism of speciation.
(What is speciation?)
125. What is nondisjunction and how might this create new species?
126. What is sympatric speciation? List 4 possible causes.
127. Define the following terms: systematics, taxonomy, classification, and
128. What is the problem with using common names for species?
129. Distinguish between a taxon and a category.
130. List, from general to specific, 8 category terms. How is an order
different from a class? Which person is responsible for creating this
131. What is the binomial system of nomenclature? Write the correct rules
for writing a species name. What is the first word of the name called?
What is the second word of the name called?
132. What are 3 benefits of the Linnaean system?
133. What do you know about these 4 species names you have never
seen before? (Do not look them up-that is not the point here!) Chen rossii,
Branta Canadensis, Branta bernicla, Branta hutchinsoni. What is wrong
with the way these names are written?
134. Define the following terms: phylogeny, phylogenetic, natural
classification, and artificial classification. Which kind of classification do
evolutionary biologists try to achieve?
135. Distinguish among monophyletic, paraphyletic, and polyphyletic
classifications. Draw dendrograms showing each one.
136. What are some characteristics of the cladistic school of classification?
137. How are convergent and divergent evolutions a problem for any
school of classification? Support each with an example.
138. What is a cladogram? What do the points where lines meet
138. Distinguish between an ancestral and derived character with
definitions and examples. What numerical designation is given to these
two characters? What reference point is used to decide between ancestral
and derived states?
139. Practice doing the assigned cladograms from Lab Exercise 3!
140. Write out the hypothesis for the cladogram below.
141. List the 3 Domains of life. Give some examples of each domain.