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Download Biology Shaping Evolutionary Theory (15.3 Outline) AS YOU READ
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Biology Shaping Evolutionary Theory (15.3 Outline) AS YOU READ, RESPOND TO THE FOLLOWING: Vocabulary: Define in your own words: Genetic driftfounder effectbottleneckgradualismRespond to the prompts below: Explain what the Hardy-Weinberg principle is and the five major violations of the principle. What are the three main ways in which natural selection alters phenotypes? Also, explain how sexual selection can be considered a type of natural selection. Compare and contrast the two major types of speciation: allopatric speciation and sympatric speciation. ABOUT THE READING: After reading about this topic I learned that… From the reading, write about what disturbs, interests, confuses, or enlightens you. Pick 1. Write one question you have about the shaping of evolutionary theory: Assigned work: Create a concept map that describes the different patterns of evolution. Include the terms: adaptive radiation, coevolution, convergent evolution, punctuated equilibrium, divergent evolution, and gradualism. Worth 12 points. Additional Notes: