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Macroevolution Study Guide
 Review and memorize the vocabulary – allopatric speciation, sympatric speciation,
geographic isolation, endosymbiosis, homologous structures, analogous structures,
 Be able to interpret maps and graphs
 Review endosymbiosis and the evidence supporting it
 What metabolic and functional differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes make
bacteria more “primitive”
 Review and know the principles behind Darwin’s theory of evolution and natural
 Be able to read phylogenetic trees
 Review liposomes – what they are and what they “proved”
 Review the differences between RNA and DNA and why various ones have been
prominent in evolutionary history
 Review the different ways that species are isolated and kept separate
 Review the causes of coevolution and analogous structures
 Review the causes and effects of mass extinctions
 Be able to pick the best cladogram given a table of characteristics