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Honors Biology Chapter 14 Guided Reading Assignment Name _________________________ 1. Define the following terms: a. Speciation b. Macroevolution c. Taxonomy d. Biological species concept e. Morphological species concept f. Ecological species concept g. Phylogenetic species concept 2. What is the difference between microevolution and macroevolution? 3. Why are there four types of species identification? Why do we need more than just the biological species concept? 4. What are the five different forms of Prezygotic barriers? Briefly explain each. 5. What are the three types of postzygotic bariers? Briefly explain each. 6. As separated populations adapt to different environments, changes in their gene pools may coincidentally lead to the evolution of what? 7. How do new species arise within the same geographic area as the parent species? 8. Compare and contrast allopatric and sympatric speciation. 9. Define adaptive radiation and give an example. Page 1 of 2 10. Why would allopatric speciation be less common on an island close to a mainland than on a more isolated island of the same size? 11. Compare and contrast gradualism and punctuated equilibrium. 12. How does the punctuated equilibrium model account for the relative rarity of transitional fossils linking newer species to older ones? 13. Explain why the concept of exaptation does not imply that a structure evolves in anticipation of some future environmental change. 14. How is the evolution of the horse (Equus) from the Hyracotherium (pictured to the right) an illustration that evolution is not goal directed? 15. A general trend in the evolution of mammals was toward larger brain size relative to body size. Use the species selection model to explain how such a trend could occur. Page 2 of 2