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Biology Unit 4.1: Mechanisms of Biological Evolution
My learning target: I can analyze and evaluate how natural selection produces change in populations, not individuals;
can analyze and evaluate how the elements of natural selection, including inherited variation, the potential of a population to
produce more offspring than can survive, and a finite supply of environmental resources, result in differential reproductive
success (7C); I can analyze and evaluate the relationship of natural selection to adaptation and to the development of diversity
in and among species; and I can analyze and evaluate the effects of other evolutionary mechanisms, including genetic drift, gene
flow, mutation, and recombination
My Look-Fors
I can define natural selection (7C)
I can explain what is meant by “survival of the fittest” (7C)
I can describe how genetic traits can affect the survival of a population (7C)
I can interpret a population graph to determine if a population is suited for
an environment (7C)
I can explain how environmental resources can affect the survival of a
I can analyze a scenario to determine how natural selection has affected the
population rather than an individual(7C)
I can analyze an population’s traits to determine how the trait affects the
reproductive success of the population(7E)
I can evaluate a group of similar organisms and use my knowledge of natural
selection to determine environmental factors that may have affected their
I can determine the result of directional selection, stabilizing selection and
disruptive selection (7C)
I can associate a graph to each of the selective pressures (directional
selection, stabilizing selection and disruptive selection) (7C)
I can decipher between a genetic trait and an acquired trait (7C)
I can explain how the number of offspring produced can affect the survival of
a population(7D)
I understand that resistance to insecticides and pesticides is a genetic trait
that is passed to offspring (7D)
I can analyze a population graph to determine the effectiveness of an
insecticide/pesticide (7D)
I can describe the effect that geographic isolation has on a gene pool (7E)
I can describe how adaptations such as mimicry and pesticide resistance can
affect a population (7E)
I can analyze how a specific adaptation may affect a population (7E)
I can explain how speciation occurs (7E)
I can evaluate a scenario and determine if speciation could occur (7E)
I can evaluate scenarios to determine situations that allow for highest rate of
natural selection AND lowest rate of natural selection (7E)
I can determine how beneficial or non-beneficial traits will affect frequencies
in a gene pool (7E)
I can explain genetic drift(7F)
I can describe how the Founder Effect influences the gene pool of a
I can identify traits that would be present in a population because of the
Founder Effect(7F)
I need to
work on
I am
unsure or
about this
I already
I can evaluate a scenario involving genetic drift and explain how it affects
genetic variation(7F)
I can explain what occurs during gene flow (7F)
I can describe the effect that gene flow has on genetic variation (7F)
I can evaluate population size and reproductive method in a population and
determine how they may affect gene frequency (7F)
PreAP only: I can use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to determine the allele
frequency in a population
PreAP only: Given a word problem, I can use the Hardy-Weinberg equation
to compare allele frequency in different populations
populations, species, evolution, natural selection, change, favorable traits, variation, adaptations,
directional selection, disruptive selection, stabilizing selection, natural selection, genetic variation,
survive, limited resources, competition, over-population, carrying capacity, genetic drift, gene flow,
mutation, recombination, differential reproductive success, diversity, gene pool, subspecies, geographic
isolation, Founder Effect, gene frequency, mimicry, speciation, genetic kinship, selective pressure,
random mating