* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Updated 6/14/2012 Essential Learning Outcomes – Biology (Tri A & B) Ecology 1. I can identify factors that affect the size of populations. 2. I can tell the difference between abiotic and biotic factors. 3. I can identify relationships (examples: predator/prey, symbiosis, and competition) that affect living things. 4. I can describe how water, nitrogen, and carbon cycle within an ecosystem. 5. I can draw a food chain/web and identify the trophic levels (examples: producers, herbivores, and consumers). 6. I can describe how energy is transferred through the food web. 7. I can identify an environmental issue and evaluate its impact on the ecosystem (examples: invasive species, climate change, and habitat loss). 8. I can discuss factors (natural resources/human activities) that affect Earth’s climate. 9. I can analyze how change in the ecosystem can affect the number and type of organisms in an area (example: succession) Cells 1. I can explain the three main parts to the cell theory. 2. I can describe the functions of cell organelles. 3. I can relate a cell’s structure to its function. 4. I can distinguish between prokaryotic (bacterial) and eukaryotic (plant/animal) cells. 5. I can distinguish differences between plant and animal cells. 6. I can label a diagram of the cell membrane. 7. I can explain how materials are moved across the cell membrane (examples: diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and active transport). 8. I can identify the reactants and products in both photosynthesis and cellular respiration and how the cell uses each of these processes for energy. 9. I can explain the purpose and phases of mitosis. Classic Genetics 1. I can identify that multicellular organisms have a set number of chromosomes (humans have 46 chromosomes – 22 autosome pairs and 1 pair of sex chromosomes). 2. I can summarize the events of meiosis and explain how meiosis passes on genetic information from parents to offspring. 3. I can interpret why traits are expressed (dominant/recessive alleles, codominant traits, incomplete dominance, sex‐linked traits, multiple alleles, and polygenetic traits). 4. I can establish and analyze a family pedigree. 5. I can use Punnett squares to determine the chances of characteristics in future generations for both monohybrid and dihybrid crosses. Updated 6/14/2012 Modern Genetics 1. I know that the characteristics of all living organisms are carried in nucleic acids (DNA). 2. I know the structure and function and DNA and RNA. 3. I can explain the differences between genes, DNA, and chromosomes. 4. I can explain how DNA undergoes replication. 5. I can show how transcription and translation are part of protein synthesis. 6. I can identify the types and causes of mutations and their role in genetic variation. 7. I can understand that genetic testing can be used to predict genetic diseases. Evolution 1. I can define the term species. 2. I can understand that the term biological evolution describes how species change over time. 3. I can describe speciation. 4. I can explain how the fossil record, homologous structures, embryological development, and biochemical similarities are pieces of evidence for the theory of evolution. 5. I can identify how adaptations relate to success in an ecosystem. 6. I can use the principles of natural selection to explain how organisms evolve. 7. I can explain how mutations and recombination of genes lead to genetic differences (variation). 8. I can explain how a limited supply of resources can affect the size of a population. Human Body Systems 1. I can explain how organ systems work together to maintain homeostasis. 2. I can describe the function of the following systems: nervous, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, excretory, immune, muscle, and skeletal. 3. I can describe the basic physiology and anatomy of the nervous system as well as sense organs. 4. I can recognize basic anatomical structures through dissection. Nature of Science & Biochemistry 1. I can identify characteristics of a living organism. 2. I can design an experiment, conduct research, and analyze data using the scientific method. 3. I can make a slide and use a compound microscope. 4. I recognize that science and technology are influenced by cultural backgrounds and a code of ethics. 5. I can identify the role of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids in an organism. 6. I can describe how enzymes are used as a biological catalyst.