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Name ____________________________________________________
Unit 3: Nuclear Chemistry
Date ________________________________
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Alpha particles and beta particles differ in
(1) mass, only
(2) charge, only
(3) both mass and charge
(4) neither mass nor charge
2. Which of the following particles has the greatest mass?
(1) an alpha particle
(2) a beta particle
(3) a proton
(4) an electron
3. Which nuclear emission is negatively charged?
(1) an alpha particle
(2) a beta particle
(3) a neutron
(4) an positron
4. Which nuclear emission has the greatest mass and the least penetrating power?
(1) an alpha particle
(2) a beta particle
(3) a neutron
(4) gamma rays
5. Which equation represents a spontaneous transmutation?
6. Which equation is an example of artificial transmutation?
7. Atoms of I-131 spontaneously decay when the
(1) stable nuclei emit alpha particles
(2) stable nuclei emit beta particles
(3) unstable nuclei emit alpha particles
(4) unstable nuclei emit beta particles
8. Alpha particles are emitted during the radioactive decay of
(1) carbon-14
(2) neon-19
(3) calcium-37
(4) plutonium-239
9. A mixture of emanations from radioactive atoms is passed through electrically
charged plates, as shown in the diagram below.
The nuclear emanations 1, 2, and 3 are called, respectively,
(1) alpha, beta, gamma
(2) beta, gamma, alpha
(3) gamma, alpha, beta
(4) gamma, beta, alpha
10. Which reaction is matched correctly with the particle represented by letter X?
11. Given the reaction:
When the equation is correctly balanced, the nucleus represented by X is
12. As a sample of the radioactive isotope I-131 decays, its half-life
(1) decreases
(2) increases
(3) remains the same
13. Which radioisotope undergoes beta decay and has a half-life of less than 1 minute?
(1) Fr-220
(2) K-42
(3) N-16
(4) P-32
14. Compared to the half-life and decay mode of the nuclide 90Sr, the nuclide 226Ra has
(1) a longer half-life and the same decay mode
(2) a longer half-life and a different decay mode
(3) a shorter half-life and the same decay mode
(4) a shorter half-life and a different decay mode
15. What fraction of a sample of Sr-90 would remain unchanged after 58.2 years?
(1) 1/2
(2) 1/4
(3) 1/8
(4) 1/16
16. A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 2.5 years. Which fraction of the original mass
remains unchanged after 10 years?
(1) 1/2
(2) 1/4
(3) 1/8
(4) 1/16
17. The amount of energy released from a nuclear reaction is much greater than a
chemical reaction because
(1) mass is converted into energy
(2) energy is converted into mass
(3) ionic bonds are broken
(4) covalent bonds are broken
18. Which reaction releases the greatest amount of energy per mole of reactant?
(1) decomposition
(2) esterification
(3) fermentation
(4) fission
19. What occurs in both fusion and fission reactions?
(1) small amounts of energy are converted into large amounts of matter
(2) small amounts of matter are converted into large amounts of energy
(3) heavy nuclei are split into lighter nuclei
(4) light nuclei are combined into heavier nuclei
20. Given the nuclear reaction:
This equation can best be described as
(1) fission
(2) fusion
(3) natural decay
(4) endothermic
21. A radioisotope is called a tracer when it is used to
(1) kill bacteria
(2) determine the age of animal skeletal remains
(3) kill cancerous tissue
(4) determine the path of an element in an organism
22. Brain tumors can be located by using an isotope of
(1) C-14
(2) I-131
(3) Tc-99
(4) U-238
23. Which radioisotope is used to treat thyroid disorders?
(1) Co-60
(2) I-131
(3) C-14
(4) U-238
24. Radioisotopes used for medical diagnosis must have
(1) long half-lives and be quickly eliminated by the body
(2) long half-lives and be slowly eliminated by the body
(3) short half-lives and be quickly eliminated by the body
(4) short half-lives and be slowly eliminated by the body
25. Which isotope is most commonly used in the radioactive dating of the remains of
living materials?
(1) carbon-14
(2) nitrogen-16
(3) uranium-238
(4) cobalt-60
26. Which radioisotope is used in dating geological formations?
(1) I-131
(2) U-238
(3) Ca-37
(4) Fr-220
27. What is a problem commonly associated with nuclear power facilities?
(1) a small quantity of energy is produced
(2) reaction products contribute to acid rain
(3) it is impossible to control nuclear fission
(4) it is difficult to dispose of wastes