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Midterm Review
Atomic Concepts‐ Purple
Periodic Table‐ Pink
Chemical Bonding‐ Yellow
Behavior of Matter‐
h i
• Compared to the charge and mass of a proton, an electron has:
1. the same charge and a smaller mass
2. the same charge and the same mass
3. an opposite charge and a smaller mass
4. an opposite charge and the same mass
• A proton has approximately the same mass as
1. a neutron
2. an alpha particle
3. a beta particle
4. an electron
• You can only have out a: Periodic Table and a Calculator
• The team that answers the most questions correctly will receive bonus points
correctly will receive bonus points
• NO Notes or Working with other groups!
• When alpha particles are used to bombard gold foil, most of the alpha particles pass through undeflected. This result indicates that most of the volume of a gold atom consists of ____.
1 deuterons
2. neutrons
3. protons
4. unoccupied space
• When electrons in an atom in an excited state fall to lower energy levels, energy is
1. absorbed, only
2 released, only
3. neither released nor absorbed
4. both released and absorbed
• A neutron has approximately the same mass as a
1. an alpha particle
2 a beta particle
i l
3. an electron
4. a proton
• Which symbols represent atoms that are isotopes?
1. C‐14 and N‐14
2 O‐16 and O‐18
O 6 dO 8
3. I‐131 and I‐131
4. Rn‐222 and Ra‐222
• Which element's ionic radius is smaller than its atomic radius?
1. neon
2 nitrogen
3. sodium
4. sulfur
• Which atom contains exactly 15 protons?
1. P‐32
2. S‐32
3. O‐15
4. N‐15
• An ion with 5 protons, 6 neutrons, and a charge of 3+ has an atomic number of
1. 5
2 6
3. 8
4. 11
• What is the mass number of an atom which contains 28 protons, 28 electrons, and 34 neutrons?
1 28
2. 56
3. 62
4. 90
• Which three groups of the Periodic Table contain the most elements classified as metalloids (semimetals)?
1 1, 2, and 13
1 2 and 13
2. 2, 13, and 14
3. 14, 15, and 16
4. 16, 17, and 18
• Which element has the highest first ionization energy?
1. sodium
2 aluminum
l i
3. calcium
4. phosphorus
• Which compound forms a colored aqueous solution?
1. CaCl2
2 CrCll3
3. NaOH
4. KBr
• When a metal atom combines with a nonmetal atom, the nonmetal atom will
1. lose electrons and decrease in size
2 lose electrons and increase in size
i i
3. gain electrons and decrease in size
4. gain electrons and increase in size
• According to Reference Table S, which of the following elements has the smallest atomic radius?
1 nickel
2. cobalt
3. calcium
4. potassium
• Which element in Group 15 has the strongest metallic character?
1. Bi
2. As
3. P
4. N
• Which halogens are gases at STP?
1. chlorine and fluorine
2. chlorine and bromine
3. iodine and fluorine
4. iodine and bromine
• When combining with nonmetallic atoms, metallic atoms generally will
1. lose electrons and form negative ions
2 lose electrons and form positive ions
ii i
3. gain electrons and from negative ions
4. gain electrons and form positive ions
• Which set of elements contains a metalloid?
1. K, Mn, As, Ar
2. Li, Mg, Ca, Kr
3. Ba, Ag, Sn, Xe
4. Fr, F, O, Rn
• Atoms of elements in a group on the Periodic Table have similar chemical properties. This similarity is most closely related to the atoms‘
1 number of principal energy levels
number of principal energy levels
2. number of valence electrons
3. atomic numbers
4. atomic masses
• As atoms of elements in Group 16 are considered in order from top to bottom, the electronegativity of each successive element
1 decreases
2. increases
3. remains the same
• The first ionization energy of an element is 736 kJ per mole of atoms. An atom of this element in the ground state has a total of how many valence electrons?
many valence electrons?
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
• An atom of which of the following elements has the greatest ability to attract electrons?
1. silicon
2 sulfur
3. nitrogen
4. chlorine
• At STP, which substance is the best conductor of electricity?
1. nitrogen
2. neon
3. sulfur
4. silver
• Which metal is obtained commercially by the electrolysis of salt?
1. Zn
2. K
3. Fe
4. Ag
• Which element can be found in nature in the free (uncombined) state?
1. Ca
2. Ba
3. Au
4. Al
• Which formula represents a molecular substance?
1. CaO
2 CO
3. Li2O
4. Al2O3
• Which sequence of Group 18 elements demonstrates a gradual decrease in the strength of the Van der Waals forces? All the choices are elements in the liquid state
choices are elements in the liquid state.
1. Ar, Kr, Ne, Xe
2. Kr, Xe, Ar, Ne
3. Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe
4. Xe, Kr, Ar, Ne
• Which substance is an example of a network solid?
1. nitrogen dioxide
2 sulfur dioxide
lf di id
3. carbon dioxide
4. silicon dioxide
• Which combination of atoms can form a polar covalent bond?
1. H and H
2 H and Br
3. N and N
4. Na and Br
• A strontium atom differs from a strontium ion in that the atom has a greater
1. number of electrons
2 number of protons
3. atomic number
4. mass number
• Which bond has the greatest ionic character?
1. H‐‐‐Cl
2. H‐‐‐F
3. H‐‐‐O
4. H‐‐‐N
• Which gas is monatomic at STP?
1. chlorine
2. fluorine
3. neon
4. nitrogen
• What Kelvin temperature is equal to 25°C?
1. 248 K
2. 298 K
3. 100 K
4. 200 K
• As ice cools from 273 K to 263 K, the average kinetic energy of its molecules will
1. decrease
2 increase
3. remain the same
• The phase change represented by the equation I2 (s) ‐‐‐‐> I2 (g) is called
1. sublimation
2 condensation
3. melting
4. boiling
• What is the total number of joules of heat energy absorbed by 15 grams of water when it is heated from 30°C to 40°C?
1 10
2. 63
3. 150
4. 630
• A compound differs from a mixture in that a compound always has a
1. homogeneous composition
2 maximum of two components
3. minimum of three components
4. heterogeneous composition
• Which substance cannot be decomposed into simpler substances?
1. ammonia
2 aluminum
l i
3. methane
4. methanol
• How many joules are equivalent to 35 kilojoules?
1. 0.035 joules
2 0.35 joules
03 j l
3. 3,500 joules
4. 35,000 joules
• Which statement describes a chemical property?
1. Its crystals are a metallic gray.
2 It dissolves in alcohol.
di l
i l h l
3. It forms a violet‐colored gas.
4. It reacts with hydrogen to form a gas.
• Which measurement contains three significant figures?
1. 0.08 cm
2 0.080 cm
0 080
3. 800 cm
4. 8.08 cm
• A student investigated the physical and chemical properties of a sample of unknown gas and then investigated the gas. Which statement represents a conclusion rather than an experimental observation?
1. The gas is colorless.
2 The gas is carbon dioxide.
The gas is carbon dioxide
3. When the gas is bubbled in limewater, the liquid becomes cloudy.
4. When placed in the gas, a flaming splint stops burning.
• A student determined the heat of fusion of water to be 366.9 J/g. If the accepted value is 333.3J/g, what is the student's percent error?
1 8.0%
8 0%
2. 10.0%
3. 15%
4. 30.0%
• In an experiment, a student found 18.6% by mass of water in a sample of BaCl2 * 2H2O. The accepted value is 14.8%. What was the student'ss experimental percent error?
experimental percent error?
1. 3.8 / 18.6 x 100
2. 3.8 / 14. 8 x 100
3. 14.8 / 18.6 x 100
4. 18.6 / 14.8 x 100
• What is the sum of
6.6412 g + 12.85 + 0.046 g + 3.48 g
Expressed to the correct number of significant figures?
1. 23 g
2. 23.0 g
3. 23.017 g
4. 23.02 g