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Greece retold or something new?
Geography's impact
Italy is shaped like a
boot with protective
mountains (Alps in the
north) and the Sea
(Mediterranean and
Adriatic) surrounding it
The Tiber River ran
down the middle
At this point in history
why would this be a
positive and negative?
The Founders 700-600’s BC
People from the north formed cities in the central western
section of Italy called Latium
Etruscans from the northern kingdoms established a
monarchy and tried to rule all of Italy
Greeks sailed west and settled southern Italy and the
Island of Sicily
Romulus and Remus create Rome
509 BC the monarchies are overrun by wealthy landowners
who establish a Republic
A Republic is a government run by elected officials (in this case
elected by only men)
The Republic is run by 3 different government groups
The Senate
The Magistrates
The Popular Assemblies
The Senate
Senators could control public funds
They managed foreign affairs
Acted as a court to determine guilt
At times when necessary they could propose a
dictator to the magistrates to rule for a period of
6 months
Consuls: Two men were elected to each serve
one year terms as chief executives. They ran
the government, governed the military, and
could appoint dictators. They also could veto
each other and the senate
Praetors: Helped the Consuls run military
when at war and the judiciary when at peace
Censors: Registered citizens to determine
social standing and oversaw morals in society
10 Tribunes were elected to oversee the
 They
could override the work of the Senate
 Could
 Could
act as secondary courts
deny the Consul the right to make war or peace
if the people did not approve. They were supposed to
be the voice of the people
Patricians: Wealthy landowners that
controlled most of the government
Plebeians: Poor farmers or other day laborers.
Initially not allowed to hold public office but could
In 450 BC forced the government to write down the
laws (Twelve Tables) so they could understand the
Gained the right to hold public office
Forced the government to allow one consul to
always come from Plebeian class
Began to use the law to enforce genuine equality
All males needed to serve in the army
The army was divided into legions with about
5000 legionnaires
Sometimes there were groups of non-citizens
forced into units called auxilia
Conquered people could not vote, paid taxes,
provided men as soldiers, and gave land to
Roman farmers to link civilizations