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5:58 PM
Page 13
Graphic Organizer Activity
The Roman World
The Roman Republic
Study the outline below. Then complete the graphic organizer by researching Section 1,
“Founding the Roman Republic,” in your textbook.
I. The Early Roman Republic
A. In place of the monarchy, the Romans established a republic.
1. A republic is
2. Only adult male citizens were
B. The Senate
1. The Senate was
2. The Senate controlled
C. Magistrates
1. The magistrates included
, and
2. The counsels
3. In the Latin language, the word veto means
4. A division of power in government is called
D. Assemblies
1. Citizens in these assemblies
2. Assemblies elected
, whose job it was to
E. The Conflict of Orders
1. In the early republic, Romans
2. Patricians were
3. Plebeians were
4. The Twelve Tables were
F. The Republic Grows
1. Every male citizen who owned land was
2. A legion was a
3. Auxilia were
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Holt World History: The Human Journey
Graphic Organizer Activities
5:58 PM
Page 14
Graphic Organizer Activity
The Roman World
The Roman Republic
Study the outline below. Then complete the graphic organizer by researching Section 1,
“Founding the Roman Republic,” in your textbook.
I. The Early Roman Republic
A. In place of the monarchy, the Romans established a republic.
1. A republic is a form of government in which voters elect officials to run the
2. Only adult male citizens were allowed to vote and take part in the government.
B. The Senate
1. The Senate was the most influential and most powerful governmental body.
2. The Senate controlled public funds and decided foreign policy.
C. Magistrates
1. The magistrates included counsels, praetors, and censors.
2. The counsels ran the government, commanded the army, and could appoint
3. In the Latin language, the word veto means “I forbid.”
4. A division of power in government is called checks and balances.
D. Assemblies
1. Citizens in these assemblies voted on laws and elected officials.
2. Assemblies elected tribunes, whose job it was to check on the actions of the
Senate in the public interest.
E. The Conflict of Orders
1. In the early republic, Romans were divided into two classes of people.
2. Patricians were powerful land owners who controlled the government.
3. Plebeians were mainly farmers and workers with few rights.
4. The Twelve Tables were written copies of the Roman laws.
F. The Republic Grows
1. Every male citizen who owned land was required to serve in the Roman army.
2. A legion was a major unit of the army consisting of from 4,500 to 6,000
3. Auxilia were units made of noncitizens.
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Holt World History: The Human Journey
Graphic Organizer Activities