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Early scientists proposed ideas about evolution.
Evolution is
A species is
There were many important naturalists in the 18th century.
Buffon: species shared ancestors rather than arising separately
E. Darwin: more-complex forms developed from less-complex forms
Theories of geologic change set the stage for Darwin’s theory.
There were three theories of geologic change.---Catastrophism---Gradualism--uniformitarianism
The theory of catastrophism states that
The theory of uniformitarianism states that
Uniformitarianism is the prevailing theory of geologic change.
Darwin observed differences among island species. Darwin’s voyage provided insight on evolution.
Galápagos tortoises that live in areas with tall plants have long necks and legs.
Galápagos finches that live in areas with hard-shelled nuts have strong beaks.
An adaptation
Species are able to adapt to their environment.
Adaptations can lead to genetic change in a population.
Darwin observed fossil and geologic evidence supporting an ancient Earth.
Darwin found fossils of extinct animals that resemble modern animals.
Darwin found fossil shells high up in the Andes mountains.
He saw land move from underwater to above sea level due to an earthquake.
Darwin extended his observations to the evolution of organisms.
Darwin noticed a lot of variation in domesticated plants and animals.
Artificial selection
Natural selection is a mechanism by which individuals that have inherited beneficial adaptations produce more
offspring on average than do other individuals.
Natural selection explains how evolution can occur.
There is a struggle for survival due to overpopulation and limited resources.
Darwin proposed that adaptations arose over many generations.
Natural selection explains how evolution can occur.
There are four main principles to the theory of natural selection.
Natural selection acts on existing variation.
Natural selection can act only on traits that already exist.
Structures take on new functions in addition to their original function.
A population is
Evidence of common ancestry among species comes from many sources.
Fossils in older layers are more primitive than those in the upper layers.
Biogeography is
The study of geography provides evidence of evolution.
island species most closely resemble nearest mainland species
populations can show variation from one island to another
Embryology provides evidence of evolution.
identical larvae, different adult body forms
--similar embryos, diverse organisms
The study of anatomy provides evidence of evolution.
Homologous structures
Homologous structures are evidence of a common ancestor.
Analogous structures
Analogous structures are not evidence of a common ancestor.
Structural patterns are clues to the history of a species.
Vestigial structures are
Ostrich wings are examples of vestigial structures.
Fossils provide a record of evolution.
Paleontology provides evidence to support evolution.
Molecular and genetic evidence support fossil and anatomical evidence.
Two closely-related organisms will have similar DNA sequences.
Pseudogenes are sequences providing evidence of evolution.
no longer function
--carried along with functional DNA
--can be clues to a common ancestor
Evolution unites all fields of biology.
Scientist from any fields contribute to the understanding of evolution.
The basic principles of evolution are used in many scientific fields.
A population shares a common gene pool.
Genetic variation in a population increases the chance that some individuals will survive.
Phenotypic variation is necessary for natural selection.
Genetic variation is stored in a population’s gene pool.
--allele combinations form when organisms have offspring
Allele frequencies measure genetic variation.
made up of all alleles in a population
measures how common allele is in population
--can be calculated for each allele in gene pool
Genetic variation comes from several sources.
can form new allele
-- can be passed on to offspring if in reproductive cells
Recombination forms new combinations of alleles.
– usually occurs during meiosis
-- parents’ alleles arranged in new ways in gametes
Hybridization is the crossing of two different species.
occurs when individuals can’t find mate of own species
--topic of current scientific research
Populations, not individuals, evolve. Natural selection acts on distributions of traits.
A normal distribution graphs as a bell-shaped curve.
highest frequency near mean value
Sketch the graph
-- frequencies decrease toward each extreme value
Traits not undergoing natural selection have a normal distribution.
Natural selection can change the distribution of a trait in one of three ways.
Microevolution is evolution within a population.
observable change in the allele frequencies
-- can result from natural selection
Natural selection can take one of three paths.
Sketch the graphs
Directional selection favors phenotypes at one extreme.
Stabilizing selection favors the intermediate phenotype.
Disruptive selection favors both extreme phenotypes.
Natural selection is not the only mechanism through which populations evolve. Gene flow is the movement
of alleles between populations.
Gene flow occurs when individuals join new populations and reproduce.
Low gene flow increases the chance that two populations will evolve into different species.
Genetic drift is a change in allele frequencies due to chance.
It is most common in small populations.
A population bottleneck can lead to genetic drift.
It occurs when an event drastically reduces population size.
The bottleneck effect is genetic drift that occurs after a bottleneck event.
The founding of a small population can lead to genetic drift.
The founder effect is genetic drift that occurs after start of new population.
Genetic drift has negative effects on a population.
less likely to have some individuals that can adapt
Sexual selection occurs when certain traits increase mating success.
males produce many sperm continuously
females are more limited in potential offspring each cycle
There are two types of sexual selection.
intrasexual selection:
intersexual selection: males display certain traits to females
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium describes populations that are not evolving.
Biologists use models to study populations.
Genotype frequencies stay the same if five conditions are met.
very large population: no genetic drift
no mutations: no new alleles added to gene pool
no natural selection: all traits aid equally in survival
--no emigration or immigration: no gene flow
--random mating: no sexual selection
Real populations rarely meet all five conditions.
Real population data is compared to a model.
--Models are used to studying how populations evolve.
The Hardy-Weinberg equation is used to predict genotype frequencies in a population.
Predicted genotype frequencies are compared with actual frequencies.
used for traits in simple dominant-recessive systems
must know frequency of recessive homozygotes
There are five factors that can lead to evolution.
Genetic drift
Gene flow
Sexual selection
Natural selection
In nature, populations evolve.
expected in all populations most of the time
--p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
-respond to changing environments
The isolation of populations can lead to speciation.
Populations become isolated when there is no gene flow.
Isolated populations adapt to their own environments.
Reproductive isolation can occur between isolated populations.
members of different populations cannot mate successfully
Speciation is
Populations can become isolated in several ways.
Behavioral barriers can cause isolation.
-includes differences in courtship or mating behaviors
Geographic barriers can cause isolation.
called behavioral isolation
-final step to becoming separate species
called geographic isolation
-physical barriers divide population
Temporal barriers can cause isolation.
called temporal isolation
-timing of reproductive periods prevents mating
Evolution occurs in patterns. Evolution through natural selection is not random.
Natural selection can have direction.
The effects of natural selection add up over time.
Convergent evolution
Divergent evolution
Species can shape each other over time.
Two or more species can evolve together through coevolution.
evolutionary paths become connected
Coevolution can occur in beneficial relationships.
Coevolution can occur in competitive relationships.
Species can become extinct.
-species evolved in response to changes in each other
Background extinctions occur continuously at a very low rate.
usually affects a few species in a small area
caused by local changes in environment
Mass extinctions are rare but much more intense.
destroy many species at global level
at least five mass extinctions in last 600 million years
Speciation often occurs in patterns.
theory proposed by Eldredge and Gould in 1972
episodes of speciation occur suddenly in geologic time
followed by long periods of little evolutionary change
revised Darwin’s idea that species arose through gradual transformations
ancestral species diversifies into many descendent species
descendent species usually adapted to wide range of environments
Specific environmental conditions are necessary in order for fossils to form.
Fossils can form in several ways.
Permineralization occurs when minerals carried by water are deposited around a hard structure.
A natural cast forms when flowing water removes all of the original tissue, leaving an impression.
Trace fossils record the activity of an organism.
Amber-preserved fossils are organisms that become trapped in tree resin that hardens after the tree is buried.
Preserved remains form when an entire organism becomes encased in material such as ice.
Specific conditions are needed for fossilization.
Radiometric dating provides an accurate way to estimate the age of fossils.
It compares the placement of fossils in layers of rock.
Scientists infer the order in which species existed.
Radiometric dating uses decay of unstable isotopes.
Isotopes are atoms of an element that differ in their number of neutrons.
A half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of the isotope to decay.
The geologic time scale divides Earth’s history based on major past events.
Index fossils can provide the relative age of a rock layer.
existed only during specific spans of time
Index fossils include fusulinids and trilobites.
The geologic time scale organizes Earth’s history.
Eras last tens to hundreds of millions of years.
consist of two or more periods
-occurred in large geographic areas
-three eras: Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic
Periods last tens of millions of years.
most commonly used units of time on time scale
-associated with rock systems
Epochs last several million years.
The origin of life on Earth remains a puzzle. Earth was very different billions of years ago.
There have been many hypotheses of Earth’s origins.
The most widely accepted hypothesis of Earth’s origins is the nebula hypothesis.
Several sets of hypotheses propose how life began on Earth.
There are two organic molecule hypotheses.
0meteorite hypothesis
There are different hypotheses of early cell structure.
Miller-Urey experiment
iron-sulfide bubbles hypothesis
-lipid membrane hypothesis
A hypothesis proposes that RNA was the first genetic material.
Ribozymes are RNA molecules that catalyze their own replication.
DNA needs enzymes to replicate itself.
Single-celled organisms existed 3.8 billion years ago. Microbes have changed the physical and chemical
composition of Earth.
The oldest known fossils are a group of marine cyanobacteria.
prokaryotic cells
-added oxygen to atmosphere
-deposited minerals
Fossil stromatolites provide evidence of early colonies of life.
Eukaryotic cells may have evolved through endosymbiosis.
Endosymbiosis is a relationship in which one organism lives within the body of another.
Mitochondria and chloroplasts may have developed through endosymbiosis.
The evolution of sexual reproduction led to increased diversity.
Sexual reproduction may have led to the evolution of multicellular life.
Multicellular life evolved in distinct phases.
Multicellular organisms first appeared during the Paleozoic era.
The era began 544 million years ago and ended 248 million years ago.
The Cambrian explosion led to a huge diversity of animal species.
Life moved onto land in the middle of the Paleozoic era
Reptiles radiated during the Mesozoic era.
The Mesozoic era is known as the Age of Reptiles.
It began 248 million years ago and ended 65 million years ago.
Dinosaurs, birds, flowering plants, and first mammals appeared.
Mammals radiated during the Cenozoic era.
The Cenozoic era began 65 million years ago and continues today.
Placental mammals and monotremes evolved and diversified.
Anatomically modern humans appeared late in the era.
Humans appeared late in Earth’s history. Humans share a common ancestor with other primates.
Primates evolved into prosimians and anthropoids.
Prosimians are the oldest living primates.
Anthropoids are humanlike primates.
They are subdivided into the New World monkeys, Old World monkeys, and hominoids.
-they are mostly small and nocturnal
Homonoids are divided into hominids, great apes, and lesser apes.
Bipedal means walking on two legs.
-carrying infants and food
Walking upright has important adaptive advantages.
There are many fossils of extinct hominids.
Most hominids are either the genus Australopithecus or Homo.
Australopithecines were a successful genus.
The Homo genus first evolved 2.4 million years ago.
Modern humans arose about 200,000 years ago.
Homo sapiens fossils date to 200,000 years ago.
Human evolution is influenced by a tool-based culture.
There is a trend toward increased brain size in hominids.
-using tools