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Name: _____________________
Learning Targets
Chapter 19,16,& 17
1. Summarize
Theories of
How Do I Feel?
I can….
A. Describe how life
has changed on
Earth over time
This MEANS I know…
1. = I know this stuff!
2.= I could use some help...
3. = Ahh! What is this?
B. Analyze how the
study of fossils have
influenced the
history of the Earth
C. Explain the patterns
of biodiversity that
Darwin observed
aboard the beagle
D. Examine the
theories of evolution
and how they were
shaped (16.2& 16.3).
Explain the different hypotheses about the early Earth and the
origins of life.
o Miller and Urey
o Microsphere
o Evolution of RNA & DNA
What does the endosymbiotic theory purpose and what
evidence supports the theory?
Explain the different types of fossils, where can you find
them, and what can fossils reveal.
Differentiate between relative dating and radiometric dating.
What are the major divisions in the geologic time scale?
Describe how environmental processes and living things have
shaped life on Earth.
What is evolution?
Describe the three patterns of biodiversity that Darwin
Create a Venn diagram comparing Lamark’s and Darwin’s
theories of evolution.
How is inherited variation used in artificial selection?
What are the four conditions under which natural selection
can occur?
Where do all living and extinct species come from?
2. Explain the Process of
Natural Selection
A) Explain how genes
make evolution
possible (17.1).
B) Describe what cause
a gene pool to
change over time
C) Identify what
patterns cause the
formation of a new
species. (17.3 &
3. Use Evidence to
Support Common
A. Identify the various
pieces of evidence
that support the
theory of evolution
Define: gene pool and allele frequency.
What indicates that evolution is occurring in a population?
Describe the 3 sources of genetic variation.
Identify and describe the 3 types of natural selection.
What is genetic drift?
What 5 conditions are necessary to maintain genetic
What are the different isolating mechanisms that drive
evolution (17.3)?
Describe two important factors in macroevolution (19.2).
Describe the current hypothesis of speciation about Darwin’s
finches (17.3).
Explain the evolutionary characteristics of coevolving
organisms (19.2).
Identify the processes that influence survival or extinction of
a species or clade (19.2).
Contrast gradualism and punctuated equilibrium (19.2).
Explain how geographic distribution of a species relates to
their evolutionary history.
Describe the 5 pieces of evidence that support evolution.