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A Quest for the Holy Land
The Crusades were a series of attempts
to gain Christian control of the Holy
Land, had a profound economic,
political, and social impact on the
societies and the religions involved.
Pope Urban II
First Crusade
Second Crusade
King Richard
IF – T3
Muslim Moors Invade Europe,
Battles of Tours & Poitier, 732
Eastern Mediterranean in 11c-12c
A long series or Wars
between Christians and
The Crusades were a
series of attempts to gain
Christian control of the
Holy Land, had a
profound economic,
political, and social
impact on the societies
and the religions
Causes of the Crusades
Muslim Turks
captured Jerusalem
from the Byzantine
Muslims stopped
Christians from
Visiting Holy Land
Christian pilgrims
were attacked
Byzantine Empire
feared attack on
In 1054, permanent split or schism
occurred between the Orthodox
Christian Church in the East and the
Roman Catholic Church in the West.
Roman Catholicism v. Eastern Orthodox
Schism(Split) – 1054 AD
Roman Catholicism
– In West
 Centered in Rome
 Priests were celibate
 Latin used in
 Supported use of
 Headed by Pope
 Becomes Roman
Catholic Church
Eastern Orthodox –
In East
Centered in
Priests could marry
Greek used in
Forbid use of icons
Headed by Patriarch
Becomes Eastern
Orthodox Church
The Call to Arms
 Pope Urban II
called for the
defeat of the
Turks, returning
the Holy Land to
the Christians
Who Answered the Call?
Feudal Lords
The First Crusade (1096-1099)
 Peasant army
 Untrained
 Lacked military equipment
 Many killed by Muslim
 Knights sent by Lords
 Succeeded in capturing
 Only Christian Victory of
the Crusades
32- 41 minutes
Second Crusade (1147-1149)
After victory many
Christians went back home.
The Turks eventually took
back much of the territory.
King of France and Emperor
of Germany sent troops to
stop the Turks.
Second Crusade (1147-1149)
 Saladin – the leader of the
Muslim Turks who defeated
the Christians and claimed the
Holy Land for Islam
 * He was considered a very
wise ruler. He was known for
his sometimes kind treatment
of fallen enemies. Many
Christians saw him as a model
of knightly chivalry.
Third Crusade (1189-1192)
King Richard – king of
England who had a
reputation as a great
military leader and
 Had meetings with
Saladin and convinced
the Turkish Muslim
leader to allow Christians
to visit the Holy Land
Crusades Continue Through
Several more crusades
attempted with no victories
for the Christians
Children’s crusade, - 30,000
soldiers - many of them
under 12 years old – Never
made it to the Holy Land
The Western Crusades
Results of the Crusades
 IF – T3
 I = Improvements – Ships, Maps, Explorers
 F = Feudalism declines because Feudal lords die or
spend too much money on military, leads to the
end of the Middle Ages, decline of Pope’s power.
 T = Turks still rule the Holy Land, increased hatred
between religions
 T = Travel – Europeans want to travel and explore
 T = Trade – Europeans want product from the East
such as sugar, cotton, silk, spices, etc.
Spanish Reconquista: 711-1492
1. What were the causes
of the Crusades?
2. What were the effects
of the Crusades?
Draw Conclusions
How did people’s attitudes change after the
Answer(s): Europeans became more intolerant
and saw Jews and Muslims as enemies; Jews and
Muslims saw the Crusaders as enemies, Religious
intolerance increased and changed the dynamics
of the major world religions.
Read and complete
questions on
worksheet titled –
The Crusades
the Clock