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Civilization / Era:
Time Period:
Political Characteristics
753 BC – 600 AD
Related Key Concepts
2.1. Development & Codification of Religious &
Cultural Traditions
2.2. The Development of States & Empires
2.3 Emergence of Transregional Networks of
Communication & Trade
Most Important Thing to Remember:
Pagan  Christian Empire
Republic / Principate
Technological Characteristics (Cultural)
Experts in engineering:
-Aqueducts (water transport)
Developments in architecture:
-Domes (building roof feature)
-Arches (building support)
Concrete – durable building material
753 BC – 507 BC – 7 Kings of Rome
(Romulus to several tyrants)
507 BC – 31 BC – Roman Republic
Representative gov’t, heavily class-based:
-Senate – elite aristocracy made decisions
-Assembly – all male citizens had a voice
-Civic offices – consul, tribune, praetors, etc.
450 BC – Twelve Tables established
(concession to plebeians, offering a
clarification of laws/policies of Rome)
Rome grants citizenship to conquered peoples
264 BC – 202 BC – Punic Wars
-Victory over Carthage nets Spain, Sicily, etc.
200 BC – 146 BC – Victory over Hellenistic
kingdoms adds Middle East & Egypt lands
59 BC – 51 BC – Caesar conquers Gaul
System of provincial governorships imposed on
outlying territories (inadequate due to 1 yr
terms, senators’ political aspirations, & greed)
88 BC – 31 BC – Roman Civil Wars
-Aspiring military dictators vie for control
(Ex: Sulla, Pompey, Caesar, Mark Antony,
Octavian) Octavian ushers in a new era….
31 BC – 330 AD – Roman Principate
Empire ruled by dictator (emperor), though
aspects of Republic maintained (Senate, etc)
Octavian (Augustus) rules for 45 years
-Reforms gov’t under his absolute authority,
though rules by example w/ morality & honor
-Provides equites (upwardly mobile middleclass) w/ civil service/admin. positions
Achievements (Cultural)
Rome’s central location in Italy
allowed for unification there, then
later of all Mediterranean region
Apennines Mtns. run north-south,
while Alps Mtns. shield the north
Land rich in resources
Rivers navigable, mountains passable
Mild climate leads to year-round
80% of empire’s 50-50 million
subjects lived rurally, though gov’t
admin. & economic wealth centered
in cities & towns
Rome = population 1 million people
Interaction with Environment
Pax Romana – (Roman peace)
Refers to the general safety/stability
granted empire’s citizens by Roman
military might
Latin language – fosters Romance
languages of Europe
Greco-Roman achievements signify
Roman studying of, imitating of, and
improving upon Greek
accomplishments of the past
Religious Characteristics (Cultural)
Economic Characteristics
Early Romans based status, wealth, &
privilege on land ownership &
independent farming
Latifundias – large estate farms
-Established by unscrupulous wealthy
prospectors, who bought/stole land from
peasants away serving in army
-Many switched from growing of grain to
more lucrative herding/olive oil/wine
-Led to huge rise in urban poor, grain
shortage, need for imports, peasant unrest
Manufacturing of glass, metalwork,
pottery often exported for luxury goods
from corners of empire
Upper & Middle-class thrives on land/sea
Belief in numina – invisible deities of nature,
hearth, food, & fertility
Belief in gods
(notable similarities to Greek gods)
Priests offered sacrifices to gods in exchange
for favor/support of Roman state
Jesus – Jew from Galilee (Israel) who defied
status quo of mainstream Judaism that endured
harsh Roman rule. Jewish authorities feared
such an upstart & turned him over to local
Roman leader Pontius Pilate, who had him
-Some frustrated w/ Roman rule & the seeming
compliance of Jewish leaders denote him as
possible Messiah (chosen one) to bring back
the good ol’ days & kick out Romans
45 AD – 58 AD – Paul of Tarsus spreads ideals
of Jesus to Jews & Gentiles of Greek-speaking
Eastern Empire
-Sect of Christianity (Christos = Greek for
cross, symbol of Jesus’ public demise) grows
slowly but surely
-Disenfranchised of empire (women, urban
poor, slaves, etc) possess spiritual hunger; are
heavily attracted to promise of Heaven,
ideals/morals professed by Jesus
Hierarchy of priests/bishops develops
Polytheistic Roman officials endorse violent
persecution & suppression of growing Christian
minorities to no avail; movement spreads
Social Characteristics
Patricians – aristocracy
Plebeians – lower classes
-Conflict of the Orders – term given the
frequent disagreement between the 2 social
Basic unit in life was family
-Several generations & slaves
-Head of household = all authority
Patrons vs. Clients – accounted for all
business, social, cultural activity
Institutionalized inequality
Roman women lacked political rights, but
exercised economic freedom & received
protection from family
Evidence of women’s influence in art, poetry,
& as advisors to their sons/husbands
Civilization / Era:
Political Characteristics (cont.)
Time Period:
753 BC – 600 AD
Related Key Concepts
2.1. Development & Codification of Religious &
Cultural Traditions
2.2. The Development of States & Empires
2.3 Emergence of Transregional Networks of
Communication & Trade
Most Important Thing to Remember:
Pagan  Christian Empire
Religious Characteristics (Cultural)
Republic / Principate
Emperors following Augustus all technically
receive affirmation of Senate, though possess
absolute authority & control of army
Later emperors would “adopt” a son, any man
of noble deeds to succeed them
212 AD – Caracalla extends citizenship to all
free adult males in empire
235 AD – 284 AD – 3rd Century Crisis
-20 emperors claim title for short periods of
time, killed by own men or ousted by rivals
-Germanic invaders attack frontier, spurring
trend of towns/cities constructing city walls
-Treasury drained to ensure loyalty of army
-Coins devalued of their precious metals
-Trade/industry hurt
284 AD – 305 AD – Diocletian saves empire
-Reforms help revive/transform Roman state
-Sets max prices for goods to curb inflation
-Froze workers & their sons into professions
for life to maintain stable, trained workforce
-Black market emerges in response, and many
lose loyalty to a gov’t interfering in their lives
306 AD – 337 AD – Constantine takes over
-Passes Edict of Milan – guaranteeing freedom
of worship to all throughout empire
(he converted & openly supported Christianity)
-Moves empire’s capital from Rome to
Byzantium, renamed Constantinople
527 AD – 565 AD – Justinian restores glory
-Reconquers lost territory in N. Africa/Italy
-Establishes Justinian Code of Laws
(reflecting 1,000 yrs of Roman laws/ethics)
395 AD – Split into Western / Eastern empires
410 AD – Rome sacked by Visigoths
476 AD – Last emperor in Rome
530 AD – Rome’s political power gone, as
empire fractures into Germanic kingdoms, and
economic & social order disintegrate into chaos
(Patriarch of Rome, eventually called Pope, still
retains role as religious authority in Rome)
306 AD – 337 AD Constantine assumes throne
-Passes Edict of Milan – guaranteeing freedom
of worship to all throughout empire
325 AD – Nicene Creed established in meeting
of Christian Church leaders
-Sets up uniform religious practices all over
-Establishes church hierarchy:
Patriarch  Bishops  Priests
392 AD – Theodosius bans all pagan
ceremonies; thus old gods no longer accepted
Social Characteristics (cont.)
All landowning males expected to provide
military service & supply shield, armor,
spear, & sword
Patricians lived in elegant hilltop villas
Urban poor crowded into smelly slums of
tenements amidst disease & fire risks
Romanization – spread of Latin language
& culture throughout empire