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© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.
Q1. Fill In the Blanks
• DNA is commonly called genetic material
• Process of synthesis of RNA by using one of the DNA strands
as template___________
• _______ are the segments of DNA, and it carries the genetic
or gene information over generations
• In DNA, _______ are the molecules attached to sugar
backbone to encode information.
© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.
• The ____________ helix DNA has the 5’ and 3’ ends, in
which the 5' end has a terminal phosphate group and 3'
end has a terminal hydroxyl group.
• DNA is stabilized by _________ bonds and base stacking
• A base linked to a sugar is called a __________
© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.
Q2. Using the diagram,answer the following questions
a. How many bases are there in this DNA structure ? _________
b. These two long strands are in the shape of a ________________ helix.
c. What type of bondings are seen in DNA double helix ?__________________
d. Name purines and Pyrimidines .
© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.
a. Which Process is shown in this diagram ?____________________________
b. DNA polymerase __________________ and synthesizes DNA.
c. How many steps are involved in this process ?________________________
d. On the lagging strand replication occurs in fragments –known as
e. The step in which Addition of bases with the help of DNA polymerase enzyme occurs is
called as __________________________________________ .
© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.
• mRNA molecules translate the information into the proteins.
This process is known as__________
• Translation starts with the charging of the _________
• Where Translation occurs ?_____________________
© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following are pyrimidines?
i. adenine and cytosine
adenine and guanine
iii. adenine and thymine
iv. cytosine and guanine
© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.
2. A nucleic acid was analyzed and found to contain 32
percent A, 18 percent G, 17 percent C, and 33 percent T.
The nucleic acid must be:
i. single-stranded RNA
ii. single-stranded DNA
iii. double-stranded RNA
iv. double-stranded DNA
© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.
3. During replication, what enzyme adds complimentary bases?
i. helicase
ii. synthesase
iii. replicase
iv. polymerase
© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.
4. In the semiconservative replication of DNA, progeny DNA
molecules consist of:
i. one-half of the molecules with two parental strands and
one-half of the molecules with two new strands
ii. all molecules with interspersed parental and new segments
iii. all molecules with one parental and one new strand
iv. all molecules with two new strands
© 2012 eTutorWorld Learning Solutions Private Limited, India, All rights reserved.