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Name: _________________________________________________________
Performance Scale A
Topic: Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers
7.NS.1 Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and
subtract rational numbers; represent addition and subtraction on a horizontal or vertical
number line diagram.
7.NS.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with
rational numbers.
4. I can:
☐ Generate real-world mathematical situations in which rational numbers must be
added and/or subtracted to solve.
Students will be able to:
☐ Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract rational numbers
1.) What is the value of the expression below:
−0.75 − (− 5 ) + 0.4 + (− 4 )
Answer: _________
☐ Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the addition and subtraction
of rational numbers
2.) Yesterday, the temperature at noon was 11.4 degrees F. By midnight, the
temperature had decreased by 15.7 degrees. What was the temperature at midnight?
Answer: _________
Students will recognize or recall specific vocabulary including:
Sum, difference, Rational Number, Irrational Number, Repeating Decimal, Terminating Decimal, Mixed
Number, Improper Fraction, Integer, Additive Inverse, Absolute Value, Negative, Positive, Property of
Addition, Commutative Property, Distance, deposit, withdrawal, transaction, payment, debt, properties,
distribute, elevation, loss, gain
Students will:
☐ Perform Fraction and Decimal Operations
3.) (4 + 3 5) − 3.6 ∗ 2.3 =
☐ Plot and Order rational numbers on a number line
6, −4.5, 0, 7, 2 2 , −2.5, 1, −1.2
☐ Show that a number and its opposite have a sum of 0 (are additive inverses) and
Describe situations in which opposite quantities combine to make 0.
5.) Explain why -3 and 3 are additive inverses.
6.) Describe a real world situation in which opposite quantities combine to make 0.
☐ Combine integers with and without the use of a vertical and/or horizontal number
7.) (- 4) + 7 = ________
8.) (-5) + (-3) = ______
10.) 9 + (-6) = ________
11.) 16 - 20 = ______
9.) 14 - (-6) = ______
12.) (-5) + 5 = ______
*Explain to a 6th grader how to add two negative numbers using complete sentences.
☐ Solve real world and mathematical multi – step problems involving rational number
13.) Scientists determine that Antarctica’s average winter temperature was -34.44
degrees C. The difference between this temperature and Antarctica’s highest
recorded temperature was 49.44 degrees. What was Antarctica’s highest recorded
Answer: ____________
☐ Interpret sums and differences of rational numbers by describing real-world
Represent this situation using an equation and annotate what each term represents.
With help, partial success at 2.0 content and 3.0 content
Even with help, no success
Performance Scale B
Topic: Topic: Multiplication and Division of Rational Numbers
7.NS.2 and 7.NS.3
I can:
☐ Generate real-world mathematical situations in which rational numbers must be
multiplied and/or divided to solve.
I can:
☐ Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide rational
1. )
+ 0.15) ÷ (−0.125)
Answer: ________________
☐ Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the multiplication and
division of rational numbers
2.) A pile of newspapers in Ms. McGrath’s art class was 174 inches high. Each
consecutive week, for the next 5 weeks, the height of the pile of newspapers
increased by 812 inches. What was the height, inches, of the pile after 3 weeks?
Answer: ________________
I can recognize or recall specific vocabulary including:
Product, Quotient, Decimal, Repeating Decimal, Terminating Decimal, Rational
Number, negative, positive, Distributive Property, Commutative Property, Undefined
I can:
☐ Multiply and Divide integers and decimals
2.3(-3.4) = ______
-5 ÷ (−0.5) = _____
☐ Multiply and Divide fractions and mixed numbers
5.) Determine the product of (− 4) ∗ (− 7)
Answer: _____________
6.) (−4 3) ÷ (−2 4)
Answer: _____________
☐ Interpret the products and quotients of rational numbers in real-world contexts
7.) Ms. Perez has 8 feet of ribbon to make NWP bows. Each bow uses 1 4 feet to
make. How many bows can she make? What does the remainder represent?
Answers: _______________________________________
☐ Apply proportions to convert a decimal into a percent
8.) Explain how to convert the decimal into a percent using mathematical vocabulary.
.0125 = _____%
☐ Convert a fraction into a decimal using long division and categorize it as
terminating or repeating
9.) Convert the fraction into a decimal using long division:
Answer: ____________
☐ Solve multi - step real-world and mathematical problems involving multiplication
and division of rational numbers
10.) Explain the steps needed to determine the value of the expression shown below.
Be sure to provide the correct value of the expression in your explanation.
2 + (− 1 )
☐ Solve multi - step real-world and mathematical problems involving all four
operations of rational numbers
11.) Last week Rachel walked 25miles per day on each of the 7 days. During the same
week, she also jogged 5 4miles per day on 4 days. What was the total number of miles
Rachel power walked and jogged last week?
Answer: _____________________
With help, partial success at 2.0 content and 3.0 content
Even with help, no success
Performance Scale A
Topic: Expressions
Standard: Apply properties of operations as strategies to add, subtract, factor, and expand linear
expressions with rational coefficients. 7.EE.1
I can:
☐ Create a real world application problem when given a simplified algebraic expression 14.5x - 35
I can:
Apply properties of operations as strategies to
❏ add linear expressions with rational coefficients.
1.) Determine the sum of (2y - 5x) + (x + y)
Answer: _____________________
❏ subtract linear expressions with rational coefficients.
2.) Determine an equivalent expression to (7x - 5) - (3x - 2)
Answer: _____________________
❏ factor and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients.
3.) Factor the expression using the GCF:
32m + 56mp
Answer: _____________________
I will recognize or recall specific vocabulary including:
expression, equivalent, combine, expand, variable, term, coefficient, constant, monomial, binomial,
trinomial, polynomial, like terms, unlike terms, factor, distributive property
I can:
☐ Translate one, two and multi-step Algebraic Expressions using keywords and phrases
4.) Translate into words: −3𝑚 + 11.5
☐ Evaluate Algebraic Expressions when given a value for the variable
5.) Evaluate the expression -3.4 + 11w - 2 when w = -3
Answer: _________________
☐ Identify the parts of an expression
6.) Annotate the expression and identify the different parts of it:
- 4m +
☐ Distinguish between like and unlike terms
7.) Explain how you can tell the difference between like and unlike terms:
☐ Apply the distributive property
8.) Distribute:
-5(4p - 11)
Answer: ____________
☐ Combine like terms
9.) Simplify:
4.8 + 2.2w - 1.4w + 2.4
Answer: ____________