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Civilization Emerges on the Indus(pg. 46)
Notes: Civilization were created near the
Indus River known as the Harappan.
Archaeologist still have not deciphered the
Indus system of writing.
Indus valley influenced and area much larger
than Mesopotamia or Egypt.
The largest cities wee Kalibangan, MohenjoDaro, and Harappa.
Unlike other ancient civilizations who created
a maze of winding streets, their city streets
were a grid system similar to today's.
They also built sophisticated plumbing and
sewer systems which would rival any sewer
systems up until the 19th century.
There city streets where as wide as 30 feet
with houses as tall as 3 stories tall as well as
have bathrooms and draining sewer systems.
In the center of each town was a Citadel for
Because of India’s
How did the
isolated geography it
Indus tribes
created a unique
interact with
language and culture not
each other?
found in other places.
The large river and rich
What form of
soil allowed them to
have large civilization
did they have?
and wealth which kept
them protected because
of the geography.
Did they have
any relations
Their grid like streets
and advanced sewers & or interactions
with other
drainage systems set the
civilizations of
ground work and floor
that time
plans for cities today.
Shows the impact
climate has on not only
happened to
religion and clothing but
also the way they design the Harrappan
their houses and cities..
Page 95-103: Assyrian & Persian
Unit Vocabulary: (pg. 127-178)
 Culture Diffusion
 City States
 Monarchy
 Oligarchy
 Democracy
 Phalanx
 Philosopher
 Hellenistic
 Republic
 Senate
 Pax Romana
 Greco-Roman culture
The Birth of Western
Today’s Objective:
 Make connections between early Greek civilizations
and today’s society by taking notes and participating
in class activity.
Essential Question:
 How did Greek civilization help impact today’s
The Legacy of Greece?
The Landscape of Greece.
The Beginnings of Greece:
 Minoans (3000 b.c.)- lived on the large Greek Island of
 Mycenaeans (2000 b.c.)- Came and settled in Greece and
began to have contact with Minoans.
The Battle of Troy:
 Dorians (1200 b.c.)- Known as the Dorian age, less
educated Greeks, lost the art of writing.
 Around 750 b.c. something started to change:
Citizens began to relate back to their ancient culture and ancestors.
Around this time appears Homer.
Who was Homer?
 What is Iliad and the Odyssey?
 Iliad: The fall of Troy (Achilles)
 Odyssey: About Odysseus journey back home.
Famous Legends and Myths:
 Zeus: The Ruler of the gods.
 Hera: The wife of Zeus.
 Athena: The guardian of cities, the god and main worship of Athens.
 Hades: The king of the underworld.
 Hercules: The half man and half god, hero.
The Birth of Democracy
 How Democracy came to be: The first successful revolt without a clear
 Athens becomes the hub of learning and arts.
 What is a Democracy:
 A government controlled by its citizens, either directly or through
 Does a Democracy need an educated people?
Athenian Education: Democracy needs educated people:
 Pericles (495-429)- Brings in the golden age of Greece. Was the
leading figure in Greece for 35 years.
Pericles convinces the Athenian citizens to sacrifice personal wealth for the wealth of the
Athens turns itself into the greatest navy on the Mediterranean and creates art and
architecture unrivaled at the time.
The Parthenon: Becomes the symbol of Athens dominance to the world.
Note Questions (123-139):
 How did their geography form Greek’s society?
 What form of society is Greece made up of?
 What was the name of the era in which Greece lost the ability
to write?
What new form of government did Athens have?
What were the two forms of entertainment Greece created?
Describe the Spartan way of life? What was their new form of
List some people and events of the Persian Wars. Who won?
What was the Peloponnesian wars? What was the effects of
the wars?
Who were the 3 great thinkers that changed Greece thinking?
Who is known as the father of western philosophy?
Today’s Objective:
 SWBAT define key events of the Persian &
Peloponnesian Wars in writing.
Essential Question:
 How did Greek civilization help impact today’s
Bell Ringer
 You have the daunting task of creating a society
which will last for centuries to come. What would
your area of importance be? Would you put an
emphasis on creating a strong tough society focusing
on military strength, or would you put your emphasis
on knowledge and education? Or would you focus on
something else? Explain why?
 Find a partner and share your answer with them..
What is this place?
The Greek Society:
 The Birth of Theatre: Greeks wrote two kinds of
plays Tragedy and Comedy.
 The Beginning of Olympic Games: Started
around 776 b.c.: Sports included racing, marathons,
wrestling, long jump, javelin, discus throw.
Partner Activity:
 Look at the information in the boxes on both pg 128
& 129: Answer the questions in b0th of the boxes..
 There are 4 questions in total
Video Activity
 What are the 3 most interesting things you learned
in the video?
The Fierce Spartans:
 Sparta creates a Military State: The whole civilization revolved around
being great warriors.
 Men were in the military until the age of 60.
 From age 7 you left home were you moved into the military barrack
until age 30.
 Became the fiercest warriors perhaps in
 Would not surrender in battle.
 Phalanx- A fighting style created by
Spartans, became the most powerful
style in the world.
Concept that people are stronger working
The Persian Wars.
 Persian King Darius the Great- (490 b.c.) brings an army of
25,000 men against 10,000 Athens.
The first time Phalanx was really used in battle.
Despite being outnumber they devastated the Persian army.
Story and sport of Marathon was created.
 Xerxes- The son of Darius the Great seeks revenge against Greece.
The Spartan King Leonides: Meets his army at Thermopylae.
 Athenian set fire to Athens and leave.
 The sea battle at Salamis.
Effects of the Persian Wars:
 The Greek city states gain a new sense of confidence (especially
 The creation of the Dalian League.
 Creates tension between Athens and Sparta.
Video Activity
 Find 5 things the video address which we have talked
about in class.
Video Activity
 Share with a partner.
Pride Leads to Destruction
 The Peloponnesian War (421 b.c.)- As Athens
grew in wealth, prestige, and power other city-states
grew uneasy.
Sparta- Greatest army.
Athens- Greatest navy.
 Who do you think is going to win?
 What is more important brains or brawn?
 Sparta gains victory: Begins the decline of Athens.
Exit Slip:
 Summary: What are 4 ways Greece impacts us
today? (Be specific)
Note Questions (142-147)
 Who was known as the father of Western
Who were the three philosophers/what did they do?
Who was the legendary king who came from
Macedonia? What did he do?
What are some impacts the Hellenistic era had on
the ancient world?
What impact did the city of Alexandria have on
Who is Archimedes?
What are effects Greece had on history?
Bell Ringer
 Name three people or battles of the Persian wars:
 Name one effect of the Persian wars:
 Who won in the Peloponnesian wars? How did they
Today’s Objective:
 SWBAT answer questions about the Hellenistic Era.
Athens Searches for Answers???
 Socrates (390)- Began to
question every aspect of daily
life. “An unexamined life is not
worth living.”
 Plato- A student of Socrates.
His most famous work the
 Aristotle- He invented a
method for arguing according
to rules of logic. The scientific
The Greatness of Alexander!!
Alexander the Great/ Hellenistic Era.
 (359 b.c.)Was son of King Phillip: King of
Was taught by Aristotle.
Alexander was only 20 years old when he became
(334 b.c.) Defeats Persia’s King Darius the 3rd
Crowned Pharaoh of Egypt
Used his learning from Aristotle to conquer all of the
known world at age 31.
Became ill with fever and died at age 32.
The Hellenistic Era:
 After the death of Alexander they divided his kingdom into 3
Antigonus -King of Greece
Ptolemy-King of Egypt
Seleucus- King of Persia
 The greatest impact of Alexander and the Hellenistic Era was
the melting of Greek culture into other empires. (Culture
 Colossus of Rhodes:
 The creation of Alexandria:
Becomes the center for learning in the Mediterranean.
Archimedes – ratio of a circle, pulley, and water pump.
Library of Alexandria
Pharos lighthouse.
In what ways did Greece effect today's society?
 Architecture?
 Folklore?
 Sports?
 Art?
 Philosophy?
 Government?
 Theatre?
 Math & Science?
 Military Strategies:
How to do Short Answers!
 Make sure you reach three requirements.
 What are the 3 requirements?
 Identify: 3 points
 Connection: 1 point
 Historical Significance: 1 point
 Make sure you list details for the identify part.
 Names of people involved, acts, policies & background.
Who, What, where, when?
 What is historical significance? SOO WHAT?
 How did it change society back then?
 How does it impact us today?
 Make sure you explain the connections between the
concept and historical significance.
Don’t just assume that I know what you are talking about.
Example: Homer
 Identify: Was a blind story teller during the Dorian
Age that told the famous Greek story of the battle of
Troy in Iliad and the Odyssey.
 Connection: His stories of ancient Greeks spread
throughout all of Greece, capturing the minds and
imagination of its citizens.
 Historical Significance: He fostered a desire in
Greeks to return back to their days of art, writing,
and learning that they had lost centuries before.
Eventually influencing several things that impact us
today like philosophy, classical art, and government.
Identify and Historical Significance
 Greeks?
 Socrates?
 Hellenistic Era?
 Spartans?
 Archimedes?
Note Questions (pg. 155-183)
 Who were the two brothers that found Rome? Which of
the brothers is considered the father of Rome.
Describe how the early Roman government was set up.
What happened during the Punic Wars? What impact did
it have?
Who was the first Roman emperor? What are the things he
What was their main form of entertainment?
What were some unique architecture that came from
In what ways did Constantine change Rome?
What lead to the fall of Rome?
List the lingering effects of Rome on today society:
Today’s Objective:
 SWBAT explain events of early Roman civilization.
Essential Question:
 How did Roman civilization help impact today’s
Map Quiz:
 Make sure you know where these places are located
on a map.
Origins of Man
The Nile
The Mighty Roman Empire!!
What is this????
The Beginnings of Rome!!
 The Myth behind the creation of Rome.
 753 b.c.- Twin brothers Romulus and Remus. Romulus
kills Remus. Rome is named after him.
 3 civilization inhabited the region.
 Latins- Original inhabitants of Rome.
 Greeks- Southern Italy
 Etruscans- Northern Italy
 Tarquin the Proud is driven from power (509 b.c.).
Reading Activity:
 Romans, never forget that government is your
medium. Be this your art: To practice men in habit
of peace, Generosity to the conquered, and firmness
against aggressors.
 Virgil, Aeneida
 What is he saying here?
 According to text what area of emphasis is most
important for a stable society?
The Beginnings of a Republic!
 Republic?
 A form of government in which power rest with a select
few citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders.
Patricians- Wealthy landowners who owned most of the power.
Plebeians- The common farmers (Majority of the citizens)
 What was the structure of Rome government?
Consuls-Two officials that one in charge of army, the other in
charge of government (1 year).
Senate- wealthy aristocracy consisting of 300 members elected by
1st patricians then later plebeians.
Dictator- In times of crisis they would elect one person to be in
charge of everything (6months).
 Rome invented the 3 branch system:
What is the 3 branch system today?
Rome Grows in Power
 (265 b.c.) Rome defeats the Etruscan to the North
and the Greeks to the south.
 Rome's lenient stance towards enemies helped build
a long lasting empire.
 Punic Wars (264-146 b.c.)- (3 different wars) A
battle for dominance of the Mediterranean.
Hannibal- (29 years old) A brilliant Military leader fights
against Rome.
His amazing and brilliant attack on Rome.
Scipio- Attacks Carthage, changes the momentum of the War.
Video Activity
 List three things you find interesting.
Exit Slip:
 Title in your notes a section called “Reading Activity”
read page 178-179 & 183.
Write at least two things for each subject below.
Roman Arts
 Learning/Literature
 Law
Bell Ringer:
 Explain the historical significance of the Punic Wars.
 List the three parts to Roman’s Government.
Home Work Activity: 188-199
 One side of reading notes must be completed.
 How many notes, historical significance, and
questions do you need?
8 notes
4 historical significance
4 questions
Julius Caesar (60 b.c.)- A
great military leader who goes on
a quest to conquer Gaul.
Rivals for power became jealous
of his victories. Pompey ordered
him to disbanded his army and
return home.
Julius Caesar chases Pompey to
Greece, Africa, and Asia before
killing him.
•Becomes Absolute ruler of Rome,
first Emperor.
•Octavian “Augustus”-
Becomes the next Emperor of
•Rome’s ablest Ruler.
•Stabilized the new empire, began
beautifying Rome.
•Lived very plainly for a Emperor.
From a Republic to a
Rome and its citizens prosper!
 Augustus brings on Pax Romana or Roman Peace.
 Between 60 to 80 million people were under Roman rule.
 He stabilized the kingdom with effective government and law.
 Pax Romana allows trade to explode.
 Had a universal coinage known as denarius. Help?
 Controlled all the Mediterranean. Help?
 Built a complex network of roads. Help?
Roman Society and Entertainment!
How to do a Paragraph.
 Paragraph and Essay boils down to this point.
 Tell them what your going to tell them (thesis)
 Tell them, tell them, tell them (body)
 Tell them what you told them.
 Is this a good paragraph?
 Greeks impacted us today through architecture, military
strategies and government. Lots of the architecture we use
today was started back then, we use architecture for
everything. Spartans came up with a military style that change
military warfare. Greeks probably had the biggest impact on
today’s society they created the foundation of our government
What a Paragraph Should Be.
 Greeks helped mold and form our society today through
improvement in architecture, military strategies and
government. Greek’s invention of columns and amphitheaters
can be seen all around us today like the White House, capital
buildings, and any schools auditorium. Military strategies like
working as a unit, (other wise known as phalanx), naval warfare,
Calvary and slash and burn can all be traced back to Greek
civilization. Last but not least Athens improved upon
government by creating a revolutionary idea of allowing citizens
to make decisions and vote, also known as democracy, this form
of government is used in nearly all countries around the world
today. Setting the blue print for sturdy and effective structures,
modern warfare and revolutionary ideas on government Greeks
helped bring in the modern era we live in today.
Today’s Objective:
 In activity demonstrate your knowledge of Unit 1.
Romans Become Christians.
 Constantine obtains power over Rome (313 a.d.).
 He announced the end to the persecution of Christians.
 The creation of the Nicaea (325 a.d.).
 The Council of Nicaea. (creates the Nicene Creed.)
 Unifies the doctrine of Christianity.
 Constantine moves Rome's capital to Constantinople
The Fall of the Mighty Empire:
 After Marcus Aurelius (161-180 a.d.) Rome get a stretch of
bad rulers.
The dividing of Rome.
 Constantinople (East and wealthiest part)
 Rome (West).
Hiring of mercenaries
The attacking of outside invasions.
 The Huns: Attila the Hun.
Turn to page 177
Answer the 3 questions at the bottom.
Bell Ringer:
 Which of the many concepts/people learned about
Rome had the biggest impact on today? Justify your
Rome and their effects on Western Society.
 Spread Greek and Roman teaching to much farther areas.
 Greco-Roman Culture- is a mixture of Greek and
Hellenistic to form Roman cultures.
Latin Language.
Roman System of Law:
Military Strategies: