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Name ________________________
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Guided reading Ch 9- ENERGY IN A CELL
1. What are examples of cell processes (things that go on within your cells) that
require energy? Be specific and name at least 3.
2. What is the name of the molecule that all living organisms use for energy?
3. During our Biochemistry unit, we learned that carbohydrates and fats stored
energy within their bonds. We also learned that breaking those bonds is what
gives us the energy we need. Start by looking at problem solving Lab 9.1 and
answer the following questions
a. Why are humans better at storing fats than carbohydrates?
b. Why is the average weight of humans close to 70 kg (154 lbs) and not 140
kg (308 lbs)?
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Name ________________________
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Date ____________
4. Below is a diagram of ATP (adenosine tri-phosphate). The adenosine is the
adenine and the ribose combined (orange molecules). The tri stands for 3 and
the phosphate stands for the yellow phosphate groups.
There is energy stored in the bonds between the phosphate groups. The bond between
the last two phosphate groups is the most unstable.
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LOOK AT THE DIAGRAMS BELOW. They are both different representations of the
same process: the formation and breakdown of ATP. Answer the following questions by
looking at the diagrams below:
a. What is the difference between ATP and ADP?
b. Does going from ATP to ADP require or release energy?
c. Does going from ADP to ATP require or release energy?
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d. If energy is required for one of those processes, where does that energy
come from?
e. Why is this process known as the ATP cycle?
f. Why is ATP so often compared to a rechargeable battery?
5. Below is a picture of a chloroplast which is the organelle in plants where
photosynthesis happens. Label the following in the chloroplast: outer
membrane, inner membrane, granum, thylakoid sacs, stroma.
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6. Type in the following link:
Pages 5-7 are questions that go along with website above
Read the introduction entitled “Illuminating Photosynthesis” and summarize it in 5
Click on the link that reads: “Go to Illuminating Photosynthesis.”
Read the introductory poem.
Click on “The Cycle” at the top of the box
A. Click on each of the following items, and explain what happens:
a. The shade over the window:
b. The container of water:
c. The child:
B. a. What gas does the child provide for the plant to use?
b. What gas does the plant provide for the child to use?
c. Will the plant continue to produce this gas if the shade over the window is
closed? (try it out to see!)
C. According to this animation, what 3 main things does the plant need for
photosynthesis to
Click on “The Atomic Shuffle” at the top of the box and click on “next”
D. What type of molecule is shown in the leaf? ___________________
E. Draw one of the molecules below, as it is shown in the leaf.
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Name ________________________
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F. According to the reading, these molecules “do not come from the tap.” What two
places do they come from?
Click on “next” and watch carefully. You may click on “replay” to watch this
G. a. What is “stripped” from each water molecule? ________
b. From where does the cell get the energy to do this? ____________________
c. The stripped molecules form pairs. Where does it go after this?
Click on “next”
H. a. What gas enters the leaf? _______________________
a. This gas enters through “holes” in the leaf. What are they called?
Click on “next”
I. What molecule is formed once again?
Click on “next”
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Period # ______
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J. Another molecule is formed (“and boy is it sweet”). Draw this molecule below as
K. What is the name of this molecule? ________________________________
Click on “Three Puzzlers” at the top of the box.
L. Answer each of the following questions, and explain in your own words.
a. Can a tree produce enough oxygen to keep a person alive? Explain.
b. Can a plant stay alive without light?
c. Can a plant survive without oxygen? Explain.
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Name ________________________
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7. What is the formula for photosynthesis?
8. What are the two phases of photosynthesis? What is the main purpose of each?
9. What is chlorophyll? What is its job in photosynthesis? What color does
chlorophyll reflect?
10. Copy the diagram of the light dependent reactions on page 227.
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Name ________________________
Period # ______
Date ____________
11. Fill in the blanks:
a. As sunlight strikes chlorophyll molecules in the photosystem 2 the energy
from the light is transferred to ________________ from chlorophyll that
are stripped and passed onto an _____________ ___________ chain, a
series of proteins embedded in the ______________ membrane of the
chloroplast. As electrons are passed from protein to protein, energy is
__________ and used to make ATP from ADP or to pump ______ ions
into the center of the thylakoid sacs. After the electrons travel down the
ETC, they are re-energized in a photosystem 1 and passed down a
second ETC. The electrons at the bottom of the second ETC are passed
onto the ______________ of the chloroplast by the electron carrier
molecule _____________. In a reaction called ______________,
Molecules of water in the first photosystem are split to replace the
electrons lost by the pigment _______________. For every water
molecule split, ½ molecule of _________ (which is released into the air),
two ____________ (which are returned to chlorophyll) and two _________
ions (which are pumped into the thylakoid) are formed. The accumulation
of hydrogen ions is known as chemiosmosis; the hydrogen ions eventually
diffuse out of the thylakoid and help ATP synthesis.
b. What is an electron transporter? What is its job?
c. What three things are made during the light dependent reactions?
d. Why are they called “light-dependent”?
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Name ________________________
Period # ______
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e. Where in the chloroplast do the light independent reactions occur?
f. Why are they called light independent?
g. What happens during the Calvin cycle? What is used up and what is
h. At the beginning of the Calvin cycle, one molecule of ___________ is
added to one molecule of RuBP to form a ______ carbon sugar. This step
is known as carbon _______________. The resulting sugar is broken
down into 2 _______ carbon sugars known as PGAL. After three rounds,
6 molecules of PGAL are made. Five of these molecules are rearranged
to make three molecules of RuBP, the starting molecule. The sixth
molecule of PGAL is available to make ________________. The ATP
made during the light dependent reactions as well as the electrons
provided by the electron carriers is used to power the Calvin Cycle.
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Name ________________________
Period # ______
Date ____________
Why are plants known as the “producers” in Earth? What two things do
they make without which you would be unable to make any ATP?
12. What is the formula for cellular respiration?
13. What are the 3 stages of cellular respiration?
14. What organelle does cellular respiration take place in?
15. Label the following on the picture of the mitochondria below: inner membrane,
outer membrane, cristae, matrix.
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Period # ______
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16. Explain how the structure of the cristae provides a functional advantage for the
process of cellular respiration.
a. Where in the cell does this step of cellular respiration occur in?
b. Glycolysis starts with the breakdown of one molecule of
________________ which has _____ carbon atoms into two
__________________ molecules, each one with ______ carbon atoms.
c. How many ATP (net gain) are made during glycolysis per molecule of
d. How many molecules of NADH are made during this step? What do these
molecules do?
e. Glycolysis is an anaerobic process which means NO _______________ is
a. Where in the cell does this step take place? BE SPECIFIC! (what part of
what organelle)
b. The pyruvic acid molecules made during glycolysis become
_______________ (each one with 2 carbons) before the Krebs cycle
begins and it immediately combines with a four ccarbon compound called
oxaloacetic acid to form citric acid, which has ______ carbon atoms. This
molecules is then reduced to a five carbon molecule and _____________
is released. Another molecule of ______________ is released, leaving a
4 carbon molecule that gets rearranged into oxaloacetic acid and then the
cycle is ready to begin again.
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Name ________________________
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c. During the citric acid cycle _______ molecules of ATP, ______ molecules
of NADH, _____ molecules of FADH2 and ____ molecules of carbon
dioxide are made.
d. The citric acid cycle is aerobic which means _____________is required.
a. Where in the cell does this step take place? Be specific!!
b. In your own words, describe what the electron transport chain is? Where
is it? What is it made out of?
c. All the NADH and FADH2 molecules made during glycolysis and the citric
acid cycle drop their electrons onto the electron carrier proteins in the
_______________ mitochondrial membrane. As the electrons go down
from protein to protein, energy is released and used to actively pump
______ ions from the __________ of the mitochondrion to the
____________________________ space of the mitochondria. The final
electron acceptor is ________________. This is done to build a H ion
concentration gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. The
concentration of H ions is greater in the _____________________ space.
The H ions then start to diffuse back into the matrix and they enter through
the _______________ and _______ is made.
d. ________ molecules of ATP are made per molecule of glucose during this
step of cellular respiration alone.
e. What is oxidative phosphorylation?
20. So, the totals amount of ATP molecules made per molecule of glucose
during cellular respiration is ____________
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Name ________________________
Period # ______
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21. Sometimes your cells will make ATP by a process called fermentation. When
this happens, fermentation (instead of the citric acid cycle) follows glycolysis. In
what kind of situation do your cells undergo fermentation?
22. Look at table 9.12 at the bottom of page 235 and answer the following questions
about lactic acid fermentation, alcohol fermentation and cellular respiration:
a. Which of the 3 processes produce carbon dioxide?
b. How much ATP is made with each process?
c. What are products that are different for each one of these reactions?
d. Complete Problem Solving Lab 9.2 on page 235.
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e. What is a consequence of lactic acid buildup in our bodies? Where does
lactic acid go after we make it? Where in our bodies do we send it to get
rid of it?
f. You have heard that when making bread, you are supposed to let the
dough RISE.
i. What does that mean?
ii. What is making the dough rise?
iii. What living thing is responsible for making bread dough rise?
iv. What is the name of the process by which all this happens?
23. Do plant cells undergo photosynthesis, cellular respiration or both?
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24. Draw a Venn diagram comparing the processes of cellular respiration and
Concepts to include
CO2 inhaled
ATP recharged
CO2 exhaled
C6H12O6 +
Oxygen inhaled
Water split
Glucose formed
6CO2 + 6H2O→
C6H12O6 + 6O2
Oxygen exhaled
Water formed
Glucose broken
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Here are some essays that are similar to the ones you will see in your exam.
We will work on this alone and together in class.
25. Explain the process of chemiosmosis IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Make sure to
include and underline all of the following terms: electron carriers, electrons,
electron transport chain, oxygen, hydrogen channels, intermembranous space,
matrix, hydrogen concentration, active transport, facilitated diffusion, ATP
synthase, ADP and phosphate.
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Name ________________________
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Date ____________
26. Tom notices that he is a lot more short of breath after he finishes a 200 meter
sprint than when he jogs for 3 miles. He is confused because he feels as if he
should feel more tired when he runs for a much longer distance. Explain to him
why it makes sense that he is indeed more short of breath after running a sprint
than jogging. Make sure to explain it using your scientific knowledge of cellular
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Name ________________________
Period # ______
Date ____________
27. A scientist isolates mitochondria form human cells and places them in an acid
solution. The acid penetrates the intermembranous space of the mitochondria.
The scientist then notices that the mitochondria start making ATP despite the fact
that he is not providing any glucose for them. How is it possible that the
mitochondria are still making ATP? (Think back to what an acid is, what it
releases when placed in a solution and why this would make the mitochondria
synthesize ATP).
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Name ________________________
Period # ______
Date ____________
28. Genetic testing reveals that baby Helen has a defective gene that results in the
defective production of one of the proteins in the electron transport chain.
Because of faulty instructions in her DNA, one of the proteins in her ETC is misshapen, and therefore it cannot perform its function as efficiently. Baby Helen is
“failing to thrive” as she is having a hard time gaining weight and reaching
developmental milestones. Using your knowledge of the ETC and its role in
making ATP, explain why you think baby Helen is having the problems described
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Name ________________________
Period # ______
Date ____________
29. During cellular respiration, energy is transferred from
a. enzymes to glucose
b. ATP to glucose
c. Glucose to ATP
d. Glucose to carbon dioxide and water
30. The main purpose of cellular respiration is
a. to release heat and light
b. to release chemical energy for cellular activities
c. to provide food for green plants
d. for breathing
31. The reactants for cellular respiration are
a. Glucose and carbon dioxide
b. Glucose and water
c. Oxygen and water
d. Oxygen and carbon dioxide
e. Oxygen and glucose
32. The products for cellular respiration are
a. Glucose, carbon dioxide and ATP
b. Oxygen, carbon dioxide and ATP
c. Water, carbon dioxide and ATP
d. Water, oxygen and ATP
33. The 3 steps of cellular respiration are
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34. A sprinter would be getting ATP from
a. The Krebs cycle
b. The electron transport chain
c. Glycolysis
d. All of the above
35. Aerobic means
a. With no oxygen
b. With oxygen
c. same as glycolysis
d. same as cytoplasm
36. This(these) step(s) occur(s) in the cytoplasm
a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs cycle
c. ETC
d. All of the above
37. The main purpose of cellular respiration is to
a. Convert ATP into chemical energy
b. Convert chemical energy in food into ATP
c. Convert light energy into ATP
d. Convert chemical energy and get rid of carbon dioxide
38. This(these) step(s) occur(s) in the mitochondria
a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs cycle
c. Lactic acid fermentation
d. All of the above
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Name ________________________
Period # ______
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39. This compound is responsible for causing muscle soreness
a. Pyruvic acid
b. Sulfuric acid
c. Lactic acid
d. Citric acid
40. The next step after glycolysis if there is no oxygen present is
a. Krebs cycle
b. Citric acid cycle
c. ETC
d. Lactic acid fermentation
41. This is the number of ATP molecules obtained from the breakdown of one
molecule of glucose during the Krebs cycle
a. 1
b. 2
c. 32
d. 36
42. This is the step during which most of the ATP is produced
a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs cycle
c. ETC
43. Who would produce more carbon dioxide, a sprinter or a marathon runner?
Make sure to explain your answer thoroughly.
44. Which metabolic pathway is common to both fermentation and cellular respiration
a. Krebs cycle
b. ETC
c. Glycolysis
d. Synthesis of acetyl coA from pyruvate
e. Reduction of pyruvate to lactate
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45. The final electron acceptor of the ETC that functions in oxidative phosphorylation
a. Oxygen
b. Water
c. NAD
d. Pyruvate
e. ADP
46. In the peresence of a metabolic poison that specifically and completely inhibits
the function of mitochondrial ATP synthase, which of the following would you
espect (explain your answer)
a. A decrease in the PH difference across the inner mitochondrial membrane
b. An increase in the PH difference across the inner mitochondrial
c. Increased synthesis of ATP
d. Proton pumping by the ETC to cease
e. Oxygen consumption to cease
47. Most carbon dioxide from the breakdown of glucose is released during
a. Glycolysis
b. The Krebs cycle
c. Lactate fermentation
d. Electron transport
e. Oxidative phosphorylation
48. The water produced during cellular respiration is made during
a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs cycle
c. ETC
d. Lactic acid fermentation
49. For each molecule of glucose processed, what are the net molecular products of:
a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs cycle
c. ETC
50. You are running away from a mugger, and your muscle cells run out of oxygen.
You need to keep running unless you want to get caught.
a. How are your muscle cells going to keep making ATP? Explain.
b. What chemical compound will build in your muscles?
c. How will it make your muscles feel?
d. How will you get rid of the compound produced in b?
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51. The ETC is
a. In the cell’s membrane
b. In the outside mitochondrial membrane
c. In the inner mitochondrial membrane
52. The light reaction of photosynthesis supply the Calvin cycle with
a. Light energy
b. Carbon dioxide and ATP
c. Water and NADPH
d. ATP and NADPH
e. Sugar and carbon dioxide
53. The light dependent reactions occur in the
a. Thylakoid membranes
b. Stroma
c. Cristae
d. Matrix
54. Explain why a poison that inhibits an enzyme of the Calvin cycle would also
inhibit the light reaction.
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