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The Muscular System
The Muscular System
 __________________ are responsible for all types of body __________________________
 _____________ basic muscle types are found in the body
 __________________ muscle
 __________________ muscle
 __________________ muscle
Characteristics of Muscles
 ________________ and ________________ muscle cells are elongated (muscle cell = muscle
 _________________ of muscles is due to the movement of _________________
 All muscles share some terminology
 Prefixes _________ and ________ refer to “muscle”
 Prefix __________ refers to “_____________”
Comparison of Skeletal, Cardiac, and Smooth Muscles
Skeletal Muscle Characteristics
Most are attached by _______________ to _____________
Cells are __________________
______________—have visible banding
______________—subject to conscious control
Skeletal Muscle Attachments
 Sites of muscle attachment
 _______________
 ___________________
 ___________________ tissue coverings
Smooth Muscle Characteristics
Lacks _________________
_______________-shaped cells
____________ nucleus
_________________—no conscious control
Found mainly in the _______ of ___________ _____________
Cardiac Muscle Characteristics
Usually has a _______________ nucleus
_________________ cells
Joined to another muscle cell at an __________________ disc
Found _______ in the ______________
Skeletal Muscle Functions
Produce _____________________
Maintain ______________
Stabilize _____________
Generate __________
Microscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
__________________—specialized plasma membrane
_____________—long ______________ inside muscle cell
___________________ _________________—specialized _________ endoplasmic reticulum
________________ are aligned to give ______________ ____________
 _ _____ = __________ band
 Contains only _______ filaments
 __ ____ = ________ band
 Contains the _________ ____________ of the _________ filaments
________________—contractile unit of a muscle ________ (cell)
Organization of the ______________
 _____________________
 _________ filaments = ___________ filaments
 _______ filaments = __________ filaments
_____________ filaments = __________ filaments
 Composed of the ____________ myosin
 Has _______ase enzymes
 ______________ filaments have __________ (extensions, or cross bridges)
 Myosin and __________ overlap somewhat
_________ filaments = _________ filaments
 Composed of the protein _______
 ____________ to the __ disc
At rest, there is a ________ zone that lacks _______ filaments called the __ zone
Sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)
 Stores and releases ____________
 Surrounds the ____________
Stimulation and Contraction of Single Skeletal Muscle Cells
 ________________ (also called responsiveness or irritability)—ability to receive and respond to a
 ________________—ability to __________ when an adequate stimulus is received
 ________________—ability of muscle cells to be _______________
 ________________—ability to ______________ and ______________ resting length after
The Nerve Stimulus and Action Potential
 __________ muscles must be stimulated by a ____________ neuron (nerve cell) to ____________
 _______ unit—one motor __________ and all the skeletal muscle cells ___________by that neuron
 ________________________ junction
 Association site of __________ terminal of the motor neuron and _________
 _____________ cleft
 ________ between _________ and __________
 ____________ and muscle do ______ make contact
 Area between __________ and _____________ is filled with _________________ fluid
Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle
 ____________________—chemical released by __________ upon arrival of nerve _____________
 The neurotransmitter for skeletal muscle is _________________________ (ACh)
 __________________ attaches to ________________ on the ____________________
 Sarcolemma becomes ______________________ to _______________ (Na+)
 ___________________ rushes into the cell generating an ______________ _________________l
 Once ____________, muscle contraction ________________ be ___________________
Transmission of Nerve Impulse to Muscle
The Sliding Filament Theory of Muscle Contraction
 ___________________ by nerve causes ____________ __________ (cross bridges) to attach to
___________ sites on the ____________ filament
 Myosin heads then bind to the ___________ site of the _______ filament and pull them
______________ the ______________ of the ____________________
 This continued action causes a _____________ of the _____________ along the ________
 The result is that the muscle is ________________ (contracted)
Contraction of Skeletal Muscle
Muscle fiber ________________ is “_____ or ________”
Within a ___________ muscle, not ______ fibers may be stimulated during the same ___________
Different ________________ of muscle fiber contractions may give ____________ responses
___________ responses—different ______________ of skeletal muscle ________________
Graded responses can be produced by _______________
 The _______________of muscle stimulation
 The ______________ of muscle cells being stimulated at one time
Energy for Muscle Contraction
 Initially, muscles use stored _______ for ____________
 ATP ________ are ____________ to release ___________
 Only __–__ seconds worth of ______ is stored by ___________
 After this ________ time, other _________________ must be utilized to produce _______
 Direct ____________________ of ADP by ______________ ____________________ (CP)
 Muscle cells store _____
 CP is a _________-___________ molecule
 _____________ ATP is ______________, ADP is _______
 _____ transfers ______________ to _______, to regenerate _______
 CP _______________ are _______________ in less than _____ seconds
 ________________ _________________________
 ___________ is __________ down to _____________ dioxide and __________, releasing
energy (ATP)
 This is a ____________ reaction that ______________ continuous ____________
 A series of metabolic pathways occur in the ___________________
 ______________ glycolysis and lactic acid formation
 Reaction that breaks down _______________ without ____________
 _______________ is broken down to ______________ _______ to produce some ______
 Pyruvic acid is ____________________ to lactic acid
 This __________________ is not as ______________, but is _______
 Huge ______________ of ______________ are needed
 _________ acid produces __________ fatigue
Energy for Muscle Contraction
Muscle Fatigue and Oxygen Deficit
 When a muscle is __________________, it is unable to ________________ even with a stimulus
 Common cause for muscle ______________ is oxygen _______
 ______________ must be “_____________” to tissue to remove ______________ deficit
 _________________ is required to get rid of __________________ lactic acid
 Increasing ____________ (from lactic acid) and lack of ________ causes the muscle to
_______________ less
Five Golden Rules of Skeletal Muscle Activity
Muscles and Body Movements
 Movement is ______________ due to a muscle moving an __________________ bone
 Muscles are ________________ to at least _____ points
 ____________
 Attachment to a _______________ bone
 ________________
 Attachment to an _______________ bone
Types of Ordinary Body Movements
 ________________
 Decreases the __________ of the joint
 Brings two bones ___________ together
 Typical of ________ joints like _____________ and ____________
 _________________
 ______________ of _______________
 Increases _______ between two bones
 _________________
 Movement of a bone around its ___________________axis
 Common in ______-and-____________ joints
 Example is when you move _______ around the ______ of ___________ (shake your head
 _________________
 Movement of a limb ___________ from the midline
 _________________
 Opposite of ________________
 Movement of a limb toward the _________________
Types of Ordinary Body Movements
 _________________________
 Combination of ______________, _____________, ______________, and _______________
 Common in ________-and-_____________ joints
Special Movements
 ____________________________________
 Lifting the foot so that the ______________ surface approaches the _________
 ____________________________________
 _______________ the foot (pointing the toes)
 ____________________________________
 Turn sole of foot ______________
 ____________________________________
 Turn sole of foot ______________
 ____________________________________
 Forearm _______________ laterally so palm faces ________________
 ____________________________________
 Forearm rotates _______________ so palm faces ________________
 ____________________________________
 Move _________ to touch the tips of other fingers on the ___________ hand