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Exam 2 Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
BIOL 101
Dr. Valenzuela
1. What is chemical energy?
A. Potential energy stored in bonds of molecules
B. Stored energy
C. Energy of motion
D. Energy generated by movement
2. What are three basic types of autotrophs? Circle all that are correct.
A. Some bacteria
B. Humans
C. Plants
D. Animals
E. Algae
3. What is an example of an autotroph?
A. Human
B. Plant
C. Animal
D. Viruses
4. What is the equation of photosynthesis?
A. Oxygen + glucose
energy + water + carbon dioxide
B. Sunlight + water+ carbon dioxide
oxygen + glucose
C. Glucose + sunlight + carbon dioxide
oxygen + water
5. Write out the process of photosynthesis:
6. Humans and animals are heterotrophs/autotrophs.
7. What is the green part of plants that absorbs light?
A. Photons
B. Chloroplast
C. Mitochondria
D. Chlorophyll
8. Short wavelength has high/low frequency.
9. What organelle would a nonphotosynthetic alga need to be able to carry out
A. Mitochondria
B. Nucleus
C. Chloroplast
D. Solar transformer
E. Cell membrane
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  515-294-6624  [email protected] 
10. The energy of sunlight exists in
A. Glucose
B. Photons
C. Gamma rays
D. Ions
E. Particles
11. Kinetic energy is
A. Stored energy
B. Light energy
C. Energy of movement
D. Heat energy
E. All of the above
12. Glucose is a product of photosynthesis. Where do the carbon atoms in glucose come
A. Starch
B. Cow manure
C. Molecules in air
D. Water
E. Soil
13. What is necessary for biofuel production by algae? Circle all that are correct.
A. Sunlight
B. Sugar
C. CO2
D. Soil
E. All of the above
14. Why are algae considered more valuable for biofuel than plants?
A. Their photosynthetic products are an oil
B. They are cheaper to grow
C. They do not require as much CO2
D. They do not require as much fertilizer
E. All of the above
15. What two factors does BMI use? Circle all that are correct
A. Height
B. Gender
C. Muscle mass
D. Weight
16. A person has a BMI of 26, they would be classified as:
A. Underweight
B. Normal weight
C. Overweight
D. Obese
17. Fill in the table:
Nucleic acids
18. What stores energy for long term use, where are they stored?
A. Triglycerides- fat cells
B. Triglycerides- liver
C. Glycogen-liver and muscle
D. Glycogen- fat cells
E. Proteins- muscle cells
19. What is the reaction for aerobic respiration?
20. Fill in the chart:
Step of aerobic respiration
# of ATP
21. What is the molecule that accepts electrons in the citric acid cycle?
B. O2
C. CO2
22. When does fermentation occur? Circle all that are correct.
A. Too much oxygen
B. Not enough oxygen is available
C. Goes through the whole aerobic respiration cycle
D. Stops after glycolysis
23. Aerobic respiration occurs with/without oxygen.
24. Which of the following is an example of a saturated fat?
A. Olive oil
B. Avocado
C. Butter
D. Sugary candy
25. What are the differences between saturated, trans, and unsaturated fats?
26. Which process is not correctly matched with its location?
A. Glycolysis- cytoplasm
B. Citric acid cycle- mitochondria
C. Glycolysis-mitochondria
D. Electron transport- mitochondria
E. None of the above
27. If you exercise for a period of time, you will use energy first from ____, then from
A. Fats, glycogen
B. Protein, fat
C. Glycogen, protein
D. Fat, protein
E. Glycogen, fat
28. Compared to aerobic respiration, fermentation produces ______ ATP.
A. More
B. Same
C. Less
29. Where does fermentation happen?
A. Cytoplasm
B. Mitochondria
C. Nucleus
D. Cytoplasm and mitochondria
30. What is the shape of DNA?
31. What is the matching DNA sequence of ACTGATCA?
32. What is the function of DNA polymerase?
A. Adds complementary nucleotides forming a new strand
B. Holds the DNA molecule together
C. Transfers DNA to various parts of the cell
D. Contains ribosomes to connect to the DNA
33. A new DNA strand is: Circle all that are correct.
A. Conservative
B. Semiconservative
C. All new
D. All old
E. ½ old & ½ new
F. Dispersed
34. What are the components of a nucleotide other than a base?
A. Sugar and polymerase
B. Phosphate and sugar
C. Phosphate and polymerase
D. Phosphate and helix
E. Helix and sugar
35. How many pairs of chromosomes do humans have?
A. 32
B. 36
C. 20
D. 23
E. 46
36. Which STR will migrate farthest through an electrophoresis gel?
A. GAAG repeated twice
B. GAAG repeated three times
C. AGCT repeated five times
D. GAAG repeated seven times
37. A person’s STR may vary from another person’s STR because:
A. The order of nucleotides
B. The bases that are present
C. The chromosomal location of the STR
D. The number of times a sequence is repeated
E. The number of coding regions
38. What is the function of the coding sequence?
A. Determines the identity, shape, and function of a protein
B. Determines the timing, amount, and location of a protein
C. Assembling new proteins
D. Coding an organism that has different species’ genes
39. Describe the process of gene expression:
40. What is the function of tRNA?
A. Transcribing RNA into DNA during transcription
B. Transports amino acids to the ribosome during translation
C. Binds to the RNA sequence to translate amino acids
D. Does no function in the process
41. What are the bases in RNA? Circle all that are correct.
A. Uracil
B. Thymine
C. Adenine
D. Cytosine
E. Guanine
42. What determines a protein’s function? Circle all that are correct.
A. The sequence of amino acids
B. The 3-D shape of the protein
C. The location of its gene on the chromosome
D. All of the above
43. What is the product of transcription?
A. Gene
B. Protein
D. Chromosome
E. RNA polymerase
44. DNA sequence: ATCGATTG. What is the RNA sequence?
45. Where do each of the following occur in the cell:
RNA polymerase