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Review of Biology Standards: STAR Preparation
Part One: Cell Biology and Genetics
Cell Biology
1. Name the cell structure that is semi-permeable. What does the term “semi-permeable” mean? (p. 182)
2. Name the correct organelle that corresponds to the function given below.
a. Transfers materials from ribosomes to be packaged at the next organelle and sent out (P. 176-177)
b. Makes energy for the cell by breaking down sugars (p. 179)
c. Makes sugars from carbon dioxide using sunlight (p. 179)
d. Packages proteins and sends them out in vesicles (p. 178)
3. What do you call a protein that speeds up (catalyzes) biochemical reactions? What happens to this protein if
the temperature or pH are not correct? (p. 51)
4. What do you call the building blocks to macromolecules such as carbohydrates (polysaccharides), nucleic acids,
proteins and lipids (the general term)? (p. 45)
5. For each of the following descriptions, identify it as a prokaryote, eukaryote or virus.
a. Contains a nucleus and organelles (p. 172-173) =
b. Cell with only nucleic acid, cytoplasm and cell membrane (p. 172-173) =
c. Needs a host cell to reproduce (p. 478) =
d. A core of DNA or RNA with a protein coat stimuli (p.478-479) =
e. Can either be plant or animal (174-175) =
6. Name the process that makes ribonucleic acid (RNA) from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the nucleus. (p. 301)
7. Name the process that makes proteins by linking amino acids from the code on RNA. (p. 304-305)
8. What process involves the separation of pairs of chromosomes during cell division to produce gametes? (p.275277)
9. What are the gametes in humans? (p.278)
10. Name Mendel’s law that states that homologous pairs of chromosomes separate into gametes. (p.265-266)
11. Name Mendel’s law that states the separation of one pair of alleles has no effect on how other pairs of alleles
separate. (p. 270-271)
12. What do you call the process of fusing two gametes together? What do you call the new cell formed after
fusing the gametes? (p. 1016)
13. If a couple has three children in the family (different ages), do any of them look EXACTLY like a parent? Do the
children all look identical to each other? Explain why or why not for each situation. (p.267-269 & 394-395)
14. Who determines the gender/sex of a child – males or females? (p.341)
15. Name the chromosome that determines whether a person is male or female. (p. 341)
16. Let’s review Punnett squares!!
a. If two parents with alleles Tt and Tt produce offspring, what is the chance of this cross producing a Tt
genotype? (give a percentage) (268)
b. What allele combinations are produced by the fusion of gametes from a parent with TT alleles and a
parent with tt alleles? (p.268)
17. If an individual shows a dominant phenotype, name two possible genotype possibilities. (p.264-266 & 268)
18. If an individual shows a recessive phenotype, what is the only possible genotype for this person? (p. 268)
19. What do you call a set of three nucleotides on an mRNA molecule? What do these three nucleotides code for?
(p. 302-303)
20. What does a tRNA molecule transfer? (p.304-305)
21. Where is RNA made in the cell? (p. 304-305)
22. Where are proteins made in the cell? (p. 304-305)
23. If you have a point mutation (change only one nucleotide), what happens to the resulting protein? (p. 307)
24. If you have a Frameshift mutation (add or delete one nucleotide), what happens to the resulting protein? (p.
25. Use the following chart to indicate the correct amino acid made. (p. 302-303)
a. UUU =
b. ACG =
d. CAC =
26. For each description, identify it as DNA, RNA or protein.
a. Has a double-helix shape (p. 293)=
b. Has uracil for a nitrogen base(p. 300) =
c. Is made of amino acids (p.305 & 47-48)=
d. Contains peptide bonds (p. 302-303 & 47-48)=
e. Stores genetic information for organisms (p. 291) =
27. How do the nitrogen bases pair in DNA? (p. 294-295 & 298)
28. How do the bases pair from DNA to RNA (transcription)? (p. 300-301)
29. What do you call the manipulation of genes that takes place outside of an organism resulting in new types of
organisms (transgenic organisms)? (p. 322-323)
30. Name three products of the combination of technology with genetics. (p. 331-333)