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Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details
Professor Graham Ogg FRCP DPhil BMBCh BA
[email protected]
Present Positions
1st October 20101st October 20081st April 2008-
Professor of Dermatology, University of Oxford
MRC Programme Leader, Human Immunology Unit
Clinical Lead Dermatology Thames Valley and S Midlands LCRN
(previously Chairman Dermatology Thames Valley CLRN)
1st April 2007Sub-theme leader Biomedical Research centre and NIHR
1st October 2003Associate Senior Research Fellow, Christ Church, Oxford
31st December 2001- Consultant Dermatologist, Oxford
Previous Positions
31st March 2003-8
MRC Senior Clinical Fellow, University of Oxford
9th April 2006-9
Chairman British Society for Investigative Dermatology
1st September 2006-9 Co-Editor of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology journal
MRC Clinician Scientist Fellow (1.10.98-31.3.03) and Specialist Registrar in Dermatology,
Oxford Region (NTN OXF/005/008 1.1.98-31.12.01) and Junior Research Fellow, Christ
Church (1.10.99-30.9.03)
MRC Clinical Training Fellow (1.1.96-30.9.98), Honorary Registrar in Dermatology, Churchill
Hospital, Oxford (1.1.96-31.12.97), Clinical Lecturer, Magdalen College (1.10.98-30.9.99),
and Senior Scholar Keble College (1.9.96-1.9.98).
SHO St John's Institute of Dermatology, Guy's Hospital, London (1.4.95-30.9.95) - SHO
experience in dermatology (Prof R Hay, Dr JNWN Barker, Dr MacDonald), general
medicine, GU and HIV.
SHO Royal Brompton Hospital, London (1.8.94-31.1.95) - SHO experience in cardiology (Dr
Oldershaw and Prof Poole-Wilson) and ITU (Dr Evans).
SHO Hammersmith Hospital, London (1.2.94-31.7.94) - SHO experience in general
medicine, respiratory medicine (Prof Pride), infectious disease (Prof Cohen), and renal
medicine (Prof Rees).
SHO National Hospital for Neurology, Queen Square, London (1.8.93-31.1.94) - SHO
experience under Profs Marsden, Harding, Frackowiak, Thomas.
Research Achievements
I have been fascinated by the cellular immune system since my undergraduate project in
1989 under the supervision of Professor Andrew McMichael. During my subsequent DPhil
in Professor McMichael’s laboratory, I was part of an exciting group and shared in the
achievements of the team. This included the first application of the use of HLA tetrameric
complexes to questions relevant to disease pathogenesis (HIV) and the identification of
CD94 as being a ligand for HLA-E. I wanted to apply my T cell knowledge to the
understanding of human skin disease, as dermatology is my clinical speciality. One of the
earliest achievements was working with Professor Vincenzo Cerundolo in which we showed
that individuals with vitiligo have high frequencies of circulating melanocyte-specific T cells –
this has been confirmed in many subsequent studies by others, and a potential role of such
T cells in disease has been suggested by the acquisition of pigment loss in patients with
melanoma treated with melanocyte-specific T cell infusions. Since having my own group
under the support of an MRC Senior Clinical Fellowship, I have focused on atopic skin
disease. We have made several contributions, including the identification of type 2 innate
lymphoid cells (ILC2) in the skin of humans, and a further infiltration in eczematous lesions
and after allergen challenge. We have defined cytokine and lipid mediators that promote
ILC2 activation, with therapeutic implications which we are investigating in a current clinical
trial. More recently, in collaboration with Professor Cerundolo, we have found that allergens
generate neolipids which are novel ligands for CD1a, and can be presented to CD1arestricted T cells from human skin. We believe that this is an important finding, not only for
CD1a and Langerhans cell biology, but for many forms of cutaneous inflammation and is a
key focus of our ongoing work. I continue to do two clinics per week in dermatology at the
Churchill hospital. This has been invaluable as a resource for understanding disease and
for access to clinical samples from well-defined cohorts and the translation of our findings to
clinical trials.
What are the Future Aims of Your Current Group
The overall aim of the group is to understand the pathogenesis of cutaneous inflammatory
disease in order to identify new approaches to disease prevention and treatment. The
studies will contribute to our understanding of the interaction between the epithelium and the
innate and adaptive immune response. Emphasis will be focused on: 1) understanding
mechanisms underlying CD1a presentation of lipid antigens to T cells in the skin; 2)
characterising the function of ILC2 in the skin, and the therapeutic implications; 3) how
filaggrin insufficiency promotes atopic inflammation and whether this can be therapeutically
modified; 4) investigating mechanisms underlying the cellular immune response to viral
antigens in human skin. As well as contributing to disease and tissue specific questions,
these studies will advance the broader Unit aims of defining the interactions between the
innate and adaptive immune responses and the local micro-environment, which in turn will
support the development of new approaches to vaccination and treatment.
How do the aims of your research fit with the aims of the WIMM and Division of
The work of the group is directly informed by clinical observation from patients we see in
clinic, and is then translated back to the patients. This is illustrated, for example, by the
ILC2 work above, which is being explored through a clinical trial. We aim to understand
disease by studying samples from humans, but also using models, as required, to
investigate underlying mechanisms that may lead to opportunities for therapeutic
intervention. In particular, I believe that the CD1a work is likely to be significance in many
human skin diseases. As well as scientific research to contribute to the understanding and
management of human disease, we are also contributing to the training of scientists and
academic clinicians. Over the last 10 years, there have been 10 DPhils completed, of which
6 were by clinicians – there are five current DPhil students in the laboratory. There have
been many others in training who have had periods in the laboratory including MSc
students, medical students, academic F1/F2, clinical lecturers, academic clinical fellows and
overseas visitors. We aim to function within networks to enhance opportunities for success,
including integral links with the NIHR BRC, NHS, NIHR Comprehensive Research Network
and we participate in local and multicenter clinical trials. The work involves local, national
and international collaborations - key collaborators are Vincenzo Cerundolo, Paul
Klenerman, Andrew McKenzie (LMB), Branch Moody (Harvard). We also contribute to the
work of the institute towards the public understanding of science, including participation in
National Science and Engineering Week (several talks) and the Royal Society Summer
Exhibition (2002).
Lay Summary of Research
We are working towards treatment and prevention of skin disease. The skin is often the first
point of contact with microbes and allergens, but relatively little is understood about how the
cutaneous immune system clears these challenges. Such knowledge is vitally important to
understanding the mechanisms of skin disease and related diseases, and for developing
more effective ways of cutaneous drug and vaccine delivery.
It is increasingly clear that skin barrier dysfunction is an important first step in the
development of atopic eczema, one of the commonest skin diseases in the UK, and often
associated with asthma and rhinitis. The barrier dysfunction promotes entry of allergens
and microbes which eventually lead to skin inflammation. The latter is treated with topical
immune suppressants, but these are not curative and also carry risks of side effects.
We wish to understand the steps linking barrier dysfunction and skin inflammation, as these
will provide opportunities for new treatments. In particular, we will explore ways to repair
barrier function and to understand the roles of novel immune cells in contributing to the
These findings will have implications for atopic eczema, but also for other forms of
inflammatory skin disease and indeed for the improvement of vaccine delivery in to the skin.
All Publications Over the Past 5 Years
Xue L, Salimi M, Panse I, Mjosberg JM, McKenzie AN, Spits H, Klenerman P, Ogg
G. Prostaglandin D2 activates group 2 innate lymphoid cells via CRTH2. Journal Allergy
Clinical Immunology. 2014;133( 4):1184-94.
Xue L, Fergusson J, Salimi M, Panse I, Ussher J, Hegazy A, Hunter MG, Pettipher
R, Ogg G, Klenerman P. Prostaglandin D2 and Leukotriene E4 synergise to stimulate
diverse Th2 functions and Th2 cell/neutrophil crosstalk. Journal Allergy Clinical Immunology.
2014;in press.
Pan X, Huang LC, Dong T, Peng Y, Cerundolo V, McGowan S, Ogg G.
Combinatorial HLA-peptide bead libraries for high throughput identification of CD8(+) T cell
specificity. J Immunol Methods. 2014 Jan 31;403(1-2):72-8.
Oliphant CJ, Hwang YY, Walker JA, Salimi M, Wong SH, Brewer JM, Englezakis A,
Barlow JL, Hams E, Scanlon ST, Ogg GS, Fallon PG, McKenzie AN. MHCII-Mediated
Dialog between Group 2 Innate Lymphoid Cells and CD4 T Cells Potentiates Type 2
Immunity and Promotes Parasitic Helminth Expulsion. Immunity. 2014 Jul 30;41:283-95.
Marwah I, Wang X, Chan H, Ogg GS, Gutowska-Owsiak D. Filaggrin-insufficiency in
keratinocytes influences responsiveness of allergen-specific T cells to cognate antigen and
compounds barrier function deficiency. Clin Immunol. 2014 Jul;153(1):153-5.
Gutowska-Owsiak D, Selvakumar TA, Salimi M, Taylor S, Ogg GS. Histamine
enhances keratinocyte-mediated resolution of inflammation by promoting wound healing and
response to infection. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2014 Mar;39(2):187-95.
Gutowska-Owsiak D, Greenwald L, Watson C, Selvakumar TA, Wang X, Ogg GS.
Histamine synthesizing enzyme, histidine decarboxylase, is upregulated by keratinocytes in
atopic skin. Br J Dermatol. 2014 Jun 24.
Wang X, Salimi M, Gutowska-Owsiak D, Ogg G. Filaggrin modulates the
proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis of keratinocytes. Submitted. 2013.
Vukmanovic-Stejic M, Sandhu D, Sobande TO, Agius E, Lacy KE, Riddell N, Montez
S, Dintwe OB, Scriba TJ, Breuer J, Nikolich-Zugich J, Ogg G, Rustin MH, Akbar AN.
Varicella zoster-specific CD4+Foxp3+ T cells accumulate after cutaneous antigen challenge
in humans. J Immunol. 2013 Feb 1;190(3):977-86.
Salimi M, Barlow JL, Saunders SP, Xue L, Gutowska-Owsiak D, Wang X, Huang L,
Johnson D, Scanlon ST, McKenzie AN, Fallon GP, Ogg G. A role for IL-25 and IL-33-driven
type-2 innate lymphoid cells in atopic dermatitis. Journal of Experimental Medicine.
Malavige GN, Jeewandara C, Alles KM, Salimi M, Gomes L, Kamaladasa A,
Jayaratne SD, Ogg GS. Suppression of virus specific immune responses by IL-10 in acute
dengue infection. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013;7(9):e2409.
Malavige GN, Gomes L, Alles L, Chang T, Salimi M, Fernando S, Nanayakkara KD,
Jayaratne S, Ogg GS. Serum IL-10 as a marker of severe dengue infection. BMC Infect Dis.
Malavige G, Ogg G. T cell responses in dengue viral infections. Journal Clinical
Virology. 2013;58:605-11.
Lohitharajah J, Malavige GN, Wijewickrama A, Ambagawita A, Seneviratne AL, Ogg
G. Molecular characterisation of varicella zoster virus genotypes in Sri Lanka. Ceylon Med J.
2013 Dec;58(4):153-6.
Huang L, Pan X, Yang H, Wan LKD, Stewart-Jones G, Dorrell L, Ogg G. Linking
genotype to phenotype on beads: high throughput selection of peptides with biological
function. Scientific Reports. 2013;3:3030.
Gutowska-Owsiak D, Salimi M, Selvakumar TA, Wang X, Taylor S, Ogg G.
Histamine exerts multiple effects on expression of genes associated with epidermal barrier
function. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2013;24:231-9.
Gutowska-Owsiak D, Ogg GS. Cytokine regulation of the epidermal barrier. Clin Exp
Allergy. 2013 Jun;43(6):586-98.
Xue L, Barrow A, Fleming VM, Hunter MG, Ogg G, Klenerman P, Pettipher R.
Leukotriene E4 activates human Th2 cells for exaggerated proinflammatory cytokine
production in response to prostaglandin D2. J Immunol. 2012 Jan 15;188(2):694-702.
Malavige GN, McGowan S, Atukorale V, Salimi M, Peelawatta M, Fernando N,
Jayaratne SD, Ogg G. Identification of serotype-specific T cell responses to highly
conserved regions of the dengue viruses. Clin Exp Immunol. 2012 May;168(2):215-23.
Malavige G, Ogg G. Pathogenesis of severe dengue infection. Ceylon Medical
Journal. 2012;57:97-100.
Malavige G, Huang L, Salimi M, Gomes L, Jayaratne SD, Ogg G. Cellular and
cytokine correlates of severe dengue infection. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(11):e50387.
Jayaratne SD, Gomes L, Ogg G, Malavige G. Evaluation of the WHO revised criteria
for classification of clinical disease severity in acute adult dengue infection. BMC Research.
2012;In press.
Gutowska-Owsiak D, Schaupp AL, Salimi M, Selvakumar TA, McPherson T, Taylor
S, Ogg GS. IL-17 downregulates filaggrin and affects keratinocyte expression of genes
associated with cellular adhesion. Exp Dermatol. 2012 Feb;21(2):104-10.
Gutowska-Owsiak D, Ogg GS. The epidermis as an adjuvant. J Invest Dermatol.
2012 Mar;132(3 Pt 2):940-8.
Gutowska-Owsiak D, Ogg G. Cytokine regulation of the epidermal barrier. Clinical &
Experimental Allergy. 2012;21(2):104-10.
Crack LR, Chan HW, McPherson T, Ogg GS. Identification of an immunodominant
region of the major house dust mite allergen Der p 2 presented by common human
leucocyte antigen alleles. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2012 Apr;37(3):266-76.
Crack L, Jones L, Chan H, McPherson T, Ogg G. Human Anti-microbial Peptides LL37 and Human β-defensin-2 reduce viral load replication in varicella zoster virus-vaccine
infected keratinocytes. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2012;37:534-43.
Malavige GN, Rostron T, Rohanachandra LT, Jayaratne SD, Fernando N, De Silva
AD, Liyanage M, Ogg G. HLA class I and class II associations in dengue viral infections in a
Sri Lankan population. PLoS ONE. 2011;6(6):e20581.
Gutowska-Owsiak D, Schaupp AL, Salimi M, Taylor S, Ogg GS. Interleukin-22
downregulates filaggrin expression and affects expression of profilaggrin processing
enzymes. Br J Dermatol. 2011 Sep;165(3):492-8.
Gomes PL, Malavige GN, Fernando N, Mahendra MH, Kamaladasa SD, Seneviratne
JK, Karunatilaka DH, Ogg GS. Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus colonization in
patients with atopic dermatitis in Sri Lanka. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2011 Mar;36(2):195-200.
Crack LR, Chan HW, McPherson T, Ogg GS. Phenotypic analysis of perennial
airborne allergen-specific CD4+ T cells in atopic and non-atopic individuals. Clin Exp
Allergy. 2011 Nov;41(11):1555-67.
Aslam A, Lloyd-Lavery A, Warrell DA, Misbah S, Ogg GS. Common filaggrin null
alleles are not associated with hymenoptera venom allergy in Europeans. Int Arch Allergy
Immunol. 2011;154(4):353-5.
Aslam A, Chapel H, Ogg G. Direct ex-vivo evaluation of pneumococcal specific Tcells in healthy adults. PLoS ONE. 2011;6(10):e25367.
Aly L, Yousef S, Schippling S, Jelcic I, Breiden P, Matschke J, Schulz R, Bofill-Mas
S, Jones L, Demina V, Linnebank M, Ogg G, Girones R, Weber T, Sospedra M, Martin R.
Central role of JC virus-specific CD4+ lymphocytes in progressive multi-focal
leucoencephalopathy-immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome. Brain. 2011
Sep;134(Pt 9):2687-702.
McPherson T, Sherman VJ, Aslam A, Crack L, Chan H, Lloyd-Lavery A, Jones L,
Ardern-Jones M, Ogg G. Filaggrin null mutations associate with increased frequencies of
allergen-specific CD4+ Th2 cells in patients with atopic eczema. Br J Dermatol. 2010 May
McPherson T, Aslam A, Crack L, Chan H, Jones L, Ogg G. Frequencies of
circulating allergen-specific T cells temporally associate with longitudinal changes in severity
of cutaneous atopic disease. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2010;35:786-8.
Malavige GN, Rohanachandra LT, Jones L, Crack L, Perera M, Fernando N, Guruge
D, Ogg GS. IE63-specific T-cell responses associate with control of subclinical varicella
zoster virus reactivation in individuals with malignancies. Br J Cancer. 2010 Feb
Malavige GN, Jones L, Kamaladasa SD, Wijewickrama A, Seneviratne SL, Black AP,
Ogg GS. Natural killer cells during primary varicella zoster virus infection. J Infect. 2010
Baldo M, Bailey A, Bhogal B, Groves RW, Ogg G, Wojnarowska F. T cells reactive
with the NC16A domain of BP180 are present in vulval lichen sclerosus and lichen planus. J
Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2010 Feb;24(2):186-90.
Aslam A, Mason A, Zemenides S, Chan H, Novakova L, Branny P, Finn A, Chapel H,
Ogg GS. Rapid effector function of circulating CD4+ T cells specific for immunodominant
regions of the conserved serine/threonine kinase found in Streptococcus pneumoniae
(StkP) in healthy adults. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2010 Nov;60(2):113-22.
Aslam A, Chan H, Warrell DA, Misbah S, Ogg GS. Tracking antigen-specific T-cells
during clinical tolerance induction in humans. PLoS ONE. 2010;5(6):e11028.
Ogg G. Role of T cells in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis. Clin Exp Allergy.
2009 Mar;39(3):310-6.
McPherson T, Ogg G. Spontaneous resolution of basal cell carcinoma in naevoid
basal cell carcinoma syndrome/Gorlin's syndrome. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2009
Jones L, Malavige G, Jeffery K, Kemp E, Breuer J, Klenerman P, Ogg GS. Tracking
epitope-specific antiviral CD4(+) T cell responses to a live attenuated vaccine reveals
ongoing functional responses. Vaccine. 2009 Sep 8;27:7398-401.
Horlock C, Stott B, Dyson J, Ogg G, McPherson T, Jones L, Sewell AK, Wooldridge
L, Cole DK, Stebbing J, Savage P. ELISPOT and functional T cell analyses using HLA
mono-specific target cells. J Immunol Methods. 2009 Sep 1;350:150-60.
Black A, Jones L, Malavige GN, Ogg G. Immune evasion during varicella zoster virus
infection of keratinocytes. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2009;I34:e941-4.
Baldo M, Bailey A, Bhogal B, Groves RW, Ogg G, Wojnarowska F. T cells reactive
with the NC16A domain of BP180 are present in vulval lichen sclerosus and lichen planus. J
Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2009 Aug 14;24:186-90.
Ten Key Publications Throughout your Career
Xue L, Salimi M, Panse I, Mjosberg JM, McKenzie AN, Spits H, Klenerman P, Ogg
G. Prostaglandin D2 activates group 2 innate lymphoid cells via CRTH2. Journal Allergy
Clinical Immunology. 2014;133( 4):1184-94.
Salimi M, Barlow JL, Saunders SP, Xue L, Gutowska-Owsiak D, Wang X, Huang L,
Johnson D, Scanlon ST, McKenzie AN, Fallon GP, Ogg G. A role for IL-25 and IL-33-driven
type-2 innate lymphoid cells in atopic dermatitis. Journal of Experimental Medicine.
Aslam A, Chan H, Warrell DA, Misbah S, Ogg GS. Tracking antigen-specific T-cells
during clinical tolerance induction in humans. PLoS ONE. 2010;5(6):e11028.
Malavige GN, Seneviratne SL, Black A, Ogg G. Viral load, clinical disease severity
and cellular immune responses in primary varicella zoster virus infection. PLoS ONE.
Ardern-Jones M, Black A, Bateman E, Ogg G. Bacterial superantigen facilitates
epithelial presentation of antigen to Th2 cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007;104:5557-62.
Seneviratne SL, Jones L, King AS, Black A, Powell S, McMichael AJ, Ogg GS.
Allergen-specific CD8(+) T cells and atopic disease. J Clin Invest. 2002 Nov;110(9):128391.
Champagne P, Ogg G, King AS, Knabenhans C, Ellefsen K, Nobile M, Appay V,
Rizzardi GP, Fleury S, Lipp M, Forster R, Rowland-Jones S, Sekaly RP, McMichael AJ,
Panataleo G. Skewed maturation of memory HIV-specific CD8+ T lymphocytes. Nature.
Ogg GS, Dunbar PR, Romero P, Chen JL, Cerundolo V. High frequency of skinhoming melanocyte-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in autoimmune vitiligo. J Exp Med.
Ogg G, Jin X, Bonhoeffer S, Dunbar P, Nowak M, Monard S, Segal J, Cao Y,
Rowland-Jones S, Cerundolo V, Hurley A, Markowitz M, Ho D, Nixon D, McMichael A.
Quantitation of HIV-specific CTL and plasma load of viral RNA. Science. 1998;279:2103-6.
Braud VM, Allan DSJ, O'Callaghan CA, Soderstrom K, D'Andrea A, Ogg GS, Lazetic
S, Young NT, Bell JI, Phillips JH, Lanier LL, McMichael AJ. HLA-E binds to natural killer cell
receptors CD94/NKG2A, B and C. Nature. 1998;391:795-9.
Markers of Esteem
Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation Award
(International award for recognition of meritorious research)
Dermatologist International Achievement Award
(awarded by International League of Dermatological Societies for contribution to
international dermatology)
Pharmacia Allergy Research Foundation honour
(honour for international allergy research)
Young Investigator of the Year Award
(Medical Research Society/Academy of Medical Sciences)
Young Investigator of the Year Award
(British Society for Investigative Dermatology)
British Assoc Dermatologists AAD Award
American Academy of Dermatology scholarship
Junior Research Fellowship (Christ Church, Oxford)
Unilever Prize, British Society for Investigative Dermatology
Glaxo-Wellcome Prize, British Society for Investigative Dermatology
Senior Scholarship Keble College Oxford
Gotch Memorial Prize for meritorious postgraduate research
(University of Oxford)
3M Health Care elective essay prize
(University of Oxford)
President's Award - Society for General Microbiology
Royal College of Pathologists Student Award
Hobson Memorial Scholarship (University of Oxford)
Martin Wronker Prize in Medicine –
for highest First Class degree in University of Oxford
Trinity College Examination Prize – for First Class honours
RA Knox Memorial Prize (Trinity College) –
for highest performance in finals across all subjects
Green College Texas Instruments Computing Scholarship
(re-awarded in 1990)
Douglas Sladen Essay Prize (Trinity College)
Sunday Times 'Young Brain of Britain'
Grant/Research Support
(last five years, approximate values)
Janssen Pharmaceuticals
MRC Human Immunology Unit
British Medical Association (with Paul Klenerman)
British Skin Foundation
Oxford Biomedical Research Centre
Comprehensive Research Network
MRC Clin Training F’Ship (Rachael Jarrett supervision)
Commonwealth PhD Scholarships
(Drs Malavige & Chan supervision)
Health Research Council (with Rod Dunbar)
MRC Experimental Medicine 2
British Skin Foundation
Barrie Trust