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Introductory to Biology
Genetics Unit Test
25 Multiple Choice/Matching (2points each)
4 Short Answer (5points each)
1 Essay (10points)
80 points possible
Identify the definition on the right with the term on the left. Each definition may be used
once, more than once, or not at all. Write the letter of the definition in the blank next to
the term on the left.
____ 1. Alleles
A. Cell that has two copies of each gene.
____ 2. Diploid
B. Cell that has both the dominant and
____ 3. Genotype
recessive forms of a gene.
____ 4. Gregor Mendel
C. Form of a gene
____ 5. Heterozygous
D. Cell that has four or more copies of each
____ 6. Hybrid
____ 7. Independent Assortment
E. Molecule that aids in the copying of
F. Monk whose work with peas helped
establish current genetic theories
G. Organisms that has genes from two or
more separate species
H. The accumulation of mutations
I. When genes separate during meiosis,
they have no influence on each other
J. The total genetic makeup of an organism
Match the terms of DNA transcription and translation with the definitions on the right.
Place the letter of the appropriate definition in the blank. Responses will be used once,
more than once, or not at all.
A. The protein that creates the mRNA
1. Ribosome _______
strand from the DNA template
2. RNA polymerase ______
B. The process by which DNA strands are
3. Unzipping ______
4. Uracil _____
C. The location where mRNA and tRNA
D. The codon that replaces thymine in
E. A collection of amino acids bonded by
peptide bonds.
Multiple choice questions: To indicate your response, circle the letter of your answer.
1. Identify the correct purpose of cyclin in the mitosis cell cycle from the following
a. Cyclins cause cells to die when the cyclin’s concentration gets too high.
b. The concentration of cyclins within a cell regulates the timing of the steps
in the cell cycle.
c. Cyclins tie themselves around chromosomes to pull them apart during
d. Cyclins cause the cell plate to grow after telophase in animal cells.
2. Select the step of meiosis in which homologous chromosomes are pulled apart:
a. Anaphase I
b. Metaphase II
c. Prophase I
d. Telophase II
3. A rat with genes AABB mates with another rat that has the genes aabb. What is
the only possible genetic offspring that they could produce?
b. AaBb
c. aaBb
d. aabb
4. Human beings are diploid. To reproduce, the gametes produced by mating
individuals are:
a. Diploid
b. Haploid
c. Polypoid
d. Triploid
5. A gene map shows
a. the number of possible alleles for a gene.
b. the relative locations of genes on a chromosome.
c. where chromosomes are in a cell.
d. how crossing over occurs in a cell.
6. A situation in which a gene has two or more genes that contribute to a phenotype
is known as
a. complete dominance.
b. codominance
c. polygenic dominance
d. multiple alleles
7. Unlike in males, meiosis in females results in the formation of
a. one diploid cell.
b. one haploid cell and three polar bodies
c. three haploid polar bodies.
d. four diploid gamete cells.
8. The physical characteristics of an organism are known as its
a. genotype
b. karyotype
c. phenotype
d. polar bodies
9. A nucleotide does NOT contain
a. a 5-carbon sugar.
b. polymerase.
c. a nitrogen base.
d. a phosphate group.
10. A student looks through a microscope and sees the following:
What kind of cell is this?
a. A Plant cell
b. A virus
c. An animal
d. A bacterium
11. A geneticist studying fruit flies hypothesizes that short wings are a recessive trait
coded for by a single gene. Which observation is most likely to have led her to
form this hypothesis?
a. Flies have wing lengths ranging from very short to very long.
b. Flies with long wings are less likely to survive.
c. Flies with long wings can produce offspring with short wings.
d. Flies with short wings prefer to mate with flies with long wings.
The next two questions (12 and 13) refer to the following image:
12. In eukaryotic cells, the process indicated by arrow A occurs in the :
a. cytoplasm
b. ribosome
c. nucleus
d. cell membrane
13. In all (both prokaryotic and eukaryotic) cells, process B occurs in the:
a. cytoplasm.
b. ribosome
c. nucleus
d. cell membrane
The following question (14) refers to the following image:
14. The diagram shows the normal sequence of genes in a particular chromosome.
Which chromosome could have resulted from a deletion that occurred in this
1. Write the complimentary RNA strand to the following DNA strand:
Write the DNA strand from the following RNA strand:
2. A male is color blind, indicated by XbY. His wife is not, as indicated by XX. Draw out
a Punnett square for their offspring. Is it possible for any of their offspring to be
colorblind? Which of the offspring will be carriers for color blindness?
3. Give two reasons why you would not want to have your genetic profile made public:
4. Describe why mice and peas are good examples of model organisms used by scientists
in genetic studies, and why other organisms, such as dogs and other large mammals are
Diagram the processes of mitosis and meiosis (both meiosis I and II). Compare and
contrast the two processes and describe their ultimate outcomes, using the following
terms: diploid, haploid, asexual reproduction, sexual reproduction, crossing over,
chromosomes, homologous, gametic. 10 points possible.