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International Research Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (IRIACC)
Inception Meeting
June 2-3, 2011, Ottawa
Location: IDRC, 150 Kent Street, 8th Floor (IDRC Boardroom)
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the International Development Research
Centre, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and the Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council jointly designed and funded the International Research
Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change. The goal of the program is to help vulnerable
populations or sectors in Canada and in low and middle income countries adapt to climate
change. The initiative supports five multi-national teams to advance knowledge and training
to develop a fuller understanding of climate and related stressors; shape policies or practices;
and establish networks that enhance the capacity of governments, the private sector and civil
society to adapt to climate change.
The meeting is organized for the principal investigators to exchange ideas and strategies for
implementing their research programs. Collectively, this group will manage a significant
amount of research funding, coordinate hundreds of collaborators and partners, organize a
substantial number of graduate and non-formal training programs, and design and
implement multi-sited, comparative and inter-disciplinary research programs that seek to
inform the policies or practices of public, private and/or civil society organizations.
The principal investigators have a significant amount of expertise in managing programs of
this nature. Drawing on this experience, the meeting is structured to provide a venue to:
1) introduce the five research programs funded through the IRIACC competition;
2) discuss and respond to the feedback provided by external reviewers and the
adjudication committee;
3) exchange strategies/approaches on topics of interest, and those raised by the
adjudication committee for further development;
4) identify interests/ opportunities for working with one another to share and
disseminate findings; and
5) understand the grant administration and reporting requirements.
Day 1 - Thursday June 2, 2011
9:00 – 9:10
Welcome & Overview of Agenda
Chair: Naser Faruqui, IDRC
9:10 – 9:30
9:30 – 12:00
Research Program Overviews
Chair: Naser Faruqui, IDRC
The chair will review the aims and objectives of the IRIACC
competition. Following, team members will outline their research
Sections A, C and D of all research proposals will be circulated.
9:40 – 10:05
10:05 – 10:30
10:30 – 10:45
10:45 – 11:10
11:10 – 11:35
11:35 – 12:00
Coastal Cities at Risk: Building Adaptive Capacity for Managing
Climate Change in Coastal Megacities (CcAR)
Anond Snidvongs, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Gordon McBean, University of Western Ontario
Partnership for Canada-Caribbean Community Climate Change
Adaptation (ParCA)
Murray Simpson, the CARIBSAVE Partnership, Barbados
Daniel Scott, University of Waterloo
Adapting to Climate Change: Protecting Water Resources in West
Africa and Canada (FACE)
Driss Ouazar, Université Mohammed V Agdal, Maroc
Taha Ouarda, Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Indigenous Health Adaptation to Climate Change (IHACC)
Alejandro Llanos, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru
Shuaib Lwasa, Makarere University, Uganda
James Ford, McGill University
Lea Berrang Ford, McGill University
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Extremes in the Americas
Fernando Santibañez, Universidad de Chile, Chile
David J. Sauchyn, University of Regina
Timing: Presentations should be no more than 15 minutes followed
by 10 minutes for discussion.
12:00 – 1:00
1:00 – 4:00
IRIACC objectives and Adjudication Committee feedback
Chair: Christopher Bryant, Université de Montréal
This session provides an opportunity for teams to address topics the
Adjudication Committee felt merited further development.
The chair will introduce each topic followed by team presentations.
The presentations and discussions will seek to highlight team plans
and resources of potential interest to other teams.
1:15 – 1 :45
1:45 – 2:15
2:15 – 2 :30
2:30 – 3:00
3:00 – 3:30
3:30 – 4 :00
Strategic Partnerships & Managing Networks
Coastal Cities at Risk: Building Adaptive Capacity for Managing
Climate Change in Coastal Megacities (CcAR)
Anond Snidvongs, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Gordon McBean, University of Western Ontario
Adapting to Climate Change: Protecting Water Resources in West
Africa and Canada (FACE)
Driss Ouazar, Université Mohammed V Agdal, Maroc
Taha Ouarda, Institut national de la recherche scientifique
Knowledge Mobilization and Translation
Indigenous Health Adaptation to Climate Change (IHACC) 1, 2
Alejandro Llanos, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru
Shuaib Lwasa, Makarere University, Uganda
James Ford, McGill University
Lea Berrang Ford, McGill University
Partnership for Canada-Caribbean Community Climate Change
Adaptation (ParCA), Animation
Murray Simpson, the CARIBSAVE Partnership, Barbados
Daniel Scott, University of Waterloo
Knowledge Integration
Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Extremes in the Americas
Fernando Santibañez, Universidad de Chile, Chile
David J. Sauchyn, University of Regina
Timing: Presentations should be no more than 20 minutes.
4:30: – 6:00
Reception (8th Floor, IDRC)
Day 2 – Friday June 3, 2011
9:30 – 10:45
Managing your Grant / Understanding IDRC policies
The funding agencies agreed to use IDRC policies and procedures to
administer the grants. This session will identify programmatic and
financial considerations that teams need to be aware of.
 Your budget: When and how to report (Kim Daley)
Financial Workbook User Guide (English)
Financial Workbook User Guide (French)
 Role of program staff: what support is provided and what to
expect (David O’Brien)
 Communications: Ideas and forms of support (Maite
Ormaechea) IRIACC Communications Plan
 Open Access: What are the implications of the Open Access
policy for disseminating research and reporting (Sachiko
 Narrative Reporting: When and what to report (David
O’Brien) Guidelines for Technical Reports
 Ethics and Research on Ethics (Erica Di Ruggiero)
Supplementary resources on ethics and health
10:45 – 11:00
11:00 – 12:00
Managing your Grant / Understanding IDRC policies
12:00 –1:00
1:00 – 2:30
Future Planning
Chairs: Isabelle Proulx and Mark Redwood, IDRC
In breakout groups, identify activities for future collaboration that
may add value to teams and the initiative as a whole.
In two groups, one will explore topics 1&2 and the other 3&4. Both
groups will discuss topic #5. Following the discussion, each group
will present potential ideas for follow-up.
1) Research: Are there research activities where inter-team
collaboration would add value?
2) Training: Are there opportunities to share or develop formal /
informal training materials?
3) Knowledge-mobilization and translation: What activities might be
jointly developed that would add value to your work?
4) Monitoring and peer support: Is there interest in developing or
exchanging tools for monitoring or for managing networks?
5) Future meetings: To promote learning among teams and external
audiences, the funding agencies have agreed in principle to host a
mid-term and final meeting. How might these meetings be
designed to add value to your work?
Closing Remarks
Follow-up: Clarifications, Tools and Examples