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Reebop Lab Activity – Major Assessment
Reebop Background: Reebops are small organisms that live in discarded soda cans. Chances are you have never seen one, as they
are extremely fast little organisms.
Objective: To combine genetic traits obtained from the P generation’s ‘paper father’ with the genetic traits obtained from the
‘paper mother’ to create the first generation (F1) Reebop. After a developmental period in the nursery, a second generation (F2) will
be created.
1. To obtain alleles for the gametes from the ‘paper father’ male chromosomes, you must:
a) Cut out the chromosome and flip the chromosomes upside down in their pairs
b) Have your partner mix the pairs up when you’re not looking
c) Select one of the homologs of each pair (these alleles selected will be the genes of the male gamete)
d) Repeat the process from the ‘paper mother’ female chromosomes
2. Record the genes selected from each parent in the table provided. Combine each gamete’s alleles (fertilization) to create the
genotype for your F1 Reebop. Determine the phenotype for each trait with the data sheet given. [2]
**Once the data sheet is approved by your teacher, construct your F 1 Reebop from the materials provided. **
3. State the haploid and diploid number for this species. [1]
4. Identify the following traits in your newborn. Include the genotype for each. [3]
i) homozygous dominant
ii) homozygous recessive
iii) heterozygous
5. Which genes in the Reebop demonstrate incomplete dominance? Explain what this type of inheritance means. Describe an
example where this occurs in a specific natural species. [3]
6. Which genes in the Reebop demonstrate codominance? Explain what this type of inheritance means. Describe an example where
this occurs in a specific natural species. [3]
7. Explain why some F1 Reebops had an X-linked disorder. Use a Punnett square to support your answer. State the genotypic and
phenotypic ratios resulting from the mating. [4]
8. If your Reebop has three eyes, your Reebop will live only 2 years. What is the specific name for these types of alleles that cause
premature death? Find an example where this actually occurs in a real situation. How do these genes continue to survive in a
population if the people with them have premature deaths? (Research question!) [3]
9. Assume that a non-disjunction of chromosome 7 occurred during spermatogenesis of your F 1 Reebop’s father, creating a trisomy.
Draw a karyotype, showing this condition, for your F1 Reebop. Number and label the chromosomes with their alleles and give the
karyotype an informative title. [3] How might this trisomy affect the development of your Reebop? Using the steps of meiosis in
your explanation, explain how this nondisjunction occurred. [2]
10. If your Reebop has only 4 legs, it will not be able to move as quickly as a Reebop with 6 legs. What is the evolutionary
significance of this? (How might future generations’ genes be affected because of this?) Explain. [2]
11. When selecting chromosomes from each parent for the offspring, what rules must be followed? Explain how this relates to
meiosis. How does this contribute to the Reebop population’s genetic variation? What source of genetic variation in meiosis is not
demonstrated by this simulation? [4]
12. Reebops with three green humps are able to drink pop and excrete gold. Willing to compromise the Reebops’ natural existence
to further your pursuit of riches, how can you use this information to your benefit? Exactly what process would you follow to gain
wealth? Show your work. Give a real world example where humans have already done something similar to this. [3]
13. Mate your F1 Reebop with another F1 Reebop in the class. Follow the same procedure as Steps 1 and 2 to create a baby gene
pool chart for this new F2 Reebop. Be sure to provide the names of both parents. [1]
14. Draw and label both your F1 Reebop baby and your F2 Reebop grandchild. Use a pencil and a ruler to label. Follow all biological
diagram rules. Neatness counts! [6]