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NAME _________________________________________
Period ___________
Introduction: Reebops are small organisms that live in discarded Diet Coke cans. Chances are you have
never seen one as they are fast little creatures. Once you have a male and a female in captivity, your room
will soon be filled with Reebops. They are very prolific and require minimal care. My Reebops live quite
comfortably in a covered box with small holes punched in the sides for ventilation. In order to understand
more about Reebops, chromosomal analysis was done and has revealed that they have 8 pairs of chromosomes;
including 7 autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes
Purpose: to make baby Reebops to illustrate the process of meiosis and the resulting variations
1. Work in Pairs (“Mother” and “Father”)
2. Fathers pick up as sperm baggie containing 16 black chromosomes on blue paper and mothers pick up the egg
baggies (pink paper) 16 black chromosomes on pink paper.
3. There are multiple different copies of each chromosomes set. Sort the Male and Female chromosomes into the
separate sets (8 for each parent)
4. Now, Randomly choose one from each set for mom, and one from each set for dad.
5. Work together to place matching chromosomes together in homologous pairs on the desk.
6. You should have 8 pairs of chromosomes (7 autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes)
7. Leave your baby Reebops chromosomes out until you have answered all the analysis questions
8. Fill in the table below, using the Key to determine the phenotype of your baby reebop.
Antennae (A or a)
Nose Color (R or r)
# of Eyes (E or e)
# of Body Segments (D or d)
# of Humps (M or m)
Tail Structure (K or k)
Tail Color ( G or g)
Leg Color (L or l)
Sex ( X or Y)
Skin Type (N or n)
Father Mother
MATERIALS: to build your Reebops.
Everyone will need:
 One Large foam ball for the head
 Wooden Stick for the neck
 Toothpicks to hold the reebop together
Possible Body Parts:
 Antennae= paper clips
 Nose= colored pom poms (red, orange, yellow)
 Eyes= google eyes on thumb tacks (2 or 3)
 Body segments= Styrofoam balls (2 or 3)
 Humps= large white pom poms (2 or 3)
 Tail= pipe cleaners (green or yellow)
 Legs=push pens (red or blue)
 Sex/Gender= ribbon to tie around neck (pink or blue)
 Skin= colored foam pieces ( stars, hearts, squares etc)
A= antennae
a= no antennae
Rr= red nose
Rr= orange nose
rr= yellow nose
E = two eyes
e= three eyes
D = three body segments
d=two body segments
M=two humps
m= three humps
K=curly tail
k= straight tail
G = green tail
g= yellow tail
L= blue legs
l= red legs
XX= Female
N = Skin with no spots
n= Spotted Skin
Once you have verified you have all your materials, put your reebop together based on its genotype and
phenotype. Use toothpicks to hold the body segments together and to put the nose and humps on. Everything else
will be pushed into the foam ball.***Do not take your Reebop apart until instructed to do so by the teacher
Fathers name ____________ Mothers name _____________ Baby Reebops name ___________
QUESTIONS: Use your notes & the information from this activity to answer these questions in detail
All answers should be in complete sentences
1. Draw your ReeBop in color
2. Define genotype
a. give an example:
3. Define phenotype
a. give an example:
4. List the all dominant phenotypes of your baby Reebop:
5. List the all recessive phenotypes of your baby Reebop:
Most of the Reebop genes are on different chromosomes but in real life, there are many genes on one chromosome.
6. Which two genes/traits in Reebops are located on the same chromosome?
7. What do we call it when to genes are on the same chromosome?
a. What genetics law does this test?
8. Look at the body parts again, which Reebop trait shows incomplete dominance?
9. Explain how you knew this was incomplete dominance?
10. What phenotype would be expressed if nose color was codominant instead?
11. What type of chromosomes are the genes for skin type located on? (look at the chromosome again)
12. What do we call a trait that shows the same inheritance pattern as skin type in Reebops?
13. What is the genotype of a male ReeBop with spots?
14. What is the genotype of a female ReeBop with no spots, but is carrier for it?
15. Will males or females most likely have spots? Explain why. (do a punnet square for the parents in #13 and #14)
16. Explain why do mom and dad have two copies of each chromosome set in their baggie? (Be specific)
17. Explain why you have to choose only one chromosome and also make sure it is random. (Be specific)
a. What genetics law does this test?
Take a look at all the reebops made by your classmates. You should notice that each is different. There are several
processes that make genetic diversity possible.
18. Think back to cell division. What is happening to the chromosomes in meiosis? (Explain in detail)
19. How does sexual reproduction and fertilization increase genetic diversity?
20. Why are brothers and sisters different even if they have the same parents?