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Name ______________________
Reebop Lab
In this lab you will discover the link between meiosis and the
work of Mendel in genetics. You will be working with an organism
called a reebop. Chromosomal analysis has revealed that reebops
have seven homologous pairs, or 14 total chromosomes. You will
work in pairs and be given two complete sets of genetic
information for an individual reebop (mom and dad). You will
demonstrate Mendel’s law of independent assortment as you randomly
choose seven alleles which appear in the gamete (haploid) you will
contribute to the offspring. Once you and your partner combined
genetic information from two gametes, you will analyze your
genotypes and build you reebop baby based upon the resulting
Assemble in pairs
2. Each pair will receive a male and female envelope which
contains a complete set of genetic information made up of seven
homologous pairs of chromosomes.
3. Each member of the pair should randomly choose one chromosome
from each pair. In order to do this, place each chromosome face
down so you can not see the written allele. Randomly choose one
chromosome (allele) from each homologous pair. You should now
have a gamete composed of seven chromosomes.
4. Pair your seven chromosomes with your partner’s--you should
now have 7 homologous pairs of chromosomes, 14 total chromosomes,
7 pink and 7 blue.
5. Record your reebop’s genotypes for each of the seven possible
traits in data table 1 and then use table two to find the
corresponding phenotypes for each trait.
Build your reebop according to the appropriate phenotypes.
Draw your reebop in color at the bottom of your data page.
Data Page
Purpose: _______________________________________________________
Data Table
Reebop Decoder Key
2 antenna = AA or Aa
No antenna = aa
(straight pins)
1 green hump = MM
2 green humps = Mm
3 green humps = mm
(small marshmallows)
Red nose = QQ
Orange nose = Qq
Yellow nose = qq
(small marshmallows)
Reebop Drawing
2 eyes = EE or Ee
3 eyes = ee
(push pins)
Green legs = LL or Ll
Yellow legs = ll
2 body segments = dd
3 body segments = DD or Dd
(large marshmallows)
Curly tail = TT or Tt
Straight tail = tt
(pipe cleaner)
Address the following analysis questions by completely explaining
in the spaces provided.
1. Explain what is meant by dominance and recessiveness.
Specfically point out where complete dominance and recessiveness
was displayed.
2. Explain what is meant by incomplete dominance. Specifically,
point out the phenotypes in the Reebops where incomplete dominance
was displayed and explain why they were a demonstration of
incomplete dominance.
3. The Principle of Segregation states that the members of each
pair of genes separate when gametes are formed. At what point in
the activity did you perform the Law of Segregation.
4. The Principle of Independent Assortment means that genes
(alleles that are located on separate chromosomes) are inherited
separately from one another. Specifically point out how you
“obeyed” this principle in the reebop activity.