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Student Data Sheet
How Do You Wear Your Genes - A Reebop Activity
All students will understand that meiosis causes genetic variation among offspring.
Using Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment and the Law of Segregation, students will
select one chromosome from each parental pair to make their unique offspring.
Reebop Chromosome Decoder Table 1
Directions: You will use the information in Table 1 to complete Table 2
Physical Trait
Product Used
Dominant trait
Recessive trait
Green Toothpicks
2 antennae
no antennae
Large white
3 body segments
2 body segments
Use a pink pipe
cleaner for a girl
Reebop or a
Blue pipe cleaner
for a boy Reebop.
Use the same pipe
cleaner that was
used for the tail.
Red and Yellow
ball top straight
Push pins (blue
and red)
Red Nose
Yellow Nose
Blue legs
Red legs
Sticky wobbly
2 eyes
1 eye
Small green
1 hump
3 humps
Possible Genotypes and
AA = 2 antennae
Aa = 2 antennae
aa = no antennae
BB = 3 body segments
Bb = 3 body segments
bb = 2 body segments
XX = girl
XY = boy
TT = Curly
Tt = Curly
tt = straight
NN = Red nose
Nn = Red nose
nn = yellow nose
LL = Blue legs
Ll = Blue legs
ll = Red legs
EE = 2 eyes
Ee = 2 eyes
ee = 1 eye
HH = 1 hump
Hh = 1 hump
hh = 3 humps
Student Data Sheet
Reebop Student Activity Data Sheet
Procedures for making the Baby Reebop
1. Working in pairs, one student should take the envelope labeled Mom (You will be the Mother
Reebop) and the other student should take the envelope labeled Dad (You will be the Dad
2. Remove the chromosomes from your envelope and place them face down on your desk, in pairs,
and according to their size.
3. Each parent should select one chromosome from each pair and place the unselected
chromosomes back into the envelope. At this time the mother Reebop (student ) should record
the selected allele symbols in the column titled “Allele selected from Mother Reebop”. The
Father Reebop should also record the selected allele symbols in the column titled “Allele
selected from Father Reebop”.
4. Both parents (students) will then place their selected chromosomes together in homologous
pairs. (These pairs will represent the chromosomes for their Baby Reebop).
5. Using the selected alleles from your homologous chromosome pairs, complete the genotype
and phenotype columns in table number 2. Use table 1 to determine the phenotype for each of
your Baby Reebop genotypes.
6. Using the material in your Ziploc bag, construct your Baby Reebop using the phenotype column
in table 2 as your guide.
7. Use the picture in the bag or observe the Mother and Father Reebops to guide you as you
construct your Baby Reebop.
8. Use the plain toothpicks as ligaments to hold the marshmallows together.
9. Place your Baby Reebop in the nursery provided by your teacher.
Table 2:
Allele symbols
A ,a
B, b
T, t
N, n
L, l
E, e
H, h
X, Y
Allele selected
from Mother
Allele Selected
from Father
Genotype of Baby
Phenotype of Baby
Student Data Sheet
Cleanup procedures:
Place all chromosomes back into the appropriate envelope. Count to make sure that each
envelope contains either 16 pink chromosomes or 16 blue chromosomes.
2. Place all unused materials in the plastic Ziploc bag.