Download Baby Reebops - Fort Osage High School

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Baby Reebops
During this activity, you will have the opportunity to observe meiosis, fertilization, development and birth
of a baby Reebop…all in one class period.
Meet the parents!
Each Reebop has a full set of 14 chromosomes, or 7 pairs.
1. You should have two sets of chromosomes, one for each parent in your envelope. Sort out the chromosomes in
your envelope into Mom Reebop’s chromosomes (pink) and Dad Reebop’s chromosomes (blue). Match up the 7
pairs of homologous chromosomes for each parent.
2. The letters on the different pairs of chromosomes represent genes. The letter “t”, either capitalized or lower
case, represents the shape of the Reebop’s tail. (the gene). The different forms of a gene are called alleles.
For example, the“T” allele will code for a curly tail, while the “t” allele will code for a straight tail.
3. Refer to the Reebop Decoder Key to determine Mom Reebop’s phenotype from her genotype
Mom Reebop’s Genotype
# of antenna
Mom Reebop’s Phenotype
2 antennae
color of nose
number of eyes
# of body segments
# of green humps
shape of tail
color of legs
A. Look at the Reebop Decoder Key at the genotypes for color of nose. Does nose color demonstrate complete
dominance or incomplete dominance? (Hint: Look at what a heterozygote looks like.) Explain your answer.
4. Time for Meiosis! Meiosis reduces chromosome number in half. One partner should randomly select one
chromosome of each length from the pink set. Place the extra pink chromosomes back into the envelope. You
now have a gamete, an egg cell.
5. Do the same for Dad Reebop. Place the extra chromosomes back into the envelope.
B. How many chromosomes will each gamete have? ____________
C. The formation of these sex cells were made from what type of cell division? _______________
6. Now that you have a gamete from each parent, fertilization can occur. Combine the two sets of chromosomes.
This represents a sperm cell and an egg cell combining to form the first cell of a Reebop called a zygote.
D. How many chromosomes will the zygote have? _________
E. What type of division will the zygote go through to make a fully developed Baby Reebop? _________
F. How many chromosomes will each body cell in the Baby Reebop have? ________
7. Now that you have a Baby Reebop, determine what the phenotype of the Baby Reebop will be from its genotype.
Baby Reebop’s Genotype
# of antenna
Baby Reebop’s Phenotype
2 antennae
color of nose
number of eyes
# of body segments
# of green humps
shape of tail
color of legs
Boy or Girl?
(flip a coin)
8. Build the Baby Reebop you have.
G. A cell with 46 chromosomes goes through meiosis, how many cells are you going to end up with? ______
H. How many chromosomes are you going to find in each of those cells? ___________
I. What is the term for daughter cells that have half the number of chromosomes?
J. A male haploid cell (a gamete) is called a ______________ cell. A female haploid cell (also a gamete) is
an ________________.
K. Humans have cells that go through mitosis, for example liver cells. If one liver cell goes through mitosis,
how many cells are you going to end up with? _____________
L. How many chromosomes are you going to find in each of those human cells? _____________
Sexual reproduction gives organisms the ability to have traits that are different from their parents. Notice the
traits of the 2 parents. Now notice the traits of your Baby Reebop.
9. Is your Baby Reebop identical to either parent? __________
Asexual reproduction is another way that certain organisms can reproduce.
There are different types of asexual reproduction such as binary fission (bacteria) & budding (yeast cells).
10. Define asexual reproduction in 6 words or less.
11. Give an example of an organism that reproduces by binary fission. _______________________________
a. Briefly describes what happens when binary fission is taking place in this organism.
12. Give an example of an organism that reproduces by budding. __________________________________
13. Though the Baby Reebop was not made through asexual reproduction, pretend for a second that it was. What
would the Baby Reebop look like if it was made through asexual reproduction?
14. Why is it an advantage that the Baby Reebop’s all are genetically different?