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The Course of Genetics – Lectures (15x90')
An Introduction to Genetics
Cytogenetic Basis of Inheritance
Mendel's Laws of Inheritance
Modification of Mendelian Segregation
Sex Determination and X-linked Inheritance
Genetic Linkage and Mapping in Eucaryotes
Quantitative Traits and Polygenic Inheritance
Extra-nuclear Inheritance
Genetics of Bacteria and Phages
Mutagenesis and Mutations
Mechanisms Generating Mutations and DNA Repair
Population Genetics
Evolutionary Genetics
Genetic Advances in Medicine
and Other Human Practice
Social and Ethical Implications of Advanced Genetic
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
Aleksander L. Sieroń
SEMINARS (3 hours per unit; 10 x 3h=30 hours)
1. Introduction to genetics 04/03/17
- explanation of basic genetic terminology: gene, allele; chromosome, homologous,
homozygote, heterozygote, genotype, phenotype, genome, karyotype; genetic
symbols: how to denote gene, allele, genotype, gametes
2. Division of genetic material 04/10/17
- Segregation of chromosomes and genes during mitosis and meiosis
- A play with chromosome (genetic game)
3. Chromosomal aberrations and changes in chromosome number 04/24/17
analysis of aberrant human karyotypes
4. Meiotic determination of Mendel's Laws 05//17
- following the process of gamete production considering gene content of a cell (how to
predict and denote different types of gametes and their frequency)
5. Analysis of gene inheritance in human 05/08/17
- pedigree human analysis: symbols used, analysis of autosomal dominant and recessive
inheritance, carriers probability
6. X-linked traits in humans 05/15/17
- solving genetic problems on sex-linked inheritance (hemophilia, color blindness,
Duchenne muscular dystrophy)
- sex-influenced traits
7. Extension of Mendelian Genetics - allelic and non-allelic genes 05/22/17
- allelic and non-allelic genes: a complementation test
- examples of multiple alleles (ABO blood groups; A and B antigen; Bombay
phenotype; secretor locus; Rh antigen; white locus in Drosophila)
- solving genetic problems on inheritance of multi-allelic genes
8. Extension of Mendelian Genetics – modifications of Mendelian ratios 05/29/17
- solving genetic problems on interactions between alleles and genes (partial and over
dominance, codominance, lethal genes, epistasis, linkage of genes).
- Test 1
9. Nontraditional inheritance 06/05/17
Dynamic mutations
- Mitochondrial inheritance
- Genomic imprinting
10. Polygenic inheritance 06/12/17
- solving genetic problems on inheritance of quantitative traits
solving genetic problems: estimation of frequency of genes and genotypes in population,
calculation of probability of genetic risk in affected and non-affected families
Students must be ready for short quiz covering topic of the particular seminar.
Recommended Handbooks to Study Genetics
1. Klug S.W., Cummings M.R. CONCEPTS OF GENETICS. Prentice Hall, Inc., USA,
New Jersey 2000 and later
Atherly A. G., Girton J.R., McDonald J.F.: THE SCIENCE OF GENETICS. Saunders
College Publishing, USA, 1999 and later.
The seminars will start on April 3 rd 6thst at 11.45 in Seminar Room 400
Department of General, Molecular Biology and Genetics IV floor Building
Credit for Seminars
Attendance at all seminars is mandatory. Students are allowed 1 unexcused
absence. In case of 2-3 absences the only justified excuse is a sick leave that should be
delivered to the Department as soon as possible (up to 5 days). In the case of a justified
absence a student has to pass the missed part of material. If absence from obligatory classes
exceeds 3 seminars, even justified, student is excluded from the course in the given academic
No smoking, eating, gum chewing or drinking during seminars.
The following are the requirements to credit a student with seminars:
Students must be ready for short quiz covering topic of the particular seminar.
Each student will prepare 15-20 minutes PowerPoint presentations on given topics.
The topics of presentations to prepare will be given during first seminar
Passing the small tests the following are the grades: 19-20 correct answers/20 questions = A
(5 points), 17-18/20 = B (4 points), 13-16/20 = C (3 points), 12/20 or less = F (2 points, a
test is failed).
To pass open questions quiz the answers to all questions must be given
The test questions are based on the theoretical material comprised in a) textbooks
recommended in the syllabus, b) lectures
Each small test may be retaken TWO TIMES. To retake a small test a student should make an
individual appointment with the teacher.
Small test dates and teachers’ office hours will be available at the website:
Admittance to the Final Test
To the final test are admitted students who collected all required credits and whose
final average grade for the semester (arithmetic average of small test grades) is at least “C” (3
points) or higher.
Credit for the course
To successfully complete the course a student is required to pass the final test; the
grades are as follow: 91-100 correct answers/100 questions = A (5 points), 80-90/100 = B (4
points), 65-79/100 = C (3 points), 64 or less (F, the test is failed). The final grade will be
calculated according to the formula: (a + 2b)/3, where: a – is an average value for all the
seminar grades, b – is the final test grade.
Cell phones, iPods and other electronic devices must be turned off during lectures as well as
during tests.
Students caught cheating on an final test receive a grade zero on the exam in their first
cheating attempt and receive a warning. Students caught cheating for the second time will
receive a grade of F in the course and another warning.
The decision of the acceptance of the previous courses of Genetics will be made by the
Director of Department on the basis of final grade and detailed program of the previous
Klug S.W., Cummings M.R. CONCEPTS OF GENETICS. Prentice Hall, Inc., USA, New
Jersey 2000 and later.
Atherly A. G., Girton J.R., McDonald J.F.: THE SCIENCE OF GENETICS. Saunders
College Publishing, USA, 1999 and later.
Małgorzata Lisik M.D.