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-1Bio 309F
Exam #1
February 24, 2004
Note: Please keep your answers covered throughout the exam.
I. Multiple Choice (2 points each, 50 questions, 100 points total) Note: There are three bonus
questions at the end of the exam (questions 51, 52, 53) each worth 1 point (3 points total)
1. The discipline of molecular human genetics began in 1949 when Linus Pauling at Cal Tech
discovered a defective ______________protein in red blood cells of individuals
A. cytochrome C
B. actin
C. hemoglobin
D. immunoglobulin
E. haptoglobin
2. Pea plants are referred to as "true breeders" since pea plants are self fertilized. Thus, the pea
plant traits selected by Mendel for genetic crosses were ____________________.
A. homozygous
B. heterozygous
C. haploid
D. A and C are correct
E. B and C are correct
Which of the following organism(s) is/are eukaryotes?
corn plants
A, B, and C are correct
4. Eukaryotes can be distinguished from prokaryotes in that eukaryotes
A. have a nuclear membrane
B. do not have a nuclear membrane
C. are diploid
D. A and C are correct
E. B and C are correct
5. Cells are composed of complex structures/organelles, with distinct functions. Which
organelle is involved in energy transformation?
A. lysosomes
B. golgi apparatus
C. endoplasmic reticulum
D. mitochondria
E. nucleus
6. Cell cycle (life history of a cell) can be divided into phases referred to as G1, S, G2, and M.
Interphase has the following phases
A. G1, G2, S, M
B. G2, S, M
C. G1, S, M
D. G1, S, G2
E. none of the above
7. Beak down of he nuclear membrane (envelope) first appears in the ________phase.
A. interphase
B. metaphase
C. anaphase
D. prophase
E. telophase
8. Chromosomes line up at the midline of the dividing cell in _______________phase
A. interphase
B. metaphase
C. anaphase
D. prophase
E. telophase
9. Replication of chromosomes (chromosome duplication) takes place in the ______phase
A. G1
B. S
C. G2
D. M
E. A and B are correct
10. A human egg or sperm can be referred to as
A. haploid
B. diploid
C. having 23 single chromosomes
D. A and C are correct
E. B and C are correct
11. a single primary human spermatocyte that undergoes meiosis will yield _____spermatid(s)
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. eight
12. A single primary human oocyte that undergoes meiosis will yield ______ovum(s)
A. one
B. two
C. three
D. four
E. eight
13. The fundamental unit of heredity is:
A. gene
B. cytosol
C. nucleus
D. mitochondria
E. nuclear membrane
14. An allele is _________
A. one of the bases of DNA
B. an alternate form of a gene
C. another term for epistasis
D. present only in males and is responsible for sex determination
E. found in mitochondria but not in the nucleus
15. In dihybrid crosses, the ratio 9:3:3:l indicates_______.
A. codominance
B. independent assortment
C. intermediate or lack of dominance
D. three alleles for each trait
E. none of the above
16. The fundamental Mendelian process that involves the separation of contrasting genetic
elements at the same locus would be called ______.
A. segregation
B. independent assortment
C. continuous variation
D. discontinuous variation
E. dominance or recessiveness
17. Chromosomes 1-22 in humans are referred to as
A. karyotypes
B. metacent rics
C. homologues
D. autosomes
E. allosomes
18. The cross-over frequency between genes A and B is 16%. The map distance between genes
A and B is
A. 4 map units
B. 8 map units
C. 16 map units
D. 32 map units
E. none of the above
19. A man with genophobia disease marries a normal woman. They have 8 children (4 boys and
4 girls. All of the girls have the disease but none of the boys have the disease. How is
genophobia inherited?
A. autosomal recessive
B. Y linked
C. autosomal dominant
D. X-linked dominant
E. X-linked recessive
20. Human somatic cells from normal individuals are composed of _________chromosomes
A. 23 pairs
B. 23 single
C. 45 single
D. 47 single
E. 24 pairs
Note: Use the following information regarding autosomal inheritance for questions 21-23
A = normal pigmentation, a = albino
21. The first child born to a couple with normal pigmentation is an albino. What are the
genotypes of the parents?
22. The couple in question #21 are expecting a second child. They would like to know what the
chances are of their expected child being an albino?
A. Zero chance
B. 1/4
C. 1/2
D. 3/4
E. 100% chance
-523. The expected second child for the couple in questions 21-22 is born and turned out to be
normal pigmented. Now the parents want to know what the chances are that this pigmented
child is a carrier (heterozygous) of the albino trait?
A. Zero
B. 1/4
C. 1/3
D. 2/3
E. 100% chance
24. Which Mendelian Law(s) [Principle(s)] is/are demonstrated in questions 21-23?
A. dominance/recessive
B. separation (segregation) of alleles
C. independent assortment
D. A and B are correct
E. A, B, and C are correct
Note: Use this additional information (plus the information above on skin pigmentation) in
answering questions 25-27.
T = tongue roller, t = non-tongue roller.
25. A couple who are normal pigmented and can roll their tongues have an albino child who
cannot roll his/her tongue. What are the genotypes of the parents?
26. The couple in question #25 are expecting a second child and they would like to know the
chances that the expected child will be a non-tongue rolling albino.
A. 1/4
B. 3/4
C. 1/16
D. 3/16
E. 9/16
27. What are the chances that the expected child will be a tongue rolling albino?
A. 1/4
B. 3/4
C. 1/16
D. 3/16
E. 9/16
28. Which Mendelian Law(s) [Principle(s)] is/are demonstrated in questions 25-27?
A. dominance/recessive
B. separation (segregation) of alleles
C. independent assortment
D. A and B are correct
E. A, B, and C are correct
Note: Use the following information for questions 29-31 for the following sex-linked trait.
D = normal muscle function, d = Duchenne muscular dystrophy
29. The first child born to a normal couple is a Duchenne muscular dystrophy son. What are the
genotypes of the parents?
30. The couple in question # 19 are expecting a second child. They would like to know the
probability that they will have a daughter with Duchenne muscular dystrophy?
A. Zero chance
B. 1/4
C. 1/2
D. 3/4
E. 100% chance
31. The couple in question # 19 would like to know the probability that they will have a son
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy?
A. Zero chance
B. 1/4
C. 1/2
D. 3/4
E. 100% chance
32. Pattern baldness is inherited as a ______________trait.
A. sex-linked dominant
B. sex-linked recessive
C. sex-influenced
D. sex-limited
E. none of the above
33. A female who is bald is married to a non-bald male. Expectations are that:
A. all sons will become bald
B. all daughters will become bald
C. none of the daughters will become bald
D. A and C are correct
E. B and C are correct
34. Traits such as breast formation in females or beard in males are referred to as
A. sex-linked dominant traits
B. sex-linked recessive traits
C. sex-influenced traits
D. sex-limited traits
E. none of the above
35. Which of the following refer to phenotype?
A. Aa
B. tall plants
C. wrinkled pea seeds
D. B and C are correct
E. A, B, and C are correct
36. Which of the following crosses will give a 1:1:1:1 ratio?
A. Aa X Aa
B. Aa X aa
C. AaBb X AaBb
D. AaBb X aabb
E. AaBb X Aabb
37. Example(s) of polygenetic traits in humans is/are______
A. height
B. sickle cell anemia
C. cystic fibrosis
D. B and C are correct
E. A, B, and C are correct
38. Multfactorial traits are influenced by the interaction of
A. one or more environmental factors and two or more genes
B. mitochondrial and nuclear genes
C. cytosol organelles
D. all of the above
E. none of the above
39. Obese mice (ob/ob)____
A. have a genetic defect in the leptin gene
B. have a genetic defect in the leptin receptor
C. have reduced numbers of fat cells
D. A and B are correct
E. None of the above are correct
40. Aneuploidy results from
A. non-disjunction during meiosis
B. non-disjunction during mitosis
C. crossing over between homologous chromosomes
D. crossing over between non-homologous chromosomes
E. none of the above
41. Which term best describes Turner Syndrome?
A. euploidy
B. triploidy
C. monosomy
D. trisomy
E. tetraploidy
42. Which term best describes Down Syndrome?
A. euploidy
B. triploidy
C. monosomy
D. trisomy
E. tetraploidy
43. Cells from an XXY male would stain positive for ______ Barr bodies
A. zero
B. one
C. two
D. three
E. four
44. The probability of a female in her late teens or early 20's of having a Down Syndrome child
A. 1 in 1,200 to 1 in 1,500
B. 1 in 900
C. 1 in 600
D. 1 in 200
E. 1 in 40
45. The probability of a female in her mid 40's of having a Down Syndrome child is:
A. 1 in 1,200 to 1 in 1,500
B. 1 in 900
C. 1 in 600
D. 1 in 200
E. 1 in 40
46. Karyotypic analyses of the chromosomes from a Down Syndrome individual revealed a
cross-like configuration. This is indicative of a_______
A. deletion
B. duplication
C. inversion
D. translocation
E. extra # 19 chromosome
47. What chromosome abnormality can result from dispermy?
A. diploidy
B. triploidy
C. tetraploidy
D. monosomy
E. trisomy
48. Which cells in a human female would be classifed as monoploidy?
A. somatic cells
B. primary oocytes
C. primary spermatocytes
D. ovum or egg
E. none of the above
49. A method for sampling the fluid (containing fetal cells) surrounding the developing fetus for
diagnosis of fetal genetic/developmental disorders at approximately 16 weeks of pregnancy is
A. aminocentesis
B. chorionic villus sampling
C. cytogenetics
D. chromosomal spread
E. cell cycle analyses
50. Down syndrome could result from:
A. having an extra # 21 chromosome
B. being mosaic for chromosome 21
C. translocation of all or part of chromosome #21 to a non-homologous chromosome
D. A and B are correct
E. A, B, and C are correct
- 10 -
Bonus Questions (each question is worth 1 point, 3 points total)
51. Karyotypic analyses revealed that the somatic cells of an individual were XXY. What
syndrome would this be?
A. Down Syndrome
B. Turner Syndrome
C. Klinefelter Syndrome
D. Jones Syndrome
E. Murphy Syndrome
52. Mendel discovered that tall plants were dominant to short plants. At the gene level, the
reason tall plants are tall and short plants are short is due to a mutation of a gene in the short
plants (non-mutated in the tall plants) that is responsible for a plant growth hormone called
A. complement
B. millirem
C. mullerian
D. dihydroteststerone
E. gibberellin
53. The chemical composition of prions (cause mad cow disease) is:
C. protein
D. lipid
E. carbohydrate