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Interactions and Ecosystems Final Concept Review Sheet
Interactions and Ecosystems
50 Multiple Choice: 31 Understands and Makes Connections
19 Analyze and Solve Problems
Study Tools: Textbook ____________ Textbook review 89, 90, 91
Notebook, split page notes, quizzes, concept review sheet, vocab list, old quizzes, labs  student tests
Study HOW? ACTIVE study methods, read & review notes, notebooks, write, diagrams, webs, pictures,
discuss, ask questions, practice tests, get a head start (no cramming)
Use these concept topics to create challenging questions and answer with detailed statements and examples
An ecosystem is______________
Biotic, abiotic: list examples of both
Interactions in ecosystems such as schoolyard examples
What makes a species?
Population and communities
Symbiotic relationships are relationships….
Commensalism, mutualism, parasitism…explain and examples
Unintended consequences..whoops!
Declining beaver population
Garbage issues and solutions
Sanitary landfill is.. Calgary’s landfills: give details
Reduce, reuse, recycle, recover: mean , how are they different? examples
difference between recycling and reusing…
consumers & producers : which foods contain the highest amount of E
Photosynthesis (the formula). How related to cellular respiration?
cellular respiration is the process responsible for releasing ______
decomposers..list of… release carbon into the air (carbon cycle)..recycle minerals for…
ecoli bacteria…
energy chains show/always start with/examples
10% rule…flow of energy (not recycled)…where does 90% of energy go to… a product of those
reactions is released as_______
Food web
food pyramid: who is at bottom? at top? where is largest biomass?
difference between eating plants and eating “meat” (energy pyramid)
primary, secondary, tertiary (level 3) consumers
What is matter?
cycling means
water cycle: .explain evaporation, condensation, precipitation
carbon exists in coal, oil and ______________
carbon cycle: explain and give examples. What produces carbon dioxide?
Examining the distribution of living things
What kinds of changes occur in ecosystems?
Bioinvasion: examples - starlings, purple loosestrife… why do they flourish?
¼ of Canada’s plant species are NOT ________
competition..for food, water and habitat..examples
what is the predator/prey cycle…read graph and interpret information (60) or in your notebook
(examples: snowshoe hare and lynx)
how does weather affect populations
succession is
examples of pioneer species: lichen
primary succession
climax community
secondary succession examples…
HUMAN impact within ecosystems
Chemical use of DDT: problems
DDT affecting the food chain
Ppm…bioaccumulation means..explain and give an example in food chain
Too late…extinct
Endangered examples, threatened examples: how are they related
Peregrine falcon…positive impact/negative impact of humans
The golden toad
The walk that no wolf would take the walk.. bears and train tracks!
ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINTS are a measure of … using…
When we say an average of 7.7 __________ (what is the measure?)
Who has the biggest footprint? the smallest?
How can you reduce your footprint