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Cell Structure
1 In school, a light microscope is normally used to examine cells and tissues. Name a more
powerful type of microscope that is used to show what cells are made of in much greater
detail (cell ultrastructure).
2 True or False. If the eyepiece lens of a microscope is marked X10 and the objective lens is
marked X3, the total magnification is X13
3 For what purpose did you use a Cover slip in the course of your practical activities?
4 If the magnification of the eyepiece of a microscope is X 10 and the magnification of the
objective lens is X 30, what magnification results when a slide is viewed?
5 Answer the following questions in relation to obtaining and staining a sample of plant cells
and viewing them under the microscope. (i) From what plant did you obtain the cells? (ii)
How did you obtain a thin piece of a sample of the cells and prepare it for examination?
(iii) What stain did you use on the cells? (iv) Describe how you applied the stain. (v) The
objective lenses on a microscope are usually labelled 40X, 10X, and 4X. Which objective
lens should you begin with when using the microscope? (vi) Give one cell structure that
you observed that indicated that the cells were plant
6 For what purpose did you use Methylene blue in the course of your practical activities?
7 Name a carbohydrate found in the cell wall.
8 What is an enzyme?
9 What is a selectively permeable (semi-permeable) membrane?
10 True or False. Human chromosomes are found in the nucleus.
11 True or False. Cell membranes let only some molecules pass through.
12 The liquid in which chemical reactions take place in the cell is …
13 What is usually found in the vacuole?
14 Name two features of a plant cell which are not normally associated with an animal cell.
15 What stain did you use when examining cells under the microscope?
16 Describe how you applied the stain to the cells for examination under the microscope.
17 True or False. Plant cells have chloroplasts, animal cells do not have chloroplasts.
18 State two features of plant cells visible under a light microscope that indicate that they are
typical plant cells.
19 Match the correct cell component from the following list – ribosome, vacuole, chloroplast,
cell membrane, mitochondrion – with the functions listed: Contains chlorophyll, Site of
protein formation, Site of energy release, Site of storage of water, salts and sugars, Allows
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osmosis to occur.
20 Describe how you obtained a thin piece of a sample of cells for examining under a
21 Select the correct term from the following list – liver, variation, lipid, haploid, sap – to
match each of the terms: Cell membrane, Vacoule
22 Answer the following questions in relation to obtaining and staining a sample of plant cells
and viewing them under the microscope. (i) From what plant did you obtain the cells? (ii)
How did you obtain a thin piece of a sample of the cells and prepare it for examination?
(iii) What stain did you use on the cells? (iv) Describe how you applied the stain. (v) The
objective lenses on a microscope are usually labelled 40X, 10X, and 4X. Which objective
lens should you begin with when using the microscope? (vi) Give one cell structure that
you observed that indicated that the cells were plant
23 For what purpose did you use Methylene blue in the course of your practical activities?
24 Name a carbohydrate found in the cell wall.
25 What is an enzyme?
26 What is a selectively permeable (semi-permeable) membrane?
27 True or False. Human chromosomes are found in the nucleus.
28 True or False. Cell membranes let only some molecules pass through.
29 The liquid in which chemical reactions take place in the cell is …
30 What is usually found in the vacuole?
31 Name two features of a plant cell which are not normally associated with an animal cell.
32 What stain did you use when examining cells under the microscope?
33 Describe how you applied the stain to the cells for examination under the microscope.
34 True or False. Plant cells have chloroplasts, animal cells do not have chloroplasts.
35 State two features of plant cells visible under a light microscope that indicate that they are
typical plant cells.
36 Match the correct cell component from the following list – ribosome, vacuole, chloroplast,
cell membrane, mitochondrion – with the functions listed: Contains chlorophyll, Site of
protein formation, Site of energy release, Site of storage of water, salts and sugars, Allows
osmosis to occur.
37 Describe how you obtained a thin piece of a sample of cells for examining under a
38 Select the correct term from the following list – liver, variation, lipid, haploid, sap – to
match each of the terms: Cell membrane, Vacoule
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