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Outline of Topics—Mendelian Genetics Chapter 10 and 12.3
This is an OUTLINE for you to use while you are doing your homework reading.
10.1 Genetics Developed from Curiosity about Inheritance
Key Terms:
What is the Blending Hypothesis of Inheritance?
Who is Gregor Mendel?
What was Mendel’s hypothesis on how traits were inherited?
How did Mendel test his hypothesis?
10.2 Mendel Discovered hat Inheritance follows rules of Chance
Key Terms:
Monohybrid cross
Punnett Square
Dihybrid cross
What are the differences between the following:
P generation
F1 generation
F2 generation
What is Mendel’s Law of Segregation?
How does Mendel’s Law of segregation relate to the Punnett Square?
In your own words what are the 4 hypotheses that Mendel derived?
Probability and Punnett Squares
What is the probability of getting a T from a parent that has Tt? How about TT? Or tt?
If you have a parent that is Tt and you mate it with a parent that is Tt show
MATHEMATICALLY he probability of getting tt. Now back that up using a Punnett
Genotype vs Phenotype
What is the difference between genotype and phenotype? Give an example of each.
Explain how two plants can have the same phenotype but different genotypes.
The Test Cross
What is a test cross and WHY would someone do one?
If you had a flower with an unknown genotype how can you test to see if it is
heterozygous or homozygous? Use a Punnett square to demonstrate your answer.
Mendel’s Principle of Independent Assortment
Define Independent assortment.
What are the possible GAMETES of a parent that has the genotype TTRR? TtRR? TtRr?
How could you use a dihybrid cross to determine the possible offspring of parents that
are TtRr and TtRr. (Use a Punnett Square to help you)
What are the possible GENOTYPES and Phenotypes form this cross?
How can you use MATH to determine the PROBABILITY of each Phenotype?
Concept 10.3 There are many Variations of Inheritance Patterns
Key terms:
Intermediate Inheritance
Polygenic inheritance.
Define and give an example of each of the three types of variations to Mendel’s ideas of
What are some key factors that the environment plays in an individual’s Phenotype? Give
an example.
10.4 Meiosis Explains Mendel’s Principles
Key Terms:
Chromosome theory of inheritance
Gene locus
Genetic linkage
Explain how the Chromosome theory of inheritance can be used to explain Mendel’s two
theories Segregation and Independent assortment. (You may draw a diagram to help with
your explanation).
Explain how the distance between two gene loci ON THE SAME CHROMOSOME
affects genetic linkage
Mendel considered ALL genes to be independent of each other but we know that that is
not always the case. When would two different genes NOT Assort independently?
10.5 Sex-Linked traits have unique inheritance patterns
Key terms:
Sex-linked genes
You learned that many species have X and y chromosomes to determine gender. Because
the male only receives one and one y and the female does not have any y chromosomes
this presents a unique inheritance pattern for genes carried on these chromosomes.
What is a sex-linked trait?
How is the inheritance pattern of X linked traits different than traits on autosomal (nonsex) chromosomes?
Give an example of sex linked traits in fruit flies. How is that trait inherited?
Section 12.3 Mendel’s Principles Apply to Humans
Key terms:
Genetic counselor
Working with human pedigrees
Why do scientists make a pedigree for a human?
What are the common symbols used to design a pedigree.
Disorders inherited as recessive traits
Most human genetic disorders are _______________________________.
If a person is heterozygote for the disorder they are called _______________________.
Name two disorders that are recessive in humans?
What is necessary for the parents to BOTH be in order for any of their children to have
the disorder? Use a punnett square to explain your answer.
Disorders Inherited as Dominant traits
Name three disorders that are dominant in humans.
Why is it less common to have lethal dominant traits than recessive traits?
Why can people with Huntington’s disease pass it n to their offspring even though it is
Sex-Linked Disorders
Name two diseases that are sex-linked in humans.
How does sex-linked characteristics get passed throughout a family?
Why are their more males than females that have the trait if it is on the X chromosome?
Can females have a x-linked trait—explain? Y linked?
Predicting and treating genetic disorders
What is the role of the genetic counselor?
Why do genetic counselors do karyotypes?
What is phenylketonuria? When is a person screened for this disorder?