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Evolution Test 1 Review Sheet
Law of Superposition –
Unconformity –
Extinct –
Endangered –
Fossil –
Geologic Time –
Index fossil –
Biological Evolution –
Geological Evolution –
Natural Selection –
Variation –
Adaptation –
Homologous Structure –
Mutation –
Evolution –
Who is the father of evolutionary theories?
A successful member of a species survives to do what?
What happens to an unsuccessful member of a species?
A successful member of a species passes on what to its offspring?
What four factors affect the process of natural selection?
What are the four proofs of evolution?
What is overproduction?
What four things do species compete for?
What is an example of a Homologous Structure?
How long does evolution take?
If individuals don’t evolve who does?
Mutations lead directly to what?
What animal did Darwin study?
How old is the earth?
How many species in the history of the planet have gone extinct?
What did Darwin notice about his finches that he based his theory of evolution on?
Explain Darwin’s theory of evolution
What is special about the Galapagos islands that helped Darwin develop the theory of
What kind of rock are most fossils found in?
Life on earth first appeared during what time?
What time era are we in now?
What creates the different divisions on the geologic time scale?
What do most scientists think caused the mass extinction of dinosaurs and other
How does embryology give us proof for evolution?
How does natural selection led to evolution?
Why do scientists think related species have similar body structures and development
Organisms can mate and produce fertile offspring only within what?
Completely explain the process of evolution using a real world example?
What is the difference between radioactive dating and the law of superposition and what
does each tell us?
What is the difference between variation and adaptation?
What type of scientist studies fossils?
What concept best explains how mountains are formed?
What type of plate movement would cause mountain building?
Before the industrial revolution took place what happened to the moth populations in
After the industrial revolution took place what happened to the moth populations in
What concept describes why in pre-industrial London peppered moth populations
What happened to the Birch Trees in London after the industrial revolution?
During what time period did a mass extinction (including the dinosaurs) occur?
What is an intrusion in a rock bed?
During what time period did flowering plants first evolve?
During what time period did fishes first evolve?
List in chronological (time) order from oldest to newest the evolution of: bacteria,
mammals, reptiles, insects, fish, amphibians, flowering plants, and birds.
What is a common example of an index fossil?