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Download UNIT 8 Targets-Evolution
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Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Period:________ Date:______________________ BIOLOGY TARGETS Unit 8 – Biological Evolution Remember… I can connect two or more targets together into one cohesive idea or explanation. I can recall lab/activity concepts, skills, and results from this unit as specific examples of the targets. I can use the BioThemes to connect the content and labs/activities in a detailed and reflective manner. TARGET 8.1 I can identify the age of the Earth (4.6 billion years old) using geologic evidence (relative and radiometric dating). 8.2 I can describe how the Earth first formed, the conditions on early Earth, and how solid rock, liquid water, and oxygen first appeared on Earth. 8.3 I can explain how life began as organic compounds that arose from simpler compounds (Miller-Urey experiment). 8.4 I can explain the important role the first cells played in creating an oxygen atmosphere on Earth. 8.5 I can explain the origin of eukaryotic cells through the endosymbiotic theory. 8.6 I can describe how major events in Earth’s geologic history influenced the development of life over time. 8.7 I can identify specific examples of cause-effect relationships between a change that occurred on Earth (climate change, asteroid collision, continent movement, etc.) and a mass extinction event (ex: K-T event). 8.8 I can identify the observations (Galapagos Islands, dogs, humans) and scientists (both in geology and biology) that were influential in shaping Charles Darwin’s thoughts about organisms changing over time and explain why. 8.9 I can summarize Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. a. Variation exists among individuals within a species b. Struggle for existence (competition) c. Survival of the fittest (environment determines which traits are best fit) d. Descent with modification (reproduction of chance inherited variants result) 8.10 I can differentiate between artificial selection (breeding) and natural selection. 8.11 I can explain that genetic mutations and genetic variety produced by sexual reproduction result in (and can increase) diversity within a given population. 8.12 I can explain how natural selection acts on individuals, but it is populations that evolve. 8.13 I can distinguish between the three patterns of evolution: divergent evolution, convergent evolution, and coevolution and provide an example of each. 8.14 I can explain how convergent evolution leads to analogous structures and divergent evolution leads to homologous structures. 8.15 I can explain how reproductive isolation mechanisms (behavioral, temporal and geographic) can lead to speciation. 8.16 I can distinguish between the two different models for rate of evolutionary change over time: gradualism and punctuated equilibrium and provide evidence as to which model is best supported today. 8.17 I can explain, using examples, how the fossil record provides support for the theory of evolution. a. I can identify the ideal environmental conditions for fossil formation and can explain how specimens are preserved as fossils. b. I can distinguish between the different types of fossils (mold, cast, and actual remain). c. I can identify the three criteria needed for a fossil to be used as an index fossil. 8.18 I can explain, using examples, how comparative embryology provides support for the theory of evolution. 8.19 I can explain, using examples, how anatomical structures (homologous, analogous, and vestigial structures) provide support for the theory of evolution. 8.20 I can explain, using examples, how molecular (DNA) analysis provides support for the theory of evolution. a. I can create and interpret a cladogram or phylogenetic tree showing evolutionary relationships among organisms.