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My Visual Diary
By Serena Unmack
What is the difference between Animal, Plant and Fungal cells?
Animal Cells
•Animal Cells don’t have a cell wall.
•Animal cells don’t make their own
food, they gain nutrients from things
we eat.
•Animal Cells have the same
organelles as fungal cells.
Plant Cells
Fungal Cells
•Plant cells make their own food
using photosynthesis and the
•Plant cells have a cell wall.
•Plant cells have more parts than
animal cells.
•Fungal Cells have the same organelles
as animal cells.
•Fungal Cells have a cell wall like plant
•Fungal cells do not have chloroplasts,
which make photosynthesis, they get
food from whatever they are growing
• Nucleus (control Centre of the cell)
•Nucleolus (found inside the Nucleus, is involved in protein synthesis)
• Cell wall (Plant and Fungi only) (helps keep the cells rigid)
•Cell Membrane (protects the cell)
•Chloroplasts (Plants Only) (where photosynthesis is made using energy from the sun)
•Endoplasmic Reticulum (smooth and rough) (helps things travel)
•Vacuole (stores water, waste and food)
•Chromosomes (genetic material found in the nucleus)
•Lysosome’s (like a garbage removal unit that gets rid of unwanted matter from the cell)
•Mitochondria (where the energy for the cell is made)
•Golgi Apparatus (packages protein)
•Ribosome's (create proteins for growth and repair of the cell)
How do cells reproduce?
Not all cells reproduce in the same way. Some reproduce sexually and others, asexually.
There are 5 phases to the asexual of a cell. This is called Mitosis, They are
Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase. When a cells
reproduces asexually, they do so without intercourse. The cell makes a
copy of itself. Some cells split themselves in two to do this. The result is a
daughter cell. The daughter cell is identical to the parent.
Other cells reproduce sexually. This is called Meiosis.The process
is different when reproduction is done sexually. There is a female
cells and a male cell. The cells of higher plants or animals have
two sets of chromosomes (they are called diploids). When
gametes or sex cells are produced they only have on set of
chromosomes (they are called haploids). During fertilisation, two
cells merge into one and therefore restores the diploid state.
The process of asexually reproduction.
Vegetable/Plant Cells
Water Bubbles
Banana Cells 100x
Banana Cells 400x
Rhubarb cells 100x
Cell Walls
Banana Cells 400x
Cell Walls
Onion Cells 100x
Cell Walls
Cell Walls
Onion Cells 400x
Fungi Cells
Adjective: Any of a diverse group of eukaryotic single celled or multinucleate organisms
that live by decomposing and absorbing the organic material in which they
grow, comprising the mushrooms, moulds, mildews, smuts, rusts, and yeasts,
and classified in the kingdom Fungi or, in some classification systems,
In the division Fungi (Thallophyta) of the kingdom Plantae.
Lycoperdon perlatum - Puff Ball
Puff Ball cells 40x
Puff Ball cells 100x
Rhizopus Nigricans Conjugation
Rhizopus Nigricans is one of the most
common fungi’s in the world. It is the bread
mould fungus.
Rhizopus Nigricans
Conjugation 100x
Rhizopus Nigricans
Conjugation 40x
Rhizopus zygospores
Rhizopus zygospores 100x
Other Parts/Types of the
Conducting Cell
Conducting cells are long tubes like
pipes. Conducting cells transport
water from where it is collected in
the roots of the plant to where it is
needed in the leaves so
photosynthesis can take place.
Guard Cell
Guard cells work in pairs, opening and
closing like little pores. Gases which are
needed for the plant enter through these
Guard cells and unwanted gases exit
through the Guard cells.
Chloroplasts– Photosynthesis
Chloroplasts are found on near the surface of
green leaves and stems of plant. Chloroplasts
trap the suns energy and turn it into food for the
plant. This process is called photosynthesis.
Unicellular Organisms
Definition – Adjective: Having or consisting of
one single cell
Paramecium 40x
Paramecium can move, eat and
reproduce. Paramecium live in
water filled environments, usually
warm, stagnant water. They are
capable of both sexually and
asexual reproduction.
Paramecium 40x (this photo has lots of
water bubbles)
Euglena have chloroplasts and use
photosynthesis but they can also absorb
food from their environment. Scientist
have been debating for years weather
they are a plant or an animal cell, so
right now they are neither. They are
classified as Protists. They usually live in
quiet ponds or puddles.
Euglena 100x
Euglena 100x
Euglena 100x