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GENETICS PART 1: Mendelian Genetics
Gregor Mendel
____________________: Father of genetics, studied pea plants.
____________________: study of heredity
_________________: transmission of genetic characteristics from parents to offspring
_______________: a characteristic controlled by genes (EXAMPLE – tongue roller, hair color, eye color)
Recessive and Dominant Traits
________________: A trait that covers or ___________ another trait.
_________________: A trait that is covered or masked when paired with a ________________ trait.
Chromosomes and Genes
__________: A segment of _______ on a chromosome that controls a particular trait.
_________: alternative form of a _______, one is __________ and one is __________.
An Individual inherits _____ alleles for every gene. (1 from ________ and 1 from ________)
Dominant alleles: ________________________
Example: ____ = dominant allele for _____________ flowers
Recessive alleles: ________________________
Example: ____ = recessive allele that will yield ___________ flowers
Mendel’s Laws
 Law of Segregation: during ______________ formation (MEIOSIS) pairs of alleles _____________
and are randomly united during fertilization
 Offspring receives ____ allele from each parent
 Law of Independent Assortment: allele pairs separate _____________________of one another
during gamete formation.
This law would be violated, for example, if the “G" allele was always associated with the “Y" allele (and thus
eliminating the possibility of _________ and ________ gametes).
In the space below, write 3 questions that can be answered by reading your notes. Your questions
should be thoughtful and related to the vocabulary and concepts learned. They should be higher level
questions than “what is…” I expect to see things like “How does --- compare to ---?”
Genotype and Phenotype
_________________: the genetic makeup of an organism
Consists of _______________ inherited from parents
_________________: the physical appearance of an organism resulting from genotype
FF ……………………… ______________________
Ff ……………………… _______________________
……………………… _______________________
_____________________: both alleles are alike
Homozygous ______________________: has 2 dominant alleles (_______)
Homozygous ______________________: has 2 recessive alleles (_______)
____________________: each allele differs (_______)
Heterozygous organisms usually display the ____________________ phenotype.
Always write the ____________________ letter first!
Monohybrid Crosses
 _________________: a cross that involves ____ pair of contrasting traits
We use diagrams called ________________ squares to predict _______________ traits.
Genotypic and Phenotypic Ratios
_______________________________: ratio of genotypes that will appear in the offspring.
Expressed in order from most ____________________ to most _____________________
1 RR : 2 Rr : 1 rr
_______________________________: ratio of phenotypes that will appear in the offspring.
Also expressed in order from most ____________________ to most _____________________
3 Red : 1 white