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Ch 15-3 Darwin Presents His Case
After Darwin returned to England in 1836 he filled notebooks with his ideas about __________________________ and the process
that he would later call __________________________. He did not rush to publish his ideas because they ______________________
with the fundamental scientific ___________________ of his day. He asked his wife to publish his ideas when he ________________.
In 1858 another naturalist, _______________________________, wrote an essay describing his work in ____________________ that
summarized the same ideas _________________ had been thinking about for 25 years!
Suddenly Darwin had incentive to publish the results of his work!
In 1859 Darwin published ___________________________________, which presented __________________ and proposed a
__________________ for evolution that he called __________________________.
Isn’t evolution just a theory?
A theory is a ___________________, ______________ explanation of phenomena that have occurred in the natural world, just like the
theory of ________________________, _________________, and _______________________.
So what is Darwin’s theory?
- ___________________________________ is found naturally in all populations.
- The ____________________________________ means that members of each species must _____________________ for food,
space, and other _____________________________.
- Some organisms in a _______________________ are _____________________________ to survive.
- ___________________________________: those organisms which are better adapted to the environment will _________________
and __________________________, passing on their _______________.
* ______________________ = Ability of an individual to _________________&___________________ in its specific environment
* ______________________ = Any __________________________________________ that increases an organism’s
- Over time, natural selection results in ____________________ in the inherited characteristics of a _____________________. These
changes ______________________________ a species’ ___________________________ in its environment.
- _______________________________________________suggests that each species has ______________________________,
with ___________________,from other species over time. This idea suggests that all living species are
_______________________________________, and that all species, living and extinct, share a ___________________________.
3. _____________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________
In artificial selection, _____________________ provides the ____________________ through ___________________ and
_________________________________and ______________________________ those traits that they find ____________________.
The Fossil Record – ________________ are the ___________________________found in layers of rock in the Earth.
The layers of rock tell the history of the_________________, while the ______________ found within the rock tell a history of
______________. The fossils are thought to be the __________________ as the rock they are found in.
______________________________ fossils have been found. Ex- ___________________________________
Geographic Distribution- If Darwin’s theory is correct you would expect to find _______________________________ yet
________________________________ living in a _______________________ region as they spread into nearby habitats and evolve.
That’s EXACTLY what we do see!
Tortoises adapted to different habitats as they spread from the mainland to the different islands
=__________________________evolution =adaptive _______________________________
The ____________ of Galapagos finches have ________________ to eating a _______________ of _____________.
If Darwin’s theory is correct you would also expect to find ___________________________ living in _______________________
geographic regions but similar habitats becoming ________________________ as they adapt to _____________________________.
That’s EXACTLY what we do see!
Whales and sharks have a _________________ body design even though they are very ___________________ organisms (one is a
fish; the other, a mammal) because they have ___________________________________ to living in a ________________________
environment. = _____________________________evolution
Whales are closely related to wolves, but don’t look or act much like them = _______________________ evolution
Whales are distantly related to sharks, but look and act more like them = _________________________ evolution
Conclusion: The _____________________________ of the environment drives evolution
EX: Beaver and capybara are _______________________________ species living in very _____________________ environments,
while beaver and musk-rat are ________________________________ species living in a _____________________ environment.
Differences between beaver and capybara show ________________________ evolution, while similarities between beaver and show
__________________________ evolution.
Differences between ______________________________ muskrat and coypu show ______________________ evolution, while
similarities between_______________________________ capybara and coypu show ________________________ evolution.
Homologous Body Structures – Structures, like the limbs of vertebrates, look very _____________________, but are made from the
_____________________, because they are made from the same clump of ________________________ cells in the _____________.
Some _____________________________________are _____________________ and have no useful function even though they are
still present, like _____________________in whales and boa constrictors, or a ____________ and ___________________in humans.
Ex of Vestigial Structures:
- Most mammals have a pouch called a ________________ between their small and large intestine that contains bacteria to digest
plants. In humans the cecum is shrunken and unused. It is our ______________________.
- Human embryo have a __________________________. Tail _______________________________________________________.
- Skinks are a type of lizard. In some species, legs have become so small they ______________________________ in walking.
Why would an organism possess organs with ___________________________________________________?
One explanation: The ___________________ is present to make the organ, but___________________ has been _______________
through _____________________________. If the organ is not vital to survival, then natural selection would not cause its elimination.
Similarities in Embryology - _______________of many animals with back-bones are very similar. It is clear that the same groups of
____________________________ cells develop in the same order to produce the same tissues and organs of all vertebrates,
suggesting that they all __________________ from a ____________________________.
Similarities in DNA
Similarities in ___________ and __________________ sequences suggest relatedness.
Similar _________________________ suggest an ________________________________________.
Banding Patterns match; Telomeres in middle; Extra inactive centromere
Did you ever wonder why dogs and cats don’t need to eat _________________________, but you do?
Fish, amphibians, reptiles, and most mammals can make their own _______________, but humans need to eat fresh fruit or they end
up with _____________. Human DNA contains the gene that codes for the enzyme to make vitamin C, but it is _________________.
Guess what other group of organisms lack the ability to make their own Vitamin C? ________________________
Humans have many other nonfunctional vestigial genes called ___________________________.
EX: Humans have more than 99 different odor receptor genes, but more than 70% of them are ________________________.
Can see Natural Selection happen
EX: ________________________________- There is a natural variation in populations of peppered moths.
Typical form- ___________________________; Carbonaria form- ______________________________
The ________________________ form was the predominant form in England prior to the __________________________________.
Around the middle of the 19th century the ________________ form began to appear. It was first reported in 1848. By 1895 98% of the
moths in Manchester were the ______________________ variety. In recent years, the burning of cleaner fuels and Clean Air
regulations has reduced the pollution there and the _______________________ colored moths have increased in numbers.
EX: Changes in disease-causing microbes that produce new organisms and ___________________________________.
Such as _______________________, _____________, ________________________________________________