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Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 1 (January 3-6)
1-1 (12E-S)
The diagram below shows the flow of carbon in a
terrestrial ecosystem. Which change will most likely
happen if the decomposers are removed from the
carbon cycle?
The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
will increase.
G The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
will decrease.
H The amount of carbon dioxide used by producers will increase.
J The amount of carbon dioxide needed by consumers will decrease.
1-2 (6E-R)
A codon chart is shown to the left.
Which of these changes to the DNA
triplet 3’ GCT 5’ will affect the protein
1-3 (7E-R)
Some organisms have genes that improve their ability to survive and reproduce. If the genes also help their
offspring survive and reproduce, then which of the following will most likely increase?
A The frequency of the genes in one individual
B The frequency of the genes in the population
C The number of genes in one chromosome
D The number of genes in the species
1-4 (12C-R)
A pond food chain is shown in the diagram below. Which organism represents the trophic level containing
approximately 0.1% of the initial amount of solar energy acquired by the grass?
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 1 (January 3-6)
1-5 (7D-S)
Which condition is essential for natural selection to result in a new species?
A Unlimited resources
C A static environment
B An inherited variation
D A long life span
1-6 (6F-R)
In sheep, the allele for white wool (W) is dominant, and the allele for black wool (w) is recessive. A farmer
has mated two Suffolk sheep for a few years. These matings have resulted in six offspring, four with white
wool and two with black wool. One parent has white wool and the other has black wool. Which of the
following could be the genotypes of the parent sheep?
A WW and Ww
B Ww and Ww
C WW and ww
D Ww and ww
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 2 (January 9-13)
2-1 (7E-R)
A harmless scarlet king snake and a venomous eastern coral snake have similar band patterns, as shown
below. For the scarlet king snake, the adaptation of having a banding pattern like the eastern coral snake is
known as mimicry.
The outcome of this adaptation in the scarlet king snake is to –
A make it easier for the scarlet king snake to attract prey
B make it easier for the scarlet king snake to interbreed with the other snake
C allow the scarlet king snake to blend in with its environment
D protect the scarlet king snake from its predators
2-2 (6B-S)
What characteristics do all living things share?
A They need oxygen to survive.
B They contain nucleic acids.
C They are composed of multiple membrane-bound organelles.
D They reproduce by mitosis.
2-3 (7B-S)
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
2-4 (6E-R)
2-5 (7A-R)
The limbs of several organisms are shown in the illustration below. Scientists sometimes compare the limbs
of these organisms to look for evidence of common ancestry.
These limbs provide evidence of common ancestry because they –
A have the same basic structure
B perform the same function
C are the same size
D are parts of mammals
2-6 (12C-R)
The Texas blind salamander (Eurycea rathbuni) lives in the Edwards Aquifer region around San Marcos.
Along with other species, the salamander lives in total darkness in the underground crevices and caves in
the Aquifer region. The table lists some of the organisms that live in this environment and their food
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 3 (January 17-20)
Items 3-1 & 3-2 both refer to the information below:
Isle Royale is an island situated in Michigan’s Lake Superior. The ecosystem of this island supports a
population of wolves as well as a population of moose. For many years, scientists have studied the
predator-prey relationship between wolves and moose on the island. The graph below shows changes in
moose population on Isle Royale over a period of time.
Day 3-1 (12A)
Which of the following natural forces was the least likely to cause the decrease in the island’s moose
population during the time period from D to E?
A disease
C predation
B mutation
D competition
3-2 (12F)
Which of these procedures could be used to test the hypothesis that an increase in the wolf population will
cause a decrease in the moose population on Isle Royale?
F Remove some of the wolves from Isle Royale
G Remove some of the moose from Isle Royale
H Place ten wolves and ten moose in an enclosure and observe for several months
J Introduce more wolves onto Isle Royal
Day 3-3 (7A)
Genome maps provide the DNA sequences of chromosomes. Some scientists have compared the genome
maps of a hedgehog and a sloth. What do these genome maps allow the scientists to determine?
A The color pattern of the offspring of each species.
B How much the size ranges of the two species differ.
C The methods of protein synthesis that each species uses.
D How closely related the two species are to each other.
Day 3-4 (7F)
The concept of gene flow is demonstrated when a cow is driven off from its herd, joins another herd, and
reproduces. When the cow contributes to the gene pool of the new herd, which of these most likely
A Natural selection
B Genetic variation
C Environmental fitness
D Reproductive mutations
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 3 (January 17-20)
Day 3-5 (6G)
Which best describes how meiosis contributes to genetic variation?
A increases the rate of reproduction with each generation
B produces a new individual different from either parent
C decreases the risk of lethal mutations being transmitted
D forms new DNA that can resist environmental change
Day 3-6 (11D)
The diagram below shows the progression of ecological events after a fire in a particular ecosystem. The
progression of ecological events in an ecosystem always builds to the climax community, where the
ecosystem has the most biodiversity.
At which stage in the figure are the most pioneer species found?
B 2
C 3
D 4
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 4 (January 23-27)
4-1 (7A)
Zoogeographic regions are characterized by the presence of specific groups of animals. These regions are
determined by the taxonomic or phylogenetic relationships of animals. The map shows the zoogeographic
regions proposed by the naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace in 1876.
The similarities of organisms in which two areas numbered above provide the best evidence for common
ancestry between the organisms in both locations?
A 1 and 2
C 5 and 6
3 and 4
D 7 and 8
4-2 (9A)
Lemur’s bodies are adapted to efficiently store energy for
times when food is scarce. This adaptation may help
explain how lemur ancestors survived the trip across the
Mozambique Channel from mainland Africa to
Which of the following types of molecules are primarily
used for long-term energy storage in the lemur?
A lipids
B monosaccharides
C nucleic acids
D proteins
4-3 (7A)
After examining the fossil record, scientists have determined that scorpions today are much smaller than
their extinct ancestors. For example, Jaekelopterus rhenaniae, a giant scorpion species that lived 255 million
to 460 million years ago, was 2.5 meters long. Which of the following conclusions is supported by this
A Scorpions living today have increased their numbers since they first appeared.
B Scorpions in the fossil record are smaller than their descendants are.
C Scorpions have changed as a result of natural selection.
D Scorpions do not appear in their original state in the fossil record.
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 4 (January 23-27)
4-4 (7E)
Scientists estimate that there are more than 20,000 species of ants. The species range in size from 1 mm
long to 38 mm long and live in most environments. The diets of ants range from flowers and seeds to fluids
from their own larvae. Ants have been able to successfully inhabit so many different environments because
their populations have been able to –
A hybridize with other species
B adapt to a variety of habitats and food sources
C fill niches usually occupied by mammals
D occupy habitats that have no other life-forms
4-5 (8A)
The Linnaean taxonomic system classifies organisms into divisions called taxa. If to organisms belong to the
same taxonomic group, they are related. Similarity at which of these levels indicates the closest
A Kingdom
B Class
C Order
D Genus
4-6 (8B)
A student collected the animal shown below on a field trip. The student used a dichotomous key and a
microscope to classify the animal.
How should this animal be classified?
A Arthropoda
B Annelida
C Mollusca
D Platyhelminthes
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 5 (January 30-February 3)
5-1 (7E)
In Madagascar scientists have
discovered a moth, Xanthopan
morganii praedicta, that has a 30.5
cm proboscis and feeds from and
pollinates Darwin’s orchid,
Angraecum sesquipedale. The
orchid has a nectar-producing tube
that is 27.9 cm long.
How is the moth’s proboscis size an
adaptation for its environment?
A The moth can avoid larger
B The moth can pollinate other
C The moth has little competition
for food.
D The moth has time to feed during the day.
5-2 (6A)
In 1952 Rosalind Franklin took the x-ray photograph shown
below, which gave the world its first look at DNA. By studying
this photograph, scientists gained knowledge about the –
role of DNA in protein synthesis
mutation of nucleotide sequences in DNA
sequence of DNA that makes up the human genome
double-helix structure of DNA
5-3 (4A)
Lociferans are microscopic multicellular animals that live in various marine
sediments. Scientists have discovered genera of Loriciferans in a deep-sea
habitat that lacks oxygen. Before this discovery, some prokaryotes and some
unicellular eukaryotes wre known to anaerobic environments. Among the
newly discovered is Spinoloricus sp. nov., which is pictured to the right.
Scientists determined that organisms of the genus Spinoloricus were
eukaryotes and not prokaryotes because Spinoloricus cells have –
A flagella
B hereditary material
C cell walls
D nuclear membranes
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 5 (January 30-February 3)
5-4 (7G)
The graphic above depicts the ingestion of small prokaryotes by larger anaerobes. How does this process
support the evolution of eukaryotic cells?
A Eukaryotes and prokaryotes are both unicellular.
B Eukaryotes are heterotrophic.
C Eukaryotes and prokaryotes need energy to live.
D Eukaryotes are characterized as having membrane-bound organelles.
5-5 (8B)
Using a light microscope, a student
identified the following characteristics
of four organisms found in a sample of
pond water.
Based on the observations of the
student, which organisms most likely belong to the taxonomic group for bacteria?
A Organisms 1 and 2
B Organisms 3 and 4
C Organisms 1 and 4
D Organisms 2 and 3
5-6 (8B)
Methanogens, thermophiles, and halophiles are some of the most primitive life-forms found on Earth and
thrive in very harsh environments. These unicellular, prokaryotic organisms most likely to belong to which
of the following taxonomic kingdoms?
A Fungi
B Eubacteria
C Protista
D Archaebacteria
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 6 (February 6-10)
6-1 (9C)
What is another characteristic of compounds in Class D in the table above?
A They are composed of basic subunits known as nucleotides.
B They contain the elements carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, with the hydrogen and oxygen in a 2:1 ratio
C They transfer amino acids to ribosomes during protein synthesis
D They include chemical compounds such as insulin and hemoglobin
6-2 (6B)
Four different types of cells are shown below. Which characteristic is shared by all four cells?
A A mechanism for transforming sunlight into energy
B Self-locomotion
C Membrane-bound organelles that transport substances
D Genetic material composed of DNA
6-3 (4C)
Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. A company that wants to develop antiviral drugs
would ask a research immunologist to study –
A the mechanism use by the virus to infect cells
B how closely related the virus is to cold viruses
C the metabolism of the virus
D meiosis in the virus
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 6 (February 6-10)
6-4 (6E)
A mutation that occurs in the gametes of an organism will most likely be transferred to which of the
A The siblings of the organism
B The offspring of the organism
C The other organisms living nearby
D The mating partner of the organism
6-5 (9B)
A form of lake succession called eutrophication occurs when a lake fills with inorganic and organic debris
and eventually becomes a field. This growth forms an opaque mat on the lake’s surface and lowers the level
of dissolved oxygen produced by plants in the lake. Over time, the algae and microorganisms become so
dense that the oxygen becomes depleted, killing the fish in the lake. Decaying fish bodies and other
sediments accumulate on the lake bottom, until gradually the lake becomes land.
Which of the following statements explain why algae and microorganisms reduce the level of dissolved
oxygen in the lake?
A Plants below the lake’s surface do not have cell walls.
B Plants below the lake’s surface cannot undergo mitosis.
C Plants below the lake’s surface cannot undergo meiosis.
D Plants below the lake’s surface cannot undergo photosynthesis.
6-6 (4C)
Using the information in the chart, a virus contains –
A protein, nucleic acid, and is capable of replication
B protein, nucleus, and is capable of manufacturing nucleic acids
C protein, ribosomes, and can be seen by an optical microscope
D proteins, nucleic acid, and cannot be seen by any microscope
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 7 (February 13-17)
7-1 (4B)
Scientists have recently discovered a new species that lives attached to the side of a tree. An organism from
this new species:
 is multicellular
 has cell walls
 makes its own food
 has structures that absorb moisture from the air
Which of these describes the function of vascular tissues in this organism?
A to promote reproduction
B to control movement
C to transport materials
D to produce energy
7-2 (9B)
As the depth of the ocean increases,
the amount of light that penetrates to
that depth decreases. At about 200
meters, little, if any, light is present.
The graph illustrates the population
size of four different species at
different water depths.
Which species most likely performs
A Species A
B Species B
C Species C
D Species D
7-3 (6F)
In 1917 the biologist Thomas Hunt Morgan conducted studies in which he kept some caterpillars in the dark
and placed some others under red, green, or blue lights. Exposure to red light produced butterflies with
brightly colored wings. Exposure to green light resulted in dark-colored wings. Exposure to blue light or no
light resulted in pale-colored wings. What was the most likely conclusion of Morgan’s research?
A The pigment in butterfly wings absorbs light from the environment.
B The phenotypic expression of wing shape depends on color pigmentation in butterflies.
C The genes regulating wing color in butterflies are influenced by environmental factors.
D Caterpillars exposed to red and green light are healthier than caterpillars exposed to no light or blue light.
7-4 (6F)
In cocker spaniels the allele for a black coat color (B) is dominant over the allele for a brown coat color (b).
If a brown cocker spaniel is crossed with a heterozygous black cocker spaniel, which of the following
genotypic ratios can be expected?
A 0 BB: 2 Bb: 2 bb
B 1 BB: 2 Bb: 1 bb
C 2 BB: 0 Bb: 2 bb
D 2 BB: 1 Bb: 0 bb
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 7 (February 13-17)
7-5 (6H)
In an experiment, DNA from dead pathogenic bacteria was transferred into living bacteria that do not cause
disease. These altered bacteria were then injected into healthy mice. These mice died of the same disease
caused by the original pathogens. Based on this information, which statement would be a valid conclusion?
A DNA is present only in living organisms
B DNA functions only in the original organism of which it was a part
C DNA changes the organism receiving the infection into the original organism
D DNA from a dead organism can become active in another organism
7-6 (4B)
The diagram below shows how a paramecium maintains homeostasis. A paramecium normally lives in a
hypotonic environment in which water continually diffuses into the cell. To maintain homeostasis, the
paramecium must pump out large amounts of water using its contractile vacuole.
If the paramecium is then placed in a hypertonic environment, which of the following will occur?
A Water will diffuse into the paramecium.
B Water will diffuse out of the paramecium.
C Salt will be pumped out of the paramecium by the vacuole.
D Salt will be pumped into the paramecium by the vacuole.
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 8 (February 21-24)
8-1 (12F)
The Nile River flows into the Mediterranean Sea. The Aswan High Dam contains the flow of water from the
river and reduces the annual fall flooding. The floodwater is trapped behind the huge dam, allowing
irrigation for agriculture. Sediments that would be washed away by the annual floods are also trapped
behind the dam. The graph shows that water flow from the Nile that enters the Mediterranean Sea.
How has this dam most likely affected the Mediterranean Sea ecosystem?
A Reduced nutrients from the land support fewer producers in the sea.
B Water trapped behind the dam causes the marine ecosystem to move inland.
C The flooding in August through November causes marine life to be destroyed.
D The water temperature of the sea has increased
8-2 (12A)
In a forest community, a shelf fungus and a slug live on the side of a decaying tree trunk. The fungus digests
and absorbs materials from the tree, while the slug eats algae growing on the outside of the trunk. These
organisms do not compete with one another because they occupy
A the same habitat, but different niches C the same niche and the same habitat
B the same niche, but different habitats D different habitats and different niches
8-3 (4A)
Both euglena and cyanobacteria are photosynthetic unicellular organisms found in pond water. The feature
that distinguishes euglena from cyanobacteria is the –
A ability to maintain homeostasis
B presence of ribosomes
C ability to reproduce
D presence of a nuclear membrane
8-4 (9A)
Animals in the wild must be able to store large amounts of energy because they may go for some time
without finding food. Their long-term store of energy is in the form of lipids. Plants store energy for use
over the winter in the form of carbohydrates such as starch. What is the long-term advantage to animals
storing energy in the forms of lipids rather than carbohydrates for long-term energy needs?
A Lipids can be used I n different parts of the cell.
B Lipids are much easier to digest.
C Lipids contain more calories per gram.
D Lipids are insoluble in aqueous parts of blood.
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Week 8 (February 21-24)
8-5 (8B)
In the diagrams below, the circles labeled Felis represent all members of the genus Felis, and the circles
labeled domestica represents members of the species domestica. Which arrangement of the circles best
illustrates the relationship between the genus and species of Felis domestica, the common house cat?
8-6 (9B)
Leaves of green plants contain openings known as stomates, which are opened and closed by specialized
cells allowing for gas exchange between the leaf and the outside environment. Which phrase best
represents the net flow of gases involved in photosynthesis into and out of the leaf through these openings
on a sunny day?
A carbon dioxide moves in; oxygen moves out
B carbon dioxide and oxygen moves in; ozone moves out
C oxygen moves in; nitrogen moves out
D water and ozone move in; carbon dioxide moves out
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Weeks 9/10 (February 27-March 10)*
*Combined for 2 weeks due to Released Test Benchmark
9/10-1 (4C)
A certain viral disease can be transmitted through the air. In each of the groups below, one person is sick
with the disease. In which groups are all the other individuals exposed to the disease?
A People working in the same building. C People working for the same company.
B People riding to work in the same car. D People riding to work in the same train.
9/10-2 (12E)
The carbon cycle includes processes that release carbon in to the atmosphere and places that act as carbon
reservoirs. The diagram below shows both major processes that release carbon and major carbon
Which of these disruptions would cause an excess output in the carbon cycle?
A The destruction of terrestrial biota
B Increases in marine biota
C A reduction in the use of fossil fuels
D A thickening of ocean sediments
9/10-3 (10B)
Plant hormones serve as chemical messengers between cells and tissues. Auxin is a plant hormone that
causes the cells on the shady side of a plant shoot to elongate. The response enabled by auxin is known
as –
A geotropism
C phototropism
B transpiration
D photosynthesis
9/10-4 (10B)
Copper is a micronutrient that can be found in soil. Copper is important for reproductive growth in plants
and plays an indirect role in chlorophyll production. Which statement correctly describes the interaction
that occurs between the root and the shoot systems of plants to allow reproduction to occur?
A Copper is produced in the roots when copper-containing compounds are hydrolyzed.
B Copper that is absorbed by the roots is transported to the reproductive tissues by the shoot system.
C The shoot system stores copper for later use by the roots and the reproductive structures.
D The shoot system transports copper to the roots after it is taken in through stomata in the leaves.
9/10-5 (4A)
A single prokaryotic cell can divide several times in an hour. Few eukaryotic cells can divide as quickly.
Which of the following statements best explains this difference?
A Eukaryotic cells are smaller than prokaryotic cells.
B Eukaryotic cells have less DNA than prokaryotic cells.
C Eukaryotic cells have more cell walls than prokaryotic cells.
D Eukaryotic cells are more structurally complex than prokaryotic cells.
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Weeks 9/10 (February 27-March 10)*
9/10-6 (7B)
After examining the fossil record, scientists have determined that scorpions today are much smaller than
their extinct ancestors. For example, Jaekelopterus rhenaniae, a giant scorpion species that lived 255 million
to 460 million years ago, was 2.5 meters long. Which of the following conclusions is supported by this
A Scorpions living today have increased their numbers since they first appeared.
B Scorpions in the fossil record are smaller than their descendants are.
C Scorpions have changed as a result of natural selection.
D Scorpions do not appear in their original state in the fossil record.
9/10-7 (8B)
Arthropods are joint-legged animals. Spiders, crabs, pill bugs, centipedes, and millipedes are examples of
the many types of arthropods. Which of these arthropods are most closely related?
A Arthropods of the same family
B Arthropods of the same class
C Arthropods of the same genus
D Arthropods of the same species
9/10-8 (11A)
Changes in water pressure within guard cells cause the cells to open or close the stoma. This response helps
the plant maintain homeostasis by –
A stabilizing the plant’s temperature through the evaporation of water
B regulating the amount of water the plant loses during transpiration
C allowing oxygen needed for photosynthesis to enter the plant
D enabling the plant to release more carbon dioxide at night for photosynthesis
9/10-9 (9B)
Which of the following correctly describes how a diagram of cellular respiration would differ from a diagram
of photosynthesis?
A The cellular-respiration diagram would show electromagnetic waves as the final product.
B The cellular-respiration diagram would show glucose as the main sources of energy.
C The cellular-respiration diagram would show energy stored in large protein molecules.
D The cellular-respiration diagram would show water as the main source of chemical energy.
Students Creating Ownership Practicing Everyday Science
BIOLOGY T3 2016-2017
T3 SCOPES: Weeks 9/10 (February 27-March 10)*
9/10-10 (8C)