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1. The central control for homeostasis in the mammalian body is the
a. pituitary.
b. thalamus.
c. hippocampus.
d. hypothalamus.
2. The endocrine portion of the pancreas secretes
a. cortisone and norepinephrine.
b. glucagon and insulin.
c. insulin and gastric enzymes.
d. glucagon and antidiuretic hormone.
3. Protein hormones
a. enter the nucleus and interact directly with DNA.
b. are synthesized from cholesterol.
c. bind to membrane-bound receptors and activate 2nd messengers.
d. enter the cell by active transport.
4. The vast majority of mammalian hormones operate via negative regulatory feedback systems to maintain homeostasis, a
major exception being __________ which facilitates a positive feedback loop of increasing contractions during birth.
a. oxytocin
b. prolactin
c. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
d. luteinizing hormone (LH)
13. Exchange of gases across the cell membrane
a. occurs by simple diffusion.
b. requires active transport.
c. depends on hemoglobin.
d. is blocked by phospholipids.
14. Most carbon dioxide is transported through blood
a. as a gas.
b. as bicarbonate.
c. on hemoglobin that has released its oxygen molecule.
d. on serum albumen.
15. Carbon monoxide is toxic because it
a. displaces carbon dioxide from hemoglobin.
b. binds reversibly to hemoglobin.
c. binds irreversibly to hemoglobin.
d. poisons the electron transport system in the brain.
16. Oxygen toxicity is thought to be involved in processes causing
a. autoimmune responses.
b. aging.
c. birth defects.
d. methemoglobinemia.
17. Before fats can be degraded to fatty acids they must be
a. digested by saliva.
b. emulsified.
c. digested by lipases.
d. neutralized.
18. Microvilli greatly increase the surface area of the lumen of the
a. duodenum.
b. jejunum.
c. caecum.
d. colon.
19. Metals that have no function in mammalian metabolism are:
a. mercury, lead, cadmium
b. iron, zinc, copper
c. sodium, iron, magnesium
d. copper, magnesium, selenium
20. A vitamin that helps to prevent birth defects is:
a. Vitamin C
b. Niacin
c. Folate
d. Pantothenic acid
21. Like terrestrial insects, birds and reptiles excrete nitrogen in the form of
a. urea.
b. uric acid.
c. ammonia.
d. amides.
22. The basic unit of the mammalian kidney is the
a. nephron.
b. cortex.
c. medulla.
d. glomerulus.
23. Molecules leaving the bloodstream in Bowmans capsule include:
a. water, glucose, and urea
b. water, sodium, and protein
c. lipids, sodium, and glucose
d. uric acid, water and glucose
24. Angiotensin is instrumental in regulating
a. blood pressure.
b. volume of urine.
c. conservation of glucose.
d. stress levels.
25. Eukaryotic chromosomes are typically
a. single and circular.
b. single and linear.
c. multiple and circular.
d. multiple and linear.
26. Sister chromatids are separated from each other during the ___________ of mitosis.
a. prophase
b. metaphase
c. anaphase
d. cytokinesis
27. The successful cloning of mammals from the nuclei of somatic cells shows that
a. they retain the genetic instructions to direct the entire development of an animal.
b. differentiation of somatic cells involves loss of genes not expressed in those particular cells.
c. nuclei of somatic cells cannot be reprogrammed in the cytoplasm of an egg.
d. mitosis leading to somatic cell differentiation involves loss of chromosomes.
28. In meiosis in germline cells there is no Interphase II because
a. there is only one cycle of DNA replication.
b. the chromosomes are already condensed.
c. the chromosomes have already undergone crossing over.
d. the sister chromatids were already separated in Meiosis I.
29. In female mammals the process of meiosis from a primary oogonium leads to the production of
a. a single egg and three polar bodies.
b. two eggs and two polar bodies.
c. three eggs and a polar body.
d. four eggs.
30. In animals most inherited simple mutations such as single base changes caused by DNA polymerase errors occur in the
a. female germline because their mature eggs are retained from birth till menopause.
b. female germline because DNA replication is particularly error-prone in females.
c. male germline because males have many more cell divisions to produce numerous sperm.
d. male germline because DNA replication is particularly error-prone in males.
31. The location of a particular gene on a particular chromosome is called its
a. allele.
b. locus.
c. chiasma.
d. synapse.
32. Mendel’s principle of segregation is now explained in terms of
a. reliable separation of sister chromatids during mitosis.
b. reliable separation of sister chromatids during meiosis.
c. reliable separation of homologs during meiosis.
d. reliable separation of both homologs and sister chromatids during meiosis.
33. Gregor Mendel performed his experiments on the genetics of sweet peas in
a. Austria.
b. Germany.
c. Czechoslovakia.
d. Yugoslavia.
34. In the F2 progeny of a mono-hybrid cross, a 3:1 ratio of the dominant phenotype to the recessive phenotype is obtained.
How many different genotypes are present among the three quarters of the progeny with the dominant phenotype?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
35. Mendel based his explanations/hypotheses/theories of genetic inheritance on
a. the patterns of inheritance of chromosomes during mitosis.
b. the patterns of inheritance of chromosomes during meiosis.
c. mathematical models of the number of factors required to explain his crossing results.
d. a deep understanding of the molecular basis of the structure of genes.
36. The alleles of two genes that are closely linked on a chromosome will
a. usually be inherited together as they were in the parent.
b. usually be separated by crossing over during Meiosis I.
c. exhibit increased mutation rates due to the closeness.
d. have elevated mutation rates in females.
37. The autosomal recessive allele for Tay-Sachs disease is only reasonably common in
a. Caucasians.
b. Africans and their descendents.
c. East-European Jews.
d. Mediterranean peoples.
38. The children of someone who develops Huntington’s disorder late in life have a _________ percent chance of inheriting
this genetic disease.
a. 25.
b. 50.
c. 75.
d. 100.
39. An O blood-type man CANNOT be the father of an ______ blood-type child.
a. A
b. B
c. AB
d. O
40. Individuals with Klinefelter’s syndrome are __________ and have
a. female; only one X chromosome.
b. female; three X chromosomes.
c. male; only one X chromosome.
d. male; two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome.
45. The gas-filled bouyancy organ in fish is the
a. raker.
b. swim bladder.
c. operculum.
d. kidney.
46. The order of bones in a human skeleton descending from the pelvis are
a. femur, fibula, patella, tibia, tarsals.
b. femur, patella, fibula, tibia, carpals.
c. fibula, patella, femur, tibia, tarsals.
d. femur, patella, fibula, tibia, tarsals.
47. The exchange of gases, nutrients, and wastes between the maternal and fetal circulatory systems occurs in the
a. thalamus.
b. central canal.
c. placenta.
d. pons.
48. The immediate product of fusion of an ovum and a sperm is a(n)
a. egg.
b. blastula.
c. zygote.
d. blastopore.
49. You can estimate the age of a chick embryo in hours by counting the
a. invaginations.
b. somite pairs.
c. primitive streaks.
d. optic pits.
50.Which event is characteristic of prophase during mitosis?
a. Condensation of the chromosomes.
b. Replication of the genome.
c. Division of the cytoplasm.
d. Movement of the chromosomes to opposite poles of the mitotic spindle.