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Test Bank
1. Which group held a privileged role in Tang society?
a) merchants
b) students
c) soldiers
d) priests
2. Which of the following was not a relationship pair under Confucianism?
a) ruler and subject
b) husband and wife
c) father and son
d) employer and worker
3. The main export of the Han was
a) gunpowder
b) spices
c) silk
d) gold
4. China has no geographic protection to the
a) north
b) east
c) west
d) south
5. Daoists believed that people could attain
a) oneness with the universe
b) closeness to God
c) immortality
d) peace with one's enemies
6. The philosopher who had the greatest influence on Chinese culture was
a) the Buddha
b) Han Feizi
c) Confucius
d) Laozi
7. The word steppe means a region of
a) coniferous forest
b) desert
c) treeless plain
d) mountainous region
8. The authority by which rulers governed China was called the
a) Divine Right of Kings
b) control of yin and yang
c) Mandate of Heaven
d) Mandate of Di
9. Shi Huangdi rid his government of ideas he disliked by
a) killing people and burning books
b) preventing followers of Confucius from holding office
c) selectively censoring certain opinions
d) making public pronouncements
10. Under Legalism, the government should be
a) morally correct
b) compassionate
c) strong
d) democratic
11. Which of the following groups admired Shi Huangdi's rule?
a) the nobles
b) the peasants
c) the followers of Confucius
d) none of the above
12. The Chiang Jiang River
a) is easy to navigate
b) floods easily
c) is full of dangerous rapids
d) is in a very fertile region
13. Which group was considered least important under Confucianism?
a) parents
b) women
c) men
d) rulers
14. Which art form injoyed a great revival under the Tang?
a) sculpture
b) literature
c) painting
d) pottery
15. The cereal grass grown in China is
a) wheat
b) barley
c) millet
d) oats
16. The Grand Canal was built to
a) move food supplied through the Qing Lin mountains
b) improve commerce
c) move military units more easily
d) transport criminals to prison colonies
17. Which of the following was not an innovation of the Han period?
a) stirrups
b) the stern-post rudder
c) the magnetic compass
d) printing
18. When Shi Huangdi died
a) the Qin Dynasty ended
b) the Qin Dynasty grew stronger
c) his successor defeated many enemies
d) China was overrun by barbarians
19. Buddhism teaches that the search for enlightenment is made easier by
a) suffering
b) prayer to God
c) meditation
d) discussion of one's beliefs
20. During the Shang period
a) printing was invented
b) writing was developed
c) the Great Wall was built
d) stong kings ruled without assistance
21. The philosopher who founded Daoism was
a) Confucius
b) Han Feizi
c) the Buddha
d) Laozi
22. Under the laws of the Zhou Dynasty, which of the following was true?
a) A person was innocent until proven guilty
b) The death penalty was abolished
c) Accused persons had to prove their innocence
d) Juries decided the outcome of legal cases
23. Merchants were not held in high esteem in Tang society because they
a) traded with foreigners
b) only wanted to enrich themselves
c) often bribed the Emperor
d) mistreated the peasants
24. The Qin Dynasty reformed government by building
a) a strong central government that replaced the old feudal system
b) the Great Wall
c) on the accomplishments of the Zhou Dynasty
d) a better tax base
25. Officials int he Han Dynasty obtained their positions by
a) feats of strength
b) passing difficult examinations
c) demonstrating loyalty
d) proving they were Buddhists
26. Daoists believed that people strengthened their life force by
a) breathing properly and taking the right medicines
b) achieving inner peace
c) devout prayer
d) taking pills of mercury
27. The period of the Tang Dynasty has been called a
a) Period of Chaos
b) Time of Enlightenment
c) Time of Tranquility
d) Golden Age
28. The Huang He River
a) floods easily
b) is difficult to navigate
c) is very shallow
d) both a. and b.
29. The Zhou Dynasty came to an end when
a) the Koreans attacked it
b) it was overrun by nomadic peoples
c) local lords rebelled
d) a plague killed the Emperor
30. Some candidates for government examinations
a) passed simple examinations
b) studied Buddhist texts
c) wrote just one examination
d) wrote 'cheat sheets' on their clothing
31. The Shang concept of the duality of nature stated that
a) good fought evil
b) yin and yang were at odds with each other
c) gods walked the earth
d) yin and yang were interdependent
32. The Tang Dynasty collapsed because
a) Muslim armies conquered China
b) rebellions broke out
c) the Mongols invaded from the north
d) plague and famine weakened China
33. Confucianism states that people
a) in superior positions can abuse those below them
b) with titles are free of obligations and duties
c) are basically inclined to do evil
d) need to be trained to behave well
34. Under the Daoist philosophy,
a) the world was seen as chaotic
b) only one god existed
c) the ideal to achieve was harmony with nature
d) there were many rules for proper behaviour
35. Which of the following did not happen under the Zhou Dynasty?
a) Irrigation projects were begun
b) A defensive wall was built in the north of the kingdom
c) Writing improved considerably
d) The Grand Canal was built
36. Zhou law was
a) lenient
b) divided into four sections
c) extremely strict and harsh
d) applied equally to all persons
37. Which group enjoyed new rights under Tang society?
a) peasants
b) merchants
c) women
d) soldiers
38. The Zhou Dynasty expanded the boundaries of the old Shang Dynasty by
a) spreading as far south as the Wei River
b) spreading into central China, as far south as the Chiang Jiang River
c) spreading north, south, east, and west
d) spreading north beyond the Huang He River
39. After the Han period ended, a new and influential religion took root in China. It was
a) based on Hinduism
b) based on Christianity
c) a brand new religion founded in China
d) based on the teachings of Siddartha
40. The Silk Road was created to
a) move military convoys efficiently
b) provide a highway for the Emperor
c) promote trade
d) attack the Mongols
41. Under Zhou law, people who were guilty of a crime
a) had to make restitution to their victims
b) were punished with their family members or villages
c) had the right to make an appeal
d) had their crimes recorded on large notice boards as an example to others
42. Which dynasty took control of China in 589 C,E,?
a) Sui
b) Tang
c) Han
d) Manchu
43. Buddhism is different from other religions because it has no
a) concept of the truth
b) written beliefs
c) concept of suffering
d) god or gods to worship
44. When the Han Dynasty collapsed
a) people suffered many famines
b) small kingdoms followed the Han system of organization
c) the feudal system returned
d) peasants became large landowners
45. During the Shang period, peasants
a) formed large communities
b) were expected to work on public projects
c) were not needed in the army
d) developed into large landowners
46. Which philosophy was followed by Shi Huangdi, the founder of the Qin Dynasty?
a) Confucianism
b) Legalism
c) Daoism
d) Buddhism
47. The Sui Dynasty collapsed because
a) it was overrun by barbarians
b) so many people died building public works
c) nobles rebelled
d) famine killed millions of people
48. The principal city of the Shang Dynasty was
a) Chang'an
b) Beijing
c) Sian
d) Anyang
49. The first Han Emperor, Gaozu,
a) reestablished feudalism
b) maintained a centralized administration
c) ruled without advisors
d) created an early form of democracy
50. The person who decided where to build new buildings was a
a) qi expert
b) Di expert
c) fengshui expert
d) yang expert
51. Government officials in the Qin Dynasty were chosen on the basis of their
a) harshness
b) ability and loyalty
c) nobility
d) military ability
52. Han Feizi stated the people were basically
a) evil
b) good
c) weak and foolish
d) selfish and greedy
53. The capital city of Chang'an
a) grew so fast it became totally disorganized
b) was divided into walled wards
c) had its imperial palace at the east end of the city
d) was closed to foreigners
54. According to the Shang, how many elements made up the earth?
a) three
b) four
c) five
d) two