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Name ______________________________ Date ________________________
Lesson 1 ~ Earth Changes ~ VOCABULARY
ocean – a large body of water
continent – a large land mass
landform – a feature of land on Earth’s
surface like a mountain, valley, or river
crust – Earth’s outermost layer
mantle – the layer of Earth below the
core – Earth’s deepest and hottest layer
Name ______________________________ Date ________________________
Lesson 1 ~ Earth Changes ~ Earth’s Features
What covers Earth’s surface?
Most of Earth is covered by water. Most of this water is found
in oceans. Oceans are bodies of salt water.
Other bodies of water are rivers, streams, ponds, and lakes.
Most have fresh water. Fresh water is not salty.
Earth also has seven large
areas of land called
A map can show Earth’s
land and water. To read a map,
look at its key. A key shows
what a map’s colors and shapes
Ocean water covers most of Earth.
Earth also has seven large areas of land called continents.
A map can show Earth’s land and water. To read a map, look
at its key. A key shows what a map’s colors and shapes mean.
Quick Check
Fill in the blank.
A large body of salt water is called an _____________________________.
A large area of land is called a ____________________________________.
What are some of Earth’s land and water features?
There are many features on Earth’s land. Land features are
called landforms. These pictures show a few of Earth’s landforms
and water features.
Features of Earth
A mountain is the tallest
A valley is the low land
between hills or mountains.
A canyon is a deep valley. A
river may flow through it.
A plain is land that is wide
and flat.
A lake is water that has land all
around it.
A river is a large body of
moving water.
A plateau is land with steep
sides. It has a flat top.
A coast is land that borders
the ocean.
A peninsula is land that has
water on three sides.
An island is land with water
all around it.
Quick Check ~ Circle the correct answer.
3. Water that is surrounded by land is called a ____________________.
4. Land that is wide and flat is called a ____________________________.
What land features are in the oceans?
The land below the ocean is called the ocean floor. It has
mountains and valleys. There are also canyons and plains.
The coast is where dry land meets the water. Here you will find
a continental shelf. It is part of the continent that is under water.
It slopes down from the coast.
An abyssal plain begins farther out. It is wide and flat. It goes
for thousands of kilometers.
A trench is a canyon on the ocean floor. It is the deepest part
of the ocean floor. The Mariana Trench is in the Pacific Ocean. It is
the deepest trench. It is almost 11 kilometers (7 miles) deep.
The Ocean Floor
Quick Check ~ Fill in the blanks.
5. The _____________________________ is where dry land meets ocean.
6. A ________________________________ is a canyon on the ocean floor.
What are the layers of the Earth?
Earth has many layers. The continents and the ocean floor
make up the outer layer. It is called the crust. The crust is the
thinnest and coolest layer. The crust is made of rock.
The layer below the crust is the mantle. The mantle is hot.
Some of it is hard rock. Some is rock that is soft and can flow. It
is like putty.
The center of Earth is the core. The core is the deepest layer. It
is also the hottest. The outer core is melted metal. The inner
core is solid metal.
Quick Check
7. Earth’s outer layer is called the ________________________________.
8. Use the organizer below to compare the crust and the mantle.
Name _____________________________ Date __________________________
Earth’s Features – Lesson 1
Directions: Use your textbook and your packet to help you fill in
the blanks.
What covers Earth’s surface?
1. More than half the Earth is covered by __________________________.
2. Most of Earth is covered by ___________________________ which are
made up of salt water.
3. Rivers and glaciers are made up of _______________________ water.
4. Water that is not _________________________________ is fresh water.
5. Earth’s ________________________ make up seven great land areas.
What are some of Earth’s land and water features?
6. A deep, narrow valley with steep sides is a(n) ___________________.
7. A landform with water all around it is a(n) ______________________.
8. Rivers are bodies of ______________________________________ water.
9. Land that is flat on top and higher than the land around it is
called a(n) ________________________________________________________.
What land features are in the oceans?
10. The land under an ocean at the edge of a continent is called a
11. Land that stretches for thousands of miles across the ocean is
called the _______________________________________________________.
12. Canyons called ______________________________ form the deepest
parts of the ocean floor.
What are the layers of the Earth?
13. Earth’s ________________________ makes up the continents and
the ocean floor.
14. Earth’s crust is a(n) ________________________________, cool layer.
15. Under the crust is a layer called the ___________________________.
16. The deepest and hottest layer of the Earth is the _______________.
17. The outer core is made up of _____________________________ rock.
18. Earth’s inner core is made up of __________________________ rock.
Critical Thinking
Directions: Use your textbook, packet, and background
knowledge to help you answer the following question. Please be
sure to use evidence to support your answer.
19. What can a map show you about Earth’s features?
Name ____________________________ Date ___________________________
Earth’s Features ~ Vocabulary – Lesson 1
Directions: Match each word with its definition.
1. ______________________ a large body of salt water
2. ______________________ Earth’s thin outer layer
3. ______________________ a great area of land
4. ______________________the layer immediately below Earth’s crust
5. ______________________ land that borders the ocean
6. ______________________ a canyon that is the deepest part of the
ocean floor
7. ______________________ the deepest and hottest layer of Earth
8. ______________________ land with water all around it
9. ______________________ a plateau under the ocean at the edge of a
10. ____________________ a deep, flat part of the ocean floor,
thousands of kilometers wide
Name ______________________________ Date ________________________
Lesson 2 ~ Sudden Changes to Earth ~ VOCABULARY
earthquake – a sudden movement
of the rocks that make up Earth’s
volcano – a mountain that builds
up around an opening in Earth’s
magma – melted rock that is below
the Earth’s surface
lava – melted rock that flows onto
landslide – the rapid movement of
rocks and soil down a hill
flood – when dry land becomes
covered with water
Name ______________________________ Date _________________________
Lesson 2 ~ Sudden Changes to Earth
What are earthquakes?
Earth’s crust is made up of many large plates of rock. Some of
these plates move past each other. Some press against each other.
Some pull apart from each other. The plates can bend and then
snap back. This causes an earthquake. An earthquake is a quick
movement of Earth’s crust.
These plates are slowly pulling apart.
Quick Check
Directions: Please answer the following question in a complete
sentence using evidence to support your answer.
What causes an earthquake?
When an earthquake happens, the ground shakes. The
shaking starts at the earthquake’s center. The shaking moves out
from the center in all directions. A strong earthquake can crack
roads or damage buildings.
Quick Check
Directions: Please answer the following question in a complete
sentence using evidence to support your answer.
What types of damage can earthquakes cause?
Where Earthquakes Start
An earthquake’s vibrations move in all directions. The
vibrations get weaker as they move away from the center.
What are volcanoes?
A volcano is a mountain. It builds up around a crack in
Earth’s crust. Sometimes a volcano explodes. This can change the
land quickly.
Some places in Earth’s mantle have melted rock. The melted
rock is called magma. Sometimes magma moves up through a crack
in the crust. It flows onto land and is called lava. Lava, rocks, and
ash flow out onto Earth’s surface. This forms the volcano.
How a Volcano Forms
Read a Diagram
Directions: Please answer the following question in a complete
sentence using evidence to support your answer.
What happens when magma moves up the crust?
Lava can flow from a volcano very slowly. The lava hardens.
Then the volcano gets bigger.
Sometimes lava flows quickly. Lava can shoot out from a
volcano. A large part of the volcano can be blown away. Flowing
lava can destroy buildings. It can destroy an ecosystem.
Quick Check
Circle the word that completes each sentence.
A ____________________________________ is a mountain that builds up
around a crack in Earth’s crust.
When a volcano explodes, _________________________ may flow onto
the land.
Lava shoots out of this volcano in Hawaii.
What are landslides and floods?
Rocks can pile up at the bottom of a mountain. How do the
rocks get there? Gravity is a force that pulls things down. It acts on
all things. It can cause a landslide. A landslide is the quick
movement of rocks and soil down a mountain.
A landslide changed this
mountain. It destroyed the
homes in its path.
Quick Check
Directions: Please answer the following question in a complete
sentence using evidence to support your answer.
What can cause a landslide?
Heavy rain can quickly flood a river. A flood is water that flows
over dry land. Flood waters are very strong. They can change land
A hurricane caused this flooding.
Quick Check
Directions: Please answer the following question in a complete
sentence using evidence to support your answer.
What can cause a flood?
Name _____________________________ Date __________________________
Sudden Changes to Earth – Lesson 2
Directions: Use your textbook and your packet to help you fill in
the blanks.
What are earthquakes?
1. The huge rocks that make up Earth’s crust can _________________.
2. Rocks below ground can bend when they ________________________
each other.
3. Rocks below ground can press against other rocks and
4. Rocks that bend can __________________________ and cause
sudden movement.
5. A sudden movement of rocks in Earth’s crust is an ______________.
6. An earthquake can be ____________________________ or very strong.
7. The land _____________________, or shakes, during an earthquake.
8. During an earthquake, vibrations travel as _____________________
in all directions.
What are volcanoes?
9. A mountain around an opening in Earth’s crust is a ____________.
10. Melted rock is called ____________________ when it is in Earth’s
crust and mantle.
11. Melted rock that flows through an opening in the crust is called
12. A volcanic ____________________ forms when lava, rocks, and ash
pile up in layers.
13. Lava can _____________________________ from a volcano, or it can
explode out of it.
What are landslides and floods?
14. The force that pulls on all objects, including rocks, is called
15. When rocks and soil move downhill very fast, a
__________________ occurs.
16. A river that overflows can cause a ______________________ on land
that is usually dry.
Critical Thinking
Directions: Use your textbook and packet to help you answer
the following question. Please be sure to use evidence to
support your answer.
17. How can earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and floods change
the shape of caostlines?
Name ____________________________ Date ___________________________
Sudden Changes to Earth ~ Vocabulary – Lesson 2
Directions: Match each word with its definition.
1. ______________________________ shaking felt during an earthquake
2. _____________________________ melted rock in the crust and mantle
3. ___________________________ the force that pulls objects downward
4. ______________________ sudden movement of rocks in Earth’s crust
5. __________________ water that flows over land that is normally dry
6. _______________________________ melted rock that flows through an
opening and onto land
7. _______________________ rock and soil pulled down a hill by gravity
8. ____________________________ a mountain that builds up in Earth’s
crust around an opening
Name ______________________________ Date ________________________
Lesson 3 ~ Weathering and Erosion ~ VOCABULARY
weathering – the breaking down of
weathered rock
erosion – the wearing away and
movement of weathered rock
glacier – a large sheet of ice that moves
slowly across the land
deposition – the dropping off of
weathered rock
Name ______________________________ Date ________________________
Lesson 3 ~ Weathering and Erosion
What is weathering?
Large rocks break into smaller rocks. Small rocks break into
sand. This is called weathering. It can take millions of years.
Moving water can break down rocks. Wind, rain, and changes
in temperature can, too. Moving water and wind pick up small
rocks. These rocks scrape against other rocks. This scraping slowly
wears the rocks away.
This rock has been weathered by wind.
Water can get into cracks in rocks. The water freezes. Frozen
water takes up more space than liquid water. It widens the cracks.
This breaks rocks apart.
These rocks have been weathered by water.
Living things also cause weathering. Plants grow in the cracks
of rocks. Their roots can split rocks apart.
A tree is breaking this rock apart.
Quick Check
Circle the word that completes each sentence.
When large rocks break into smaller rocks and sand it is called ____.
Water ______________________________ and widens cracks in the rock.
What is erosion?
Erosion is the weathering and movement of small pieces of rock.
Moving water and wind cause erosion. Most erosion happens
slowly. Weathering breaks rocks down. Wind or water carries the
smaller pieces away. The pieces are dropped in new places.
The rocks were carried by
moving water.
Wind helps break down rock.
It carries away sand and small
bits of rock.
Glaciers cause erosion, too. A glacier is a very large piece of
ice. It moves slowly across the land. It tears rock out of the ground.
As it melts, it drops off the rocks in new places.
Quick Check ~ Fill in the blanks.
The movement of weathered rock is called _________________________.
A ________________________ is a large piece of ice that moves across
the land.
This is a glacier in Alaska.
How can people change the land?
People change the land, too. Some changes are small, such as
digging a hole. Other changes are much larger.
People cut down trees. They build roads, stores, and homes.
The soil can wash away if more trees are not planted.
Building a Canal
This mountain was cut out and
shaped to build the Panama
Read a Photo
How did people change the
mountain? _____________________
People drain ponds and swamps. Dry soil is left behind. It can
blow away. The land is dug up to reach useful rocks.
People dig up the land to reach useful rocks.
Quick Check
Directions: Answer the following questions in complete
Describe how people change the land.
What can happen when a pond is drained?
Name _____________________________ Date __________________________
Weathering and Erosion – Lesson 3
Directions: Use your textbook and your packet to help you fill in
the blanks.
What is weathering?
1. The process of __________________________ breaks down rocks into
smaller and smaller pieces.
2. Weathering can break down rocks into _________________ and soil.
3. Weathering can be caused by _______________, wind, rain, and ice.
4. Rocks can weather when they _______________ against each other.
5. Water that freezes in a crack ________________________ and makes
the crack larger.
6. Over time, freezing and ____________________________ water breaks
down a rock into smaller pieces.
7. Plant _________________________________ grow into cracks in a rock
and split the rock.
What is erosion?
8. Pieces of weathered rock get moved to other places by
9. Erosion can happen when _________________________________ pulls
weathered rock and soil downhill.
10. One cause of erosion is the __________________________________ in
rivers and the ocean.
11. Rock can be dropped or _______________________________ by wind
when the wind slows down.
12. Rocks are carried along inside a(n) ______________________ and
drop off as it melts.
How can people change the land?
13. Digging a(n) ______________________ is a small example of how
people can change land.
14. Land is changed when trees are cut to build ___________________,
__________________________, and ___________________________________.
15. Soil can wash away if trees are not ____________________________.
16. Land can change when it is _______________________ for valuable
minerals and materials.
Critical Thinking
Why would planting trees help stop erosion caused by wind and
Name ____________________________ Date ___________________________
Weathering and Erosion ~ Vocabulary – Lesson 3
Directions: What am I? – Choose a word from the word box below
that answers each question and write the correct letter in the space
1. I am a force that pulls material downhill.
What am I? _________________________________________
2. I drop or deposit small bits of rock when I slow down.
What am I? _________________________________________
3. I can grow in small cracks and split rocks apart.
What am I? _________________________________________
4. Rocks freeze under me. Then I drop them in new places when I
begin to melt. What am I? ________________________________________
5. I am the movement of weathered rock.
What am I? _________________________________________
6. I cause rocks to break down with the help of running water, rain,
and ice.
What am I? _________________________________________
7. I am the result of rocks being broken down into smaller pieces.
What am I? _________________________________________
Name ___________________________________ Date __________________________________________
Quiz on ________________________________________________________________________________
Test on ________________________________________________________________________________
Use your packets with the attached definitions for each lesson.
Lesson 1 vocabulary
Lesson 2 vocabulary
Lesson 3 vocabulary
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