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Name: _____________________________ Pretest Score: _____/43
Post test score : _____/43
Ch 11 & 14.1 Pretest: Genetics
Match the definition on the left with the vocab word on the right.
1. _____ has two different alleles; another
word for heterozygous
2. _____ something that has more than one gene
controlling it
3. _____ different form of a gene
4. _____ genetic cross where two traits are
examined at once
5. _____ one allele does not completely suppress
the other, the phenotypes mix
6. _____ chromosomes line up randomly during
meiosis, thus genes are randomly
7. _____ one who has the gene for a trait, but
does not show it
8. _____ trait on the X or Y chromosome
9. _____ an allele that suppresses the expression
of another allele
10. _____ “children” from a genetic cross
11. _____ the alleles that are present in an
individual; uses letters
12. _____ having two of the same alleles; another
word for pure bred
13. _____ two alleles are both expressed together
A. allele
B. carrier
C. codominance
D. cross-pollinate
E. dihybrid cross
F. dominant
G. F1 generation
H. gene
I. genotype
J. heterozygous
K. homozygous
L. hybrid
M. incomplete dominance
N. law of independent
O. monohybrid cross
P. P generation
Q. pedigree
R. phenotype
S. polygenic trait
T. pure-bred
U. recessive
V. sex linked trait
14. _____ an allele does not get expressed because of another allele
15. _____ piece of a chromosome that is a code for one trait
16. _____ the organisms you start a genetic cross with
17. _____ a diagram that tracks genetic characteristics
18. _____ an organism that has two copies of the same allele; another word for
19. _____ taking gametes from two different parents and examining the results
20. _____ having two different alleles; another word for hybrid
21. _____ genetic cross where only one trait is examined
22. _____ a description of how an organism looks; uses words
23. – 26. In guinea pigs, short hair (S) is dominant to long hair (s). Cross a
heterozygous short haired guinea pig with a homozygous long haired guinea
pig. Show the parents genotypes as well as the genotypic and phenotypic ratios
for the offspring.
23. Parents genotypes: short haired: _______
24. Punnett Square:
long haired: _______
25. Genotypic ratio:
26. Phenotypic ratio:
27. If this were a case of codominance, what would the results be?
28. If this were a case of incomplete dominance, what would the results be?
29. How are crosses with sex linked traits written differently?
30. What two pieces of information do you get phenotypically from a cross involving a
sex linked trait?
31. – 34. Left handedness is a sex linked trait found on the X chromosome. Right
handed (R) is dominant to left handed (r). Cross a left handed male with a
female carrying the trait for left handedness. Show the parents genotypes as
well as the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for the offspring.
31. Parents genotypes: Father: _______
Mother: _______
32. Punnett Square:
33. Genotypic ratio:
34. Phenotypic ratio:
35. – 38. In pea plants, Tall (T) is dominant to short (t) plants and purple flowers (P)
are dominant to white (p). Cross a pure bred tall plant with white flowers to a tall
plant with purple flowers that is a hybrid for both traits. Show the parents genotypes
as well as the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for the offspring.
35. Parents genotypes: Tall, white flowers: _______
36. Punnett Square:
Tall, purple flowers: _______
37. Genotypic ratio:
38. Phenotypic ratio:
39. – 43. To the right is a diagram called a
pedigree. Squares represent males and circles
represent females. Ones that are colored in
represent individuals with the trait in question.
39. – 40. Is this trait autosomal or sex linked?
How can you tell?
41. – 42. Is this trait dominant or recessive? How can you tell?
43. What are the genotypes for person I-1, and III-2? Use B for the dominant allele,
and b for the recessive.
Answer Key__
Name: __
Period: _____ Date: __________________________
Ch 11 & 14.1 Pretest: Genetics
Match the definition on the left with the vocab word on the right.
L__ has two different alleles; another
1. __
word for heterozygous
A. allele
B. carrier
controlling it
C. codominance
D. cross-pollinate
S__ something that has more than one gene
2. __
A__ different form of a gene
3. __
E__ genetic cross where two traits are
4. __
E. dihybrid cross
F. dominant
examined at once
G. F1 generation
H. gene
the other, the phenotypes mix
I. genotype
J. heterozygous
meiosis, thus genes are randomly
K. homozygous
L. hybrid
M. incomplete dominance
does not show it
N. law of independent
M__ one allele does not completely suppress
5. __
N__ chromosomes line up randomly during
6. __
B__ one who has the gene for a trait, but
7. __
V__ trait on the X or Y chromosome
8. __
F__ an allele that suppresses the expression
9. __
of another allele
G__ “children” from a genetic cross
10. __
11. __ __ the alleles that are present in an
individual; uses letters
O. monohybrid cross
P. P generation
Q. pedigree
R. phenotype
S. polygenic trait
T. pure-bred
U. recessive
V. sex linked trait
K__ having two of the same alleles; another
12. __
word for pure bred
C__ two alleles are both expressed together
13. __
U__ an allele does not get expressed because of another allele
14. __
H__ piece of a chromosome that is a code for one trait
15. __
P__ the organisms you start a genetic cross with
16. __
Q__ a diagram that tracks genetic characteristics
17. __
T__ an organism that has two copies of the same allele; another word for
18. __
D__ taking gametes from two different parents and examining the results
19. __
J__ having two different alleles; another word for hybrid
20. __
O__ genetic cross where only one trait is examined
21. __
R__ a description of how an organism looks; uses words
22. __
23. – 26. In guinea pigs, short hair (S) is dominant to long hair (s). Cross a
heterozygous short haired guinea pig with a homozygous long haired guinea
pig. Show the parents genotypes as well as the genotypic and phenotypic ratios
for the offspring.
23. Parents genotypes: short haired: _
24. Punnett Square:
25. Genotypic ratio:
50% Ss
50% ss
long haired: __
26. Phenotypic ratio:
50% short haired
50% long haired
27. If this were a case of codominance, what would the results be?
Same genotypes, but the Ss would have long
and short hair… some parts long, some parts
28. If this were a case of incomplete dominance, what would the results be?
Same genotypes, but the Ss would have
medium length hair… in between long and
29. How are crosses with sex linked traits written differently?
Using X and Y with the letters for the allele,
e.g. XS Xs or Xs Y
30. What two pieces of information do you get phenotypically from a cross involving a
sex linked trait?
Gender of offspring (male or female) and
31. – 34. Left handedness is a sex linked trait found on the X chromosome. Right
handed (R) is dominant to left handed (r). Cross a left handed male with a
female carrying the trait for left handedness. Show the parents genotypes as
well as the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for the offspring.
31. Parents genotypes: Father: _
Mother: _
32. Punnett Square:
33. Genotypic ratio:
25 % X Xr
25 % Xr Xr
25 % XR Y
25% Xr Y
34. Phenotypic ratio:
Xr Xr Xr Xr Y
25 % female, right handed
25 % female, left handed
25 % male, right handed
25% male, left handed
35. – 38. In pea plants, Tall (T) is dominant to short (t) plants and purple flowers (P)
are dominant to white (p). Cross a pure bred tall plant with white flowers to a tall
plant with purple flowers that is a hybrid for both traits. Show the parents genotypes
as well as the genotypic and phenotypic ratios for the offspring.
Tall, purple flowers: _TtPp_
35. Parents genotypes: Tall, white flowers: _
36. Punnett Square:
37. Genotypic ratio:
Tp TTpp TTpp TTpp TTpp
tP TtPp TtPp TtPp TtPp
tp Ttpp Ttpp Ttpp Ttpp
38. Phenotypic ratio:
50% Tall, purple flowers
50% Tall, white flowers
To the right is a diagram called a pedigree.
Squares represent males and circles represent
females. Ones that are colored in represent
individuals with the trait in question.
39. – 40. Is this trait autosomal or sex linked?
How can you tell?
Autosomal. Roughly
equal numbers of males
and females have it. (proportion very uneven
between males and females, usually more in
41. – 42. Is this trait dominant or recessive? How can you tell?
Dominant. For every child that has it, at
least one parent does, too. (recessives skip
43. What are the genotypes for person I-1, and III-2? Use B for the dominant allele,
and b for the recessive.
I-1 is Bb (heterozygous) … you can tell
because if he was BB, all his kids would have
the trait. If he was bb, he would not have the
III-2 is bb (homozygous) … you can tell
because if he was BB or Bb, he would have the