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Induction heating is a heating of metal caused by electromagnetic
induction, which is the process of generating electric current when
moving or changing magnetic field penetrates through a conductor.
Specifically, the magnetic field induces the electric field and forces the
electrons to behave as an electric current (eddy current → see fig).
Eddy current—usually controlled so it is circular—produces Joule heat,
which then can be used for many purposes. For household usage it often
appears in the form of IH cooking heaters, and for industrial purposes it
is used for welding, quenching and so on. Because induction heating is
safe and energy efficient, it is playing a significant role in many fields.
Individual Psychology is a theory of human behaviour analyzing men
as individual functioning entities, with considerations to their reactions
to their own surrounding environments or their own physical
endowments, rather than analyzing men as the summation of instinctive
drives. The founder of Individual Psychology was Alfred Adler who was
an Austrian psychologist. When he was small, he could only be able
to walk after he was four and he was nearly dying of pneumonia when he
was five. Therefore with his own determination to survive, he had been
trying to do more sports in order to have a stronger body so that he could
fight against dying diseases. More impressively, when his teacher told
his father that Alfred Adler could never graduate with poor mathematics
results, Alfred Alder started to study harder and harder and finally he
became the first in class in the mathematics and never experienced
any difficulties in his studies again. With his own experiences, Alfred
Adler claimed that human beings can make choices about what they
should do or what they want to do in order to achieve their own goals
because they are capable of reasoning. Furthermore, he believed that
every man has their own “creative ability”. Men are capable of
turning negative to positive with their own efforts and determinations. In
other words, individual human beings are always the best determinants
of their own needs, interests, desires or growth.
Genetic engineering is a field of science, which changes genes by
adding or displacing a piece of DNA. And it is applied into the
technology which changes the genes and makes them stronger. Genes are
the essential and fundamental things which make human body, so by
manipulating genes directly needed variants are gotten easier. It is used
in the wide ranges of purpose, and above all, genetic engineering on
plants is operated widely. To make stable supply of food the genes are
changed into stronger against damage from insects, more prolific, capable
of rising anywhere liked desolate ground... On the other hand it has
controversial problems that the long term effect of genetically modified
food on human body and ecosystem is unknown because it changes the
fundamental information of living things and the long term experiments
cannot be conducted.
A synapse is a site between two neurons or a neuron and a non-neural
cell that is used to process information. In synapses, there are junctions
called synapse clefts, which are about 20nm wide. Because of this gap,
the information delivered by way of electric potential cannot be directly
transferred. Electric nerve impulses stimulate neurons to emit substances
called neurotransmitters from the axons to the synapse clefts. The
substances travel through the clefts until they reach the ends of the other
cells, which are called receptors. Then they receive these substances and
then translate them back into electrical impulses. This process is repeated
until the signals reach a part of the body, enabling it to perform certain
movements. Synapses also allow humans to think and perceive by
transmitting information from one part of the brain to another.
Therefore synapses are a crucial part of human perception as well as
Kampo is the medical science that treats patients with acupuncture,
burns moxa on skins for treatment, or cures many diseases with herbal
medicines. Kampo is also medicine peculiar to Japan. Since Japan
accepted Chinese medicine between 7th and 9th centuries, many Japanese
doctors and pharmacists have studied it and adapted kampo from it. As a
result, in the Edo era kampo was systematized, and saved many patients’
lives. However, after Western medicine was intensively introduced to
Japan in the Meiji period, kampo began to be replaced by the newcomer.
Now kampo doesn’t have the past influence, but covers the fields that are
beyond the ability of modern Western medicine and is used with it.
Black hole is an area in outer space into which everything near it,
including light, is pulled. It is generated when massive star explodes and
is compressed by its own gravity to an extremely compact entity.
By Einstein’s theory of general relativity, the density is so high that the
space surrounding the celestial body is strongly bent. As a result, it can
be inferred that even light will be completely absorbed into the hole.
Scientists have been studying this feature of black hole for nearly a
hundred years. They once believed that anything dropping into a black
hole will never come back. However, what happens to these objects still
remains a mystery Some astronomers argue that by the theory of general
relativity, a counterpart, White Hole, also exist. It is considered
connected with a black hole, and things pulled into it will finally appear
at another place from a white hole.