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Fulmer, BIO 2009
Ch. 15
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Theory of Evolution
The Idea of Evolution
After visiting the Galapagos Islands, Charles Darwin noted that:
Darwin noticed ______________ and ______________ among many
organisms as he traveled around the world. He became convinced that
_______________ changed over time, and he wanted to understand why.
The development of new types of organisms from preexisting types of
organisms over time is called __________________. Modern scientists
define ____________ as a heritable change in the characteristics within a
population from one generation to the next.
Ideas of Darwin’s Time
In 18th century Europe, most scientists thought the all ___________ were
permanent and unchanging; that Earth was only __________ years old
instead of ____________ of years old.
Ideas about Geology
_____________ is the study of the origin, history, and structure of the Earth.
Rock layers are known as ____________; with the older rock being found at
the __________ of the layering and the youngest rock being found near the
___________ of the rock layers. French anatomist ___________ ________
reconstructed the unique organisms from _____________ bones. _________
gave convincing evidence that some organisms in the past differed greatly
from any living species and that some organisms had become ___________.
Cuvier found many “sudden” changes in the kinds of _____________ found
in one stratum compared to the next. To explain, Cuvier promoted the idea
of _______________ - the idea that sudden geologic catastrophes caused the
_______________ of large groups of organisms at certain points in the past.
Cuvier contributed to scientific acceptance that _____________ change and
______________ had occurred.
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An English geologist, Charles Lyell . . . thought that the ___________
processes that have changed the shape of the Earth’s surface in the past
continue to work the same ways . . . Lyell’s idea is ___________________.
Lamarck’s Ideas on Evolution
The French biologist, Jean Baptiste Lamarck support the idea that
___________ of ____________change over time. Lamarck thought that
simple organisms could arise from _____________ matter and that simple
forms of life inevitably develop into more ______________ forms. Meaning
. . . individuals could acquire ___________ during their lifetimes as a result
of experience or behavior and pass those ___________ to _____________.
Lamarck’s idea is called the _________________ of _____________
________________________ .
In 1858, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace formed a new theory to
explain how _____________ may take place. The following year, Darwin
publish a book entitled On the Origin of Species by _____________ of
________________ _______________. Two goals of the book were to
present that: _______________ occurs and to explain the variety and
distribution of organisms on Earth in terms of _____________
_____________ that are observable every day.
Descent with Modification ---- The Finches
Darwin used the phrase ______________ with ______________ to describe
the ________________ of evolution. He proposed that every species-living
or dead- must descended by ___________________ from preexisting
species and the species must be able to ________________ over _________.
Figure 15-3.
The _________, _____________, and ______________ are clearly
related species that have similar ___________ __________ and occupy
similar ____________, yet they occur on different ________________.
What causes such distributions in nature?
Natural Selection
The four forces that could cause changes in organisms over time:
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Darwin explained that _____________ ______________ could account for
descent with modification as a species become better adapted to different
environments. That is, that the theory of _______________ _____________
proposes that nature changes species by _______________ _____________
that may increase in a ______________________ by selecting the
____________ for each new generation. Darwin sometimes used the phrase
“_______________ of the ________________” to describe natural
selection. ___________________ is a measure of an individual’s hereditary
contribution to the next generation. A fit individual is one that has offspring
that also __________ long enough to ________________ in a given
environment. If a certain trait _________an individual’s fitness, the
proportion of individuals with that trait is likely to ____________ over time.
In evolutionary theory, the ______________ is also used to describe changes
in traits of _______________ over time. Short term adaptation by an
individual is a response to a _______________ condition.
_______________ is a short term process in which ______________
changes take place in a single being in its own lifetime.
The Fossil Record
_____________________ is the remains or traces of an organism that died
long ago. Fossils show that different types of _____________ appeared at
different _________and _________ on Earth.
The Age of Fossils
In 1669, Danish scientist Nicolaus Steno proposed the principle of
______________________, which states that if the rock strata at a location
have not been disturbed, the __________stratum was formed before the
strata above it. Geologist compared strata in different places and by
comparing the ___________ found in different strata began to put together a
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timeline for the order in which different groups of _____________ and
___________ were formed. This timeline is known as the
________________ ______________ ___________. Today, geologist
often can tell a fossils’ ____________ age –its age compared to that of other
fossils. For certain rocks, scientists can estimate the time since formation or
the _____________ age fo the rock, by techniques such as
_______________ _____________. The fossil record is an
________________ _______________ of life because not all organisms
have left fossil evidence.
The Distribution of Fossils
Four inferences can be made from the fossil record:
Transitional Species
Species have differed in a gradual sequence of forms over time.
___________ ________________ have features that are intermediate
between those of hypothesized ancestors and later descendant species.
Figure 15-7 Summarize the example given (e.g.)
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_____________________ is the study of the locations of organisms around
the world. Darwin and Wallace observed:
Both being an explanation for patterns of distribution: Summarize the
example given in second paragraph of this section.
Descent with modification also predicts the findings of :
1. _______________________- the study of the body structure of
2. _______________________- the study of how organism develop
One explanation for the commonalities among the forelimb bones of the four
animals is :
Biologists define:
_________________ _________________ as anatomical structures that
occur in different species and that originated by heredity from a structure in
the most recent common ancestor of the species.
____________________ _______________ have closely related functions
but do not derive from the same ancestral structure.
_________________ _______________ seem to serve no function but that
resemble structures with functional roles in related organisms.
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The development of _____________ ______________ is evidence of
descent with modification. Summarize Figure 15-9>
Darwin made a prediction by studying anatomy, but modern studies of
biological molecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins bare out . . . .
The ______________ the number of similarities between any given species,
the _____________ closely the species are ________________ through a
__________________ __________________.
The blending of the theory of natural selection with new understandings of
genetics is called the _______________ _______________ of evolutionary
_____________________ is the relationships by ancestry among group of
organisms. A phylogeny uses biological molecules to build relationships
using a tree analogy. Trunk Branch To construct these models,
scientists compare ______________ or _______________ traits of many
Evolution is a continuous process that is going on today and can be
_____________, _______________, and _______________.
Case Study: Caribbean Anole Lizards
The process by which different species evolve similar traits is
________________ ________________.
Divergence and Radiation
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__________________ __________________ is a process in which the
descendents of a single ancestor diversify into species that each fit different
parts of the environment.
______________ ____________________ when a new population in a new
environment will undergo divergent evolution until the population fills many
parts of the environment.
_______________ _______________ process occurs when a human breeder
chooses individuals that will parent the next generation. In the 2000s,
geneticists analyzed DNA from 654 dog breeds, including ancient dog
remains. Their findings indicate that all breeds of dogs share ____________
similarities with ____________ in East Africa. These findings support the
hypothesis that humans first selected domestic dogs from a _____________
population about _____________ years ago.
___________________ when two or more species have developed
adaptations to each other’s influence.
Five examples of co-evolution are:
______________________ is the evolved adaptations to resist the effects of
something. Example given:
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