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Student Name: ________________________
Unit #3 – Micro-organisms
Date: ________________
Science Wise: Succeeding in Today’s World
5.4 Fungi
Chapter Notes (pg.164-170)
What do you think of when you hear the word “fungus”? Chances
are, you do not think of ___________, ____________, ________ or
___________. However, all these things are made with the help of
___________. Other fungi can make us ________, such as the fungi that
causes _____________ _________.
Many fungi _____________ dead ____________ and dead
___________, and ___________. These actions are important in keeping
the environment _____________. Some fungi decompose things that people
________, such as ___________, ___________, _________ and
___________. This can cause ____________ conditions, or force people to
make _______________ repairs.
Anatomy and Physiology of Fungi
All ____________ are made up of cells with a ___________ and a
_________ _________. Fungi cannot ____________ their own food. In
other words, fungi do not __________________. Instead, they obtain their
food from other ______________, or by decomposing matter in the
________________. Some fungi are also ______________. Some
examples of fungi are shown in Figure 5.27. Complete the table below using
the information from Figure 5.27:
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Student Name: ________________________
Unit #3 – Micro-organisms
Date: ________________
Science Wise: Succeeding in Today’s World
5.4 Fungi
You might have heard the words “ ___________” and “ __________”
before. Did you know these micro-organisms are classified as fungi?
Although fungi can come in many shapes and sizes there are 2
common shapes: ____________ to __________ single cells and long
___________-________, or _____________, cells. Scientists have divided
fungi into 2 _____________, based in part on their ___________.
____________ are fungi that are usually filamentous and ____________ are
fungi that are usually round or oval single cells. Most fungi change their
shape from one form to the other as they go through their ________
Reproduction and Life Cycle of Fungi
The life cycle of all fungi usually includes both ___________ and
____________ reproduction. Asexual reproduction in fungi does not occur
by ____________ ____________, but by the processes of
________________, ___________ _______________ and ____________.
Yeasts usually reproduce asexually through a process called
_____________. Budding is the _____________ of a cell to form 2 new
cells, in which the new cells are always much ______________. Copy
figure 5.28 and comments in the space below:
When ______________ starts, a ___________ called a bud forms on the
yeast cell. When the bud grows large enough, it will ___________ off to
form a ________ yeast cell. This process occurs so quickly that new
_________ will often form on older buds even before they have
____________ away.
Yeast can also _______________ _____________: two yeast cells
__________ and form 1 single cell. This new cell can then immediately
begin to bud and form new individuals, or it might first ___________ into
equal halves, and then begin to bud.
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Student Name: ________________________
Unit #3 – Micro-organisms
Date: ________________
Science Wise: Succeeding in Today’s World
5.4 Fungi
Moulds can reproduce in 3 ways. They can reproduce by
__________________, which is the formation of small pieces, by
__________ ________________, or by sexual reproduction. ___________
are special structures, similar to __________, which allow the __________
to spread to a new area. _________________ and spore formation are both
forms of _____________ reproduction.
Complete Figure 5.29 below:
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Student Name: ________________________
Unit #3 – Micro-organisms
Date: ________________
Science Wise: Succeeding in Today’s World
5.4 Fungi
Review and Apply
1. List the characteristics of fungi that allow us to distinguish them from
protists and from monera.
2. Draw one diagram of filamentous fungi and a second diagram of round
single-celled fungi. Label the structures in your diagrams.
3. Complete the table below that shows the similarities and differences
between yeasts and moulds.
4. Many people think that fungi are always harmful. List 2 ways that fungi
can be harmful, and 2 ways that are beneficial to humans.
 Harmful
 Beneficial _____________________________________________
5. Imagine you are working in a bakery. Explain why it would be important
to wear gloves when placing bread into bags, referring to fungi in your
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